Welcome to Godoogle

  1. github.com/samber/lo.TernaryF :: func[T any](condition bool, ifFunc func() T, elseFunc func() T) T
  2. math/bits.LeadingZeros :: func(x uint) int
  3. math/bits.LeadingZeros8 :: func(x uint8) int
  4. math/bits.LeadingZeros16 :: func(x uint16) int
  5. math/bits.LeadingZeros32 :: func(x uint32) int
  6. math/bits.LeadingZeros64 :: func(x uint64) int
  7. math/bits.TrailingZeros :: func(x uint) int
  8. math/bits.TrailingZeros8 :: func(x uint8) int
  9. math/bits.TrailingZeros16 :: func(x uint16) int
  10. math/bits.TrailingZeros32 :: func(x uint32) int
  11. math/bits.TrailingZeros64 :: func(x uint64) int
  12. math/bits.OnesCount :: func(x uint) int
  13. math/bits.OnesCount8 :: func(x uint8) int
  14. math/bits.OnesCount16 :: func(x uint16) int
  15. math/bits.OnesCount32 :: func(x uint32) int
  16. math/bits.OnesCount64 :: func(x uint64) int
  17. math/bits.RotateLeft :: func(x uint, k int) uint
  18. math/bits.RotateLeft8 :: func(x uint8, k int) uint8
  19. math/bits.RotateLeft16 :: func(x uint16, k int) uint16
  20. math/bits.RotateLeft32 :: func(x uint32, k int) uint32
  21. math/bits.RotateLeft64 :: func(x uint64, k int) uint64
  22. math/bits.Reverse :: func(x uint) uint
  23. math/bits.Reverse8 :: func(x uint8) uint8
  24. math/bits.Reverse16 :: func(x uint16) uint16
  25. math/bits.Reverse32 :: func(x uint32) uint32
  26. math/bits.Reverse64 :: func(x uint64) uint64
  27. math/bits.ReverseBytes :: func(x uint) uint
  28. math/bits.ReverseBytes16 :: func(x uint16) uint16
  29. math/bits.ReverseBytes32 :: func(x uint32) uint32
  30. math/bits.ReverseBytes64 :: func(x uint64) uint64
  31. math/bits.Len :: func(x uint) int
  32. math/bits.Len8 :: func(x uint8) int
  33. math/bits.Len16 :: func(x uint16) (n int)
  34. math/bits.Len32 :: func(x uint32) (n int)
  35. math/bits.Len64 :: func(x uint64) (n int)
  36. math/bits.Add :: func(x uint, y uint, carry uint) (sum uint, carryOut uint)
  37. math/bits.Add32 :: func(x uint32, y uint32, carry uint32) (sum uint32, carryOut uint32)
  38. math/bits.Add64 :: func(x uint64, y uint64, carry uint64) (sum uint64, carryOut uint64)
  39. math/bits.Sub :: func(x uint, y uint, borrow uint) (diff uint, borrowOut uint)
  40. math/bits.Sub32 :: func(x uint32, y uint32, borrow uint32) (diff uint32, borrowOut uint32)
  41. math/bits.Sub64 :: func(x uint64, y uint64, borrow uint64) (diff uint64, borrowOut uint64)
  42. math/bits.Mul :: func(x uint, y uint) (hi uint, lo uint)
  43. math/bits.Mul32 :: func(x uint32, y uint32) (hi uint32, lo uint32)
  44. math/bits.Mul64 :: func(x uint64, y uint64) (hi uint64, lo uint64)
  45. math/bits.Div :: func(hi uint, lo uint, y uint) (quo uint, rem uint)
  46. math/bits.Div32 :: func(hi uint32, lo uint32, y uint32) (quo uint32, rem uint32)
  47. math/bits.Div64 :: func(hi uint64, lo uint64, y uint64) (quo uint64, rem uint64)
  48. math/bits.Rem :: func(hi uint, lo uint, y uint) uint
  49. math/bits.Rem32 :: func(hi uint32, lo uint32, y uint32) uint32
  50. math/bits.Rem64 :: func(hi uint64, lo uint64, y uint64) uint64
  51. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Equal :: func[S ~[]E, E comparable](s1 S, s2 S) bool
  52. golang.org/x/exp/slices.EqualFunc :: func[S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E1, E2 any](s1 S1, s2 S2, eq func(E1, E2) bool) bool
  53. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Compare :: func[S ~[]E, E golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](s1 S, s2 S) int
  54. golang.org/x/exp/slices.CompareFunc :: func[S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E1, E2 any](s1 S1, s2 S2, cmp func(E1, E2) int) int
  55. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Index :: func[S ~[]E, E comparable](s S, v E) int
  56. golang.org/x/exp/slices.IndexFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f func(E) bool) int
  57. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Contains :: func[S ~[]E, E comparable](s S, v E) bool
  58. golang.org/x/exp/slices.ContainsFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f func(E) bool) bool
  59. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Insert :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, i int, v ...E) S
  60. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Delete :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, i int, j int) S
  61. golang.org/x/exp/slices.DeleteFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, del func(E) bool) S
  62. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Replace :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, i int, j int, v ...E) S
  63. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Clone :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S
  64. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Compact :: func[S ~[]E, E comparable](s S) S
  65. golang.org/x/exp/slices.CompactFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, eq func(E, E) bool) S
  66. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Grow :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, n int) S
  67. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Clip :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S
  68. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Reverse :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S)
  69. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Sort :: func[S ~[]E, E golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](x S)
  70. golang.org/x/exp/slices.SortFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int)
  71. golang.org/x/exp/slices.SortStableFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int)
  72. golang.org/x/exp/slices.IsSorted :: func[S ~[]E, E golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](x S) bool
  73. golang.org/x/exp/slices.IsSortedFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int) bool
  74. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Min :: func[S ~[]E, E golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](x S) E
  75. golang.org/x/exp/slices.MinFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int) E
  76. golang.org/x/exp/slices.Max :: func[S ~[]E, E golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](x S) E
  77. golang.org/x/exp/slices.MaxFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int) E
  78. golang.org/x/exp/slices.BinarySearch :: func[S ~[]E, E golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](x S, target E) (int, bool)
  79. golang.org/x/exp/slices.BinarySearchFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E, T any](x S, target T, cmp func(E, T) int) (int, bool)
  80. internal/abi.CommonSize :: func(ptrSize int) int
  81. internal/abi.StructFieldSize :: func(ptrSize int) int
  82. internal/abi.UncommonSize :: func() uint64
  83. internal/abi.TFlagOff :: func(ptrSize int) int
  84. internal/abi.FuncPCABI0 :: func(f interface{}) uintptr
  85. internal/abi.FuncPCABIInternal :: func(f interface{}) uintptr
  86. internal/abi.UseInterfaceSwitchCache :: func(goarch string) bool
  87. internal/abi.NewName :: func(n string, tag string, exported bool, embedded bool) internal/abi.Name
  88. internal/cpu.Initialize :: func(env string)
  89. internal/cpu.Name :: func() string
  90. internal/bytealg.HashStr :: func[T string | []byte](sep T) (uint32, uint32)
  91. internal/bytealg.HashStrRev :: func[T string | []byte](sep T) (uint32, uint32)
  92. internal/bytealg.IndexRabinKarp :: func[T string | []byte](s T, sep T) int
  93. internal/bytealg.LastIndexRabinKarp :: func[T string | []byte](s T, sep T) int
  94. internal/bytealg.MakeNoZero :: func(n int) []byte
  95. internal/bytealg.Compare :: func(a []byte, b []byte) int
  96. internal/bytealg.Count :: func(b []byte, c byte) int
  97. internal/bytealg.CountString :: func(s string, c byte) int
  98. internal/bytealg.Equal :: func(a []byte, b []byte) bool
  99. internal/bytealg.Cutover :: func(n int) int
  100. internal/bytealg.Index :: func(a []byte, b []byte) int
  101. internal/bytealg.IndexString :: func(a string, b string) int
  102. internal/bytealg.IndexByte :: func(b []byte, c byte) int
  103. internal/bytealg.IndexByteString :: func(s string, c byte) int
  104. internal/bytealg.LastIndexByte :: func(s []byte, c byte) int
  105. internal/bytealg.LastIndexByteString :: func(s string, c byte) int
  106. internal/chacha8rand.Marshal :: func(s *internal/chacha8rand.State) []byte
  107. internal/chacha8rand.Unmarshal :: func(s *internal/chacha8rand.State, data []byte) error
  108. internal/godebugs.Lookup :: func(name string) *internal/godebugs.Info
  109. runtime/internal/atomic.Load :: func(ptr *uint32) uint32
  110. runtime/internal/atomic.Loadp :: func(ptr unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer
  111. runtime/internal/atomic.Load64 :: func(ptr *uint64) uint64
  112. runtime/internal/atomic.LoadAcq :: func(ptr *uint32) uint32
  113. runtime/internal/atomic.LoadAcq64 :: func(ptr *uint64) uint64
  114. runtime/internal/atomic.LoadAcquintptr :: func(ptr *uintptr) uintptr
  115. runtime/internal/atomic.Xadd :: func(ptr *uint32, delta int32) uint32
  116. runtime/internal/atomic.Xadd64 :: func(ptr *uint64, delta int64) uint64
  117. runtime/internal/atomic.Xadduintptr :: func(ptr *uintptr, delta uintptr) uintptr
  118. runtime/internal/atomic.Xchg :: func(ptr *uint32, new uint32) uint32
  119. runtime/internal/atomic.Xchg64 :: func(ptr *uint64, new uint64) uint64
  120. runtime/internal/atomic.Xchguintptr :: func(ptr *uintptr, new uintptr) uintptr
  121. runtime/internal/atomic.Load8 :: func(ptr *uint8) uint8
  122. runtime/internal/atomic.And8 :: func(ptr *uint8, val uint8)
  123. runtime/internal/atomic.Or8 :: func(ptr *uint8, val uint8)
  124. runtime/internal/atomic.And :: func(ptr *uint32, val uint32)
  125. runtime/internal/atomic.Or :: func(ptr *uint32, val uint32)
  126. runtime/internal/atomic.And32 :: func(ptr *uint32, val uint32) uint32
  127. runtime/internal/atomic.Or32 :: func(ptr *uint32, val uint32) uint32
  128. runtime/internal/atomic.And64 :: func(ptr *uint64, val uint64) uint64
  129. runtime/internal/atomic.Or64 :: func(ptr *uint64, val uint64) uint64
  130. runtime/internal/atomic.Anduintptr :: func(ptr *uintptr, val uintptr) uintptr
  131. runtime/internal/atomic.Oruintptr :: func(ptr *uintptr, val uintptr) uintptr
  132. runtime/internal/atomic.Cas64 :: func(ptr *uint64, old uint64, new uint64) bool
  133. runtime/internal/atomic.CasRel :: func(ptr *uint32, old uint32, new uint32) bool
  134. runtime/internal/atomic.Store :: func(ptr *uint32, val uint32)
  135. runtime/internal/atomic.Store8 :: func(ptr *uint8, val uint8)
  136. runtime/internal/atomic.Store64 :: func(ptr *uint64, val uint64)
  137. runtime/internal/atomic.StoreRel :: func(ptr *uint32, val uint32)
  138. runtime/internal/atomic.StoreRel64 :: func(ptr *uint64, val uint64)
  139. runtime/internal/atomic.StoreReluintptr :: func(ptr *uintptr, val uintptr)
  140. runtime/internal/atomic.StorepNoWB :: func(ptr unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer)
  141. runtime/internal/atomic.Cas :: func(ptr *uint32, old uint32, new uint32) bool
  142. runtime/internal/atomic.Casp1 :: func(ptr *unsafe.Pointer, old unsafe.Pointer, new unsafe.Pointer) bool
  143. runtime/internal/atomic.Casint32 :: func(ptr *int32, old int32, new int32) bool
  144. runtime/internal/atomic.Casint64 :: func(ptr *int64, old int64, new int64) bool
  145. runtime/internal/atomic.Casuintptr :: func(ptr *uintptr, old uintptr, new uintptr) bool
  146. runtime/internal/atomic.Storeint32 :: func(ptr *int32, new int32)
  147. runtime/internal/atomic.Storeint64 :: func(ptr *int64, new int64)
  148. runtime/internal/atomic.Storeuintptr :: func(ptr *uintptr, new uintptr)
  149. runtime/internal/atomic.Loaduintptr :: func(ptr *uintptr) uintptr
  150. runtime/internal/atomic.Loaduint :: func(ptr *uint) uint
  151. runtime/internal/atomic.Loadint32 :: func(ptr *int32) int32
  152. runtime/internal/atomic.Loadint64 :: func(ptr *int64) int64
  153. runtime/internal/atomic.Xaddint32 :: func(ptr *int32, delta int32) int32
  154. runtime/internal/atomic.Xaddint64 :: func(ptr *int64, delta int64) int64
  155. runtime/internal/atomic.Xchgint32 :: func(ptr *int32, new int32) int32
  156. runtime/internal/atomic.Xchgint64 :: func(ptr *int64, new int64) int64
  157. runtime/internal/math.MulUintptr :: func(a uintptr, b uintptr) (uintptr, bool)
  158. runtime/internal/math.Mul64 :: func(x uint64, y uint64) (hi uint64, lo uint64)
  159. runtime/internal/math.Add64 :: func(x uint64, y uint64, carry uint64) (sum uint64, carryOut uint64)
  160. runtime/internal/sys.TrailingZeros32 :: func(x uint32) int
  161. runtime/internal/sys.TrailingZeros64 :: func(x uint64) int
  162. runtime/internal/sys.TrailingZeros8 :: func(x uint8) int
  163. runtime/internal/sys.Len64 :: func(x uint64) (n int)
  164. runtime/internal/sys.OnesCount64 :: func(x uint64) int
  165. runtime/internal/sys.LeadingZeros64 :: func(x uint64) int
  166. runtime/internal/sys.LeadingZeros8 :: func(x uint8) int
  167. runtime/internal/sys.Len8 :: func(x uint8) int
  168. runtime/internal/sys.Bswap64 :: func(x uint64) uint64
  169. runtime/internal/sys.Bswap32 :: func(x uint32) uint32
  170. runtime/internal/sys.Prefetch :: func(addr uintptr)
  171. runtime/internal/sys.PrefetchStreamed :: func(addr uintptr)
  172. runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6 :: func(num uintptr, a1 uintptr, a2 uintptr, a3 uintptr, a4 uintptr, a5 uintptr, a6 uintptr) (r1 uintptr, r2 uintptr, errno uintptr)
  173. runtime/internal/syscall.EpollCreate1 :: func(flags int32) (fd int32, errno uintptr)
  174. runtime/internal/syscall.EpollWait :: func(epfd int32, events []runtime/internal/syscall.EpollEvent, maxev int32, waitms int32) (n int32, errno uintptr)
  175. runtime/internal/syscall.EpollCtl :: func(epfd int32, op int32, fd int32, event *runtime/internal/syscall.EpollEvent) (errno uintptr)
  176. runtime.SetCPUProfileRate :: func(hz int)
  177. runtime.CPUProfile :: func() []byte
  178. runtime.GOMAXPROCS :: func(n int) int
  179. runtime.NumCPU :: func() int
  180. runtime.NumCgoCall :: func() int64
  181. runtime.NumGoroutine :: func() int
  182. runtime.Caller :: func(skip int) (pc uintptr, file string, line int, ok bool)
  183. runtime.Callers :: func(skip int, pc []uintptr) int
  184. runtime.GOROOT :: func() string
  185. runtime.Version :: func() string
  186. runtime.SetFinalizer :: func(obj any, finalizer any)
  187. runtime.KeepAlive :: func(x any)
  188. runtime.GC :: func()
  189. runtime.SetBlockProfileRate :: func(rate int)
  190. runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction :: func(rate int) int
  191. runtime.MemProfile :: func(p []runtime.MemProfileRecord, inuseZero bool) (n int, ok bool)
  192. runtime.BlockProfile :: func(p []runtime.BlockProfileRecord) (n int, ok bool)
  193. runtime.MutexProfile :: func(p []runtime.BlockProfileRecord) (n int, ok bool)
  194. runtime.ThreadCreateProfile :: func(p []runtime.StackRecord) (n int, ok bool)
  195. runtime.GoroutineProfile :: func(p []runtime.StackRecord) (n int, ok bool)
  196. runtime.Stack :: func(buf []byte, all bool) int
  197. runtime.ReadMemStats :: func(m *runtime.MemStats)
  198. runtime.Goexit :: func()
  199. runtime.Gosched :: func()
  200. runtime.Breakpoint :: func()
  201. runtime.LockOSThread :: func()
  202. runtime.UnlockOSThread :: func()
  203. runtime.CallersFrames :: func(callers []uintptr) *runtime.Frames
  204. runtime.FuncForPC :: func(pc uintptr) *runtime.Func
  205. runtime.StartTrace :: func() error
  206. runtime.StopTrace :: func()
  207. runtime.ReadTrace :: func() []byte
  208. runtime.SetCgoTraceback :: func(version int, traceback unsafe.Pointer, context unsafe.Pointer, symbolizer unsafe.Pointer)
  209. internal/reflectlite.Swapper :: func(slice any) func(i int, j int)
  210. internal/reflectlite.TypeOf :: func(i any) internal/reflectlite.Type
  211. internal/reflectlite.ValueOf :: func(i any) internal/reflectlite.Value
  212. errors.New :: func(text string) error
  213. errors.Join :: func(errs ...error) error
  214. errors.Unwrap :: func(err error) error
  215. errors.Is :: func(err error, target error) bool
  216. errors.As :: func(err error, target any) bool
  217. internal/itoa.Itoa :: func(val int) string
  218. internal/itoa.Uitoa :: func(val uint) string
  219. internal/itoa.Uitox :: func(val uint) string
  220. math.Abs :: func(x float64) float64
  221. math.Acosh :: func(x float64) float64
  222. math.Asin :: func(x float64) float64
  223. math.Acos :: func(x float64) float64
  224. math.Asinh :: func(x float64) float64
  225. math.Atan :: func(x float64) float64
  226. math.Atan2 :: func(y float64, x float64) float64
  227. math.Atanh :: func(x float64) float64
  228. math.Inf :: func(sign int) float64
  229. math.NaN :: func() float64
  230. math.IsNaN :: func(f float64) (is bool)
  231. math.IsInf :: func(f float64, sign int) bool
  232. math.Cbrt :: func(x float64) float64
  233. math.Copysign :: func(f float64, sign float64) float64
  234. math.Dim :: func(x float64, y float64) float64
  235. math.Max :: func(x float64, y float64) float64
  236. math.Min :: func(x float64, y float64) float64
  237. math.Erf :: func(x float64) float64
  238. math.Erfc :: func(x float64) float64
  239. math.Erfinv :: func(x float64) float64
  240. math.Erfcinv :: func(x float64) float64
  241. math.Exp :: func(x float64) float64
  242. math.Exp2 :: func(x float64) float64
  243. math.Expm1 :: func(x float64) float64
  244. math.Floor :: func(x float64) float64
  245. math.Ceil :: func(x float64) float64
  246. math.Trunc :: func(x float64) float64
  247. math.Round :: func(x float64) float64
  248. math.RoundToEven :: func(x float64) float64
  249. math.FMA :: func(x float64, y float64, z float64) float64
  250. math.Frexp :: func(f float64) (frac float64, exp int)
  251. math.Gamma :: func(x float64) float64
  252. math.Hypot :: func(p float64, q float64) float64
  253. math.J0 :: func(x float64) float64
  254. math.Y0 :: func(x float64) float64
  255. math.J1 :: func(x float64) float64
  256. math.Y1 :: func(x float64) float64
  257. math.Jn :: func(n int, x float64) float64
  258. math.Yn :: func(n int, x float64) float64
  259. math.Ldexp :: func(frac float64, exp int) float64
  260. math.Lgamma :: func(x float64) (lgamma float64, sign int)
  261. math.Log :: func(x float64) float64
  262. math.Log10 :: func(x float64) float64
  263. math.Log2 :: func(x float64) float64
  264. math.Log1p :: func(x float64) float64
  265. math.Logb :: func(x float64) float64
  266. math.Ilogb :: func(x float64) int
  267. math.Mod :: func(x float64, y float64) float64
  268. math.Modf :: func(f float64) (int float64, frac float64)
  269. math.Nextafter32 :: func(x float32, y float32) (r float32)
  270. math.Nextafter :: func(x float64, y float64) (r float64)
  271. math.Pow :: func(x float64, y float64) float64
  272. math.Pow10 :: func(n int) float64
  273. math.Remainder :: func(x float64, y float64) float64
  274. math.Signbit :: func(x float64) bool
  275. math.Cos :: func(x float64) float64
  276. math.Sin :: func(x float64) float64
  277. math.Sincos :: func(x float64) (sin float64, cos float64)
  278. math.Sinh :: func(x float64) float64
  279. math.Cosh :: func(x float64) float64
  280. math.Sqrt :: func(x float64) float64
  281. math.Tan :: func(x float64) float64
  282. math.Tanh :: func(x float64) float64
  283. math.Float32bits :: func(f float32) uint32
  284. math.Float32frombits :: func(b uint32) float32
  285. math.Float64bits :: func(f float64) uint64
  286. math.Float64frombits :: func(b uint64) float64
  287. unicode/utf8.FullRune :: func(p []byte) bool
  288. unicode/utf8.FullRuneInString :: func(s string) bool
  289. unicode/utf8.DecodeRune :: func(p []byte) (r rune, size int)
  290. unicode/utf8.DecodeRuneInString :: func(s string) (r rune, size int)
  291. unicode/utf8.DecodeLastRune :: func(p []byte) (r rune, size int)
  292. unicode/utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString :: func(s string) (r rune, size int)
  293. unicode/utf8.RuneLen :: func(r rune) int
  294. unicode/utf8.EncodeRune :: func(p []byte, r rune) int
  295. unicode/utf8.AppendRune :: func(p []byte, r rune) []byte
  296. unicode/utf8.RuneCount :: func(p []byte) int
  297. unicode/utf8.RuneCountInString :: func(s string) (n int)
  298. unicode/utf8.RuneStart :: func(b byte) bool
  299. unicode/utf8.Valid :: func(p []byte) bool
  300. unicode/utf8.ValidString :: func(s string) bool
  301. unicode/utf8.ValidRune :: func(r rune) bool
  302. strconv.ParseBool :: func(str string) (bool, error)
  303. strconv.FormatBool :: func(b bool) string
  304. strconv.AppendBool :: func(dst []byte, b bool) []byte
  305. strconv.ParseComplex :: func(s string, bitSize int) (complex128, error)
  306. strconv.ParseFloat :: func(s string, bitSize int) (float64, error)
  307. strconv.ParseUint :: func(s string, base int, bitSize int) (uint64, error)
  308. strconv.ParseInt :: func(s string, base int, bitSize int) (i int64, err error)
  309. strconv.Atoi :: func(s string) (int, error)
  310. strconv.FormatComplex :: func(c complex128, fmt byte, prec int, bitSize int) string
  311. strconv.FormatFloat :: func(f float64, fmt byte, prec int, bitSize int) string
  312. strconv.AppendFloat :: func(dst []byte, f float64, fmt byte, prec int, bitSize int) []byte
  313. strconv.FormatUint :: func(i uint64, base int) string
  314. strconv.FormatInt :: func(i int64, base int) string
  315. strconv.Itoa :: func(i int) string
  316. strconv.AppendInt :: func(dst []byte, i int64, base int) []byte
  317. strconv.AppendUint :: func(dst []byte, i uint64, base int) []byte
  318. strconv.Quote :: func(s string) string
  319. strconv.AppendQuote :: func(dst []byte, s string) []byte
  320. strconv.QuoteToASCII :: func(s string) string
  321. strconv.AppendQuoteToASCII :: func(dst []byte, s string) []byte
  322. strconv.QuoteToGraphic :: func(s string) string
  323. strconv.AppendQuoteToGraphic :: func(dst []byte, s string) []byte
  324. strconv.QuoteRune :: func(r rune) string
  325. strconv.AppendQuoteRune :: func(dst []byte, r rune) []byte
  326. strconv.QuoteRuneToASCII :: func(r rune) string
  327. strconv.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII :: func(dst []byte, r rune) []byte
  328. strconv.QuoteRuneToGraphic :: func(r rune) string
  329. strconv.AppendQuoteRuneToGraphic :: func(dst []byte, r rune) []byte
  330. strconv.CanBackquote :: func(s string) bool
  331. strconv.UnquoteChar :: func(s string, quote byte) (value rune, multibyte bool, tail string, err error)
  332. strconv.QuotedPrefix :: func(s string) (string, error)
  333. strconv.Unquote :: func(s string) (string, error)
  334. strconv.IsPrint :: func(r rune) bool
  335. strconv.IsGraphic :: func(r rune) bool
  336. internal/race.Acquire :: func(addr unsafe.Pointer)
  337. internal/race.Release :: func(addr unsafe.Pointer)
  338. internal/race.ReleaseMerge :: func(addr unsafe.Pointer)
  339. internal/race.Disable :: func()
  340. internal/race.Enable :: func()
  341. internal/race.Read :: func(addr unsafe.Pointer)
  342. internal/race.Write :: func(addr unsafe.Pointer)
  343. internal/race.ReadRange :: func(addr unsafe.Pointer, len int)
  344. internal/race.WriteRange :: func(addr unsafe.Pointer, len int)
  345. internal/race.Errors :: func() int
  346. sync/atomic.SwapInt32 :: func(addr *int32, new int32) (old int32)
  347. sync/atomic.SwapInt64 :: func(addr *int64, new int64) (old int64)
  348. sync/atomic.SwapUint32 :: func(addr *uint32, new uint32) (old uint32)
  349. sync/atomic.SwapUint64 :: func(addr *uint64, new uint64) (old uint64)
  350. sync/atomic.SwapUintptr :: func(addr *uintptr, new uintptr) (old uintptr)
  351. sync/atomic.SwapPointer :: func(addr *unsafe.Pointer, new unsafe.Pointer) (old unsafe.Pointer)
  352. sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32 :: func(addr *int32, old int32, new int32) (swapped bool)
  353. sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64 :: func(addr *int64, old int64, new int64) (swapped bool)
  354. sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32 :: func(addr *uint32, old uint32, new uint32) (swapped bool)
  355. sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64 :: func(addr *uint64, old uint64, new uint64) (swapped bool)
  356. sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapUintptr :: func(addr *uintptr, old uintptr, new uintptr) (swapped bool)
  357. sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer :: func(addr *unsafe.Pointer, old unsafe.Pointer, new unsafe.Pointer) (swapped bool)
  358. sync/atomic.AddInt32 :: func(addr *int32, delta int32) (new int32)
  359. sync/atomic.AddUint32 :: func(addr *uint32, delta uint32) (new uint32)
  360. sync/atomic.AddInt64 :: func(addr *int64, delta int64) (new int64)
  361. sync/atomic.AddUint64 :: func(addr *uint64, delta uint64) (new uint64)
  362. sync/atomic.AddUintptr :: func(addr *uintptr, delta uintptr) (new uintptr)
  363. sync/atomic.LoadInt32 :: func(addr *int32) (val int32)
  364. sync/atomic.LoadInt64 :: func(addr *int64) (val int64)
  365. sync/atomic.LoadUint32 :: func(addr *uint32) (val uint32)
  366. sync/atomic.LoadUint64 :: func(addr *uint64) (val uint64)
  367. sync/atomic.LoadUintptr :: func(addr *uintptr) (val uintptr)
  368. sync/atomic.LoadPointer :: func(addr *unsafe.Pointer) (val unsafe.Pointer)
  369. sync/atomic.StoreInt32 :: func(addr *int32, val int32)
  370. sync/atomic.StoreInt64 :: func(addr *int64, val int64)
  371. sync/atomic.StoreUint32 :: func(addr *uint32, val uint32)
  372. sync/atomic.StoreUint64 :: func(addr *uint64, val uint64)
  373. sync/atomic.StoreUintptr :: func(addr *uintptr, val uintptr)
  374. sync/atomic.StorePointer :: func(addr *unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer)
  375. sync.NewCond :: func(l sync.Locker) *sync.Cond
  376. sync.OnceFunc :: func(f func()) func()
  377. sync.OnceValue :: func[T any](f func() T) func() T
  378. sync.OnceValues :: func[T1, T2 any](f func() (T1, T2)) func() (T1, T2)
  379. unicode.IsDigit :: func(r rune) bool
  380. unicode.IsGraphic :: func(r rune) bool
  381. unicode.IsPrint :: func(r rune) bool
  382. unicode.IsOneOf :: func(ranges []*unicode.RangeTable, r rune) bool
  383. unicode.In :: func(r rune, ranges ...*unicode.RangeTable) bool
  384. unicode.IsControl :: func(r rune) bool
  385. unicode.IsLetter :: func(r rune) bool
  386. unicode.IsMark :: func(r rune) bool
  387. unicode.IsNumber :: func(r rune) bool
  388. unicode.IsPunct :: func(r rune) bool
  389. unicode.IsSpace :: func(r rune) bool
  390. unicode.IsSymbol :: func(r rune) bool
  391. unicode.Is :: func(rangeTab *unicode.RangeTable, r rune) bool
  392. unicode.IsUpper :: func(r rune) bool
  393. unicode.IsLower :: func(r rune) bool
  394. unicode.IsTitle :: func(r rune) bool
  395. unicode.To :: func(_case int, r rune) rune
  396. unicode.ToUpper :: func(r rune) rune
  397. unicode.ToLower :: func(r rune) rune
  398. unicode.ToTitle :: func(r rune) rune
  399. unicode.SimpleFold :: func(r rune) rune
  400. reflect.DeepEqual :: func(x any, y any) bool
  401. reflect.MakeFunc :: func(typ reflect.Type, fn func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value)) reflect.Value
  402. reflect.Swapper :: func(slice any) func(i int, j int)
  403. reflect.TypeOf :: func(i any) reflect.Type
  404. reflect.PtrTo :: func(t reflect.Type) reflect.Type
  405. reflect.PointerTo :: func(t reflect.Type) reflect.Type
  406. reflect.ChanOf :: func(dir reflect.ChanDir, t reflect.Type) reflect.Type
  407. reflect.MapOf :: func(key reflect.Type, elem reflect.Type) reflect.Type
  408. reflect.FuncOf :: func(in []reflect.Type, out []reflect.Type, variadic bool) reflect.Type
  409. reflect.SliceOf :: func(t reflect.Type) reflect.Type
  410. reflect.StructOf :: func(fields []reflect.StructField) reflect.Type
  411. reflect.ArrayOf :: func(length int, elem reflect.Type) reflect.Type
  412. reflect.TypeFor :: func[T any]() reflect.Type
  413. reflect.Append :: func(s reflect.Value, x ...reflect.Value) reflect.Value
  414. reflect.AppendSlice :: func(s reflect.Value, t reflect.Value) reflect.Value
  415. reflect.Copy :: func(dst reflect.Value, src reflect.Value) int
  416. reflect.Select :: func(cases []reflect.SelectCase) (chosen int, recv reflect.Value, recvOK bool)
  417. reflect.MakeSlice :: func(typ reflect.Type, len int, cap int) reflect.Value
  418. reflect.MakeChan :: func(typ reflect.Type, buffer int) reflect.Value
  419. reflect.MakeMap :: func(typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value
  420. reflect.MakeMapWithSize :: func(typ reflect.Type, n int) reflect.Value
  421. reflect.Indirect :: func(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
  422. reflect.ValueOf :: func(i any) reflect.Value
  423. reflect.Zero :: func(typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value
  424. reflect.New :: func(typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value
  425. reflect.NewAt :: func(typ reflect.Type, p unsafe.Pointer) reflect.Value
  426. reflect.VisibleFields :: func(t reflect.Type) []reflect.StructField
  427. cmp.Less :: func[T cmp.Ordered](x T, y T) bool
  428. cmp.Compare :: func[T cmp.Ordered](x T, y T) int
  429. cmp.Or :: func[T comparable](vals ...T) T
  430. slices.Equal :: func[S ~[]E, E comparable](s1 S, s2 S) bool
  431. slices.EqualFunc :: func[S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E1, E2 any](s1 S1, s2 S2, eq func(E1, E2) bool) bool
  432. slices.Compare :: func[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](s1 S, s2 S) int
  433. slices.CompareFunc :: func[S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E1, E2 any](s1 S1, s2 S2, cmp func(E1, E2) int) int
  434. slices.Index :: func[S ~[]E, E comparable](s S, v E) int
  435. slices.IndexFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f func(E) bool) int
  436. slices.Contains :: func[S ~[]E, E comparable](s S, v E) bool
  437. slices.ContainsFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f func(E) bool) bool
  438. slices.Insert :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, i int, v ...E) S
  439. slices.Delete :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, i int, j int) S
  440. slices.DeleteFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, del func(E) bool) S
  441. slices.Replace :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, i int, j int, v ...E) S
  442. slices.Clone :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S
  443. slices.Compact :: func[S ~[]E, E comparable](s S) S
  444. slices.CompactFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, eq func(E, E) bool) S
  445. slices.Grow :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S, n int) S
  446. slices.Clip :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S
  447. slices.Reverse :: func[S ~[]E, E any](s S)
  448. slices.Concat :: func[S ~[]E, E any](slices ...S) S
  449. slices.Sort :: func[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S)
  450. slices.SortFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int)
  451. slices.SortStableFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int)
  452. slices.IsSorted :: func[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S) bool
  453. slices.IsSortedFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int) bool
  454. slices.Min :: func[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S) E
  455. slices.MinFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int) E
  456. slices.Max :: func[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S) E
  457. slices.MaxFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a E, b E) int) E
  458. slices.BinarySearch :: func[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S, target E) (int, bool)
  459. slices.BinarySearchFunc :: func[S ~[]E, E, T any](x S, target T, cmp func(E, T) int) (int, bool)
  460. sort.Search :: func(n int, f func(int) bool) int
  461. sort.Find :: func(n int, cmp func(int) int) (i int, found bool)
  462. sort.SearchInts :: func(a []int, x int) int
  463. sort.SearchFloat64s :: func(a []float64, x float64) int
  464. sort.SearchStrings :: func(a []string, x string) int
  465. sort.Slice :: func(x any, less func(i int, j int) bool)
  466. sort.SliceStable :: func(x any, less func(i int, j int) bool)
  467. sort.SliceIsSorted :: func(x any, less func(i int, j int) bool) bool
  468. sort.Sort :: func(data sort.Interface)
  469. sort.Reverse :: func(data sort.Interface) sort.Interface
  470. sort.IsSorted :: func(data sort.Interface) bool
  471. sort.Ints :: func(x []int)
  472. sort.Float64s :: func(x []float64)
  473. sort.Strings :: func(x []string)
  474. sort.IntsAreSorted :: func(x []int) bool
  475. sort.Float64sAreSorted :: func(x []float64) bool
  476. sort.StringsAreSorted :: func(x []string) bool
  477. sort.Stable :: func(data sort.Interface)
  478. internal/fmtsort.Sort :: func(mapValue reflect.Value) *internal/fmtsort.SortedMap
  479. io.WriteString :: func(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error)
  480. io.ReadAtLeast :: func(r io.Reader, buf []byte, min int) (n int, err error)
  481. io.ReadFull :: func(r io.Reader, buf []byte) (n int, err error)
  482. io.CopyN :: func(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader, n int64) (written int64, err error)
  483. io.Copy :: func(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader) (written int64, err error)
  484. io.CopyBuffer :: func(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader, buf []byte) (written int64, err error)
  485. io.LimitReader :: func(r io.Reader, n int64) io.Reader
  486. io.NewSectionReader :: func(r io.ReaderAt, off int64, n int64) *io.SectionReader
  487. io.NewOffsetWriter :: func(w io.WriterAt, off int64) *io.OffsetWriter
  488. io.TeeReader :: func(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) io.Reader
  489. io.NopCloser :: func(r io.Reader) io.ReadCloser
  490. io.ReadAll :: func(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error)
  491. io.MultiReader :: func(readers ...io.Reader) io.Reader
  492. io.MultiWriter :: func(writers ...io.Writer) io.Writer
  493. io.Pipe :: func() (*io.PipeReader, *io.PipeWriter)
  494. syscall.ParseDirent :: func(buf []byte, max int, names []string) (consumed int, count int, newnames []string)
  495. syscall.Unsetenv :: func(key string) error
  496. syscall.Getenv :: func(key string) (value string, found bool)
  497. syscall.Setenv :: func(key string, value string) error
  498. syscall.Clearenv :: func()
  499. syscall.Environ :: func() []string
  500. syscall.StringSlicePtr :: func(ss []string) []*byte
  501. syscall.SlicePtrFromStrings :: func(ss []string) ([]*byte, error)
  502. syscall.CloseOnExec :: func(fd int)
  503. syscall.SetNonblock :: func(fd int, nonblocking bool) (err error)
  504. syscall.ForkExec :: func(argv0 string, argv []string, attr *syscall.ProcAttr) (pid int, err error)
  505. syscall.StartProcess :: func(argv0 string, argv []string, attr *syscall.ProcAttr) (pid int, handle uintptr, err error)
  506. syscall.Exec :: func(argv0 string, argv []string, envv []string) (err error)
  507. syscall.FcntlFlock :: func(fd uintptr, cmd int, lk *syscall.Flock_t) error
  508. syscall.LsfStmt :: func(code int, k int) *syscall.SockFilter
  509. syscall.LsfJump :: func(code int, k int, jt int, jf int) *syscall.SockFilter
  510. syscall.LsfSocket :: func(ifindex int, proto int) (int, error)
  511. syscall.SetLsfPromisc :: func(name string, m bool) error
  512. syscall.AttachLsf :: func(fd int, i []syscall.SockFilter) error
  513. syscall.DetachLsf :: func(fd int) error
  514. syscall.NetlinkRIB :: func(proto int, family int) ([]byte, error)
  515. syscall.ParseNetlinkMessage :: func(b []byte) ([]syscall.NetlinkMessage, error)
  516. syscall.ParseNetlinkRouteAttr :: func(m *syscall.NetlinkMessage) ([]syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr, error)
  517. syscall.Setrlimit :: func(resource int, rlim *syscall.Rlimit) error
  518. syscall.UnixCredentials :: func(ucred *syscall.Ucred) []byte
  519. syscall.ParseUnixCredentials :: func(m *syscall.SocketControlMessage) (*syscall.Ucred, error)
  520. syscall.CmsgLen :: func(datalen int) int
  521. syscall.CmsgSpace :: func(datalen int) int
  522. syscall.ParseSocketControlMessage :: func(b []byte) ([]syscall.SocketControlMessage, error)
  523. syscall.UnixRights :: func(fds ...int) []byte
  524. syscall.ParseUnixRights :: func(m *syscall.SocketControlMessage) ([]int, error)
  525. syscall.StringByteSlice :: func(s string) []byte
  526. syscall.ByteSliceFromString :: func(s string) ([]byte, error)
  527. syscall.StringBytePtr :: func(s string) *byte
  528. syscall.BytePtrFromString :: func(s string) (*byte, error)
  529. syscall.Getpagesize :: func() int
  530. syscall.Exit :: func(code int)
  531. syscall.RawSyscall6 :: func(trap uintptr, a1 uintptr, a2 uintptr, a3 uintptr, a4 uintptr, a5 uintptr, a6 uintptr) (r1 uintptr, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno)
  532. syscall.RawSyscall :: func(trap uintptr, a1 uintptr, a2 uintptr, a3 uintptr) (r1 uintptr, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno)
  533. syscall.Syscall :: func(trap uintptr, a1 uintptr, a2 uintptr, a3 uintptr) (r1 uintptr, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno)
  534. syscall.Syscall6 :: func(trap uintptr, a1 uintptr, a2 uintptr, a3 uintptr, a4 uintptr, a5 uintptr, a6 uintptr) (r1 uintptr, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno)
  535. syscall.Access :: func(path string, mode uint32) (err error)
  536. syscall.Chmod :: func(path string, mode uint32) (err error)
  537. syscall.Chown :: func(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error)
  538. syscall.Creat :: func(path string, mode uint32) (fd int, err error)
  539. syscall.EpollCreate :: func(size int) (fd int, err error)
  540. syscall.Faccessat :: func(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error)
  541. syscall.Fchmodat :: func(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) error
  542. syscall.Link :: func(oldpath string, newpath string) (err error)
  543. syscall.Mkdir :: func(path string, mode uint32) (err error)
  544. syscall.Mknod :: func(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error)
  545. syscall.Open :: func(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error)
  546. syscall.Openat :: func(dirfd int, path string, flags int, mode uint32) (fd int, err error)
  547. syscall.Pipe :: func(p []int) error
  548. syscall.Pipe2 :: func(p []int, flags int) error
  549. syscall.Readlink :: func(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error)
  550. syscall.Rename :: func(oldpath string, newpath string) (err error)
  551. syscall.Rmdir :: func(path string) error
  552. syscall.Symlink :: func(oldpath string, newpath string) (err error)
  553. syscall.Unlink :: func(path string) error
  554. syscall.Unlinkat :: func(dirfd int, path string) error
  555. syscall.Utimes :: func(path string, tv []syscall.Timeval) (err error)
  556. syscall.UtimesNano :: func(path string, ts []syscall.Timespec) (err error)
  557. syscall.Futimesat :: func(dirfd int, path string, tv []syscall.Timeval) (err error)
  558. syscall.Futimes :: func(fd int, tv []syscall.Timeval) (err error)
  559. syscall.Getwd :: func() (wd string, err error)
  560. syscall.Getgroups :: func() (gids []int, err error)
  561. syscall.Setgroups :: func(gids []int) (err error)
  562. syscall.Wait4 :: func(pid int, wstatus *syscall.WaitStatus, options int, rusage *syscall.Rusage) (wpid int, err error)
  563. syscall.Mkfifo :: func(path string, mode uint32) (err error)
  564. syscall.Accept4 :: func(fd int, flags int) (nfd int, sa syscall.Sockaddr, err error)
  565. syscall.Getsockname :: func(fd int) (sa syscall.Sockaddr, err error)
  566. syscall.GetsockoptInet4Addr :: func(fd int, level int, opt int) (value [4]byte, err error)
  567. syscall.GetsockoptIPMreq :: func(fd int, level int, opt int) (*syscall.IPMreq, error)
  568. syscall.GetsockoptIPMreqn :: func(fd int, level int, opt int) (*syscall.IPMreqn, error)
  569. syscall.GetsockoptIPv6Mreq :: func(fd int, level int, opt int) (*syscall.IPv6Mreq, error)
  570. syscall.GetsockoptIPv6MTUInfo :: func(fd int, level int, opt int) (*syscall.IPv6MTUInfo, error)
  571. syscall.GetsockoptICMPv6Filter :: func(fd int, level int, opt int) (*syscall.ICMPv6Filter, error)
  572. syscall.GetsockoptUcred :: func(fd int, level int, opt int) (*syscall.Ucred, error)
  573. syscall.SetsockoptIPMreqn :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, mreq *syscall.IPMreqn) (err error)
  574. syscall.BindToDevice :: func(fd int, device string) (err error)
  575. syscall.PtracePeekText :: func(pid int, addr uintptr, out []byte) (count int, err error)
  576. syscall.PtracePeekData :: func(pid int, addr uintptr, out []byte) (count int, err error)
  577. syscall.PtracePokeText :: func(pid int, addr uintptr, data []byte) (count int, err error)
  578. syscall.PtracePokeData :: func(pid int, addr uintptr, data []byte) (count int, err error)
  579. syscall.PtraceGetRegs :: func(pid int, regsout *syscall.PtraceRegs) (err error)
  580. syscall.PtraceSetRegs :: func(pid int, regs *syscall.PtraceRegs) (err error)
  581. syscall.PtraceSetOptions :: func(pid int, options int) (err error)
  582. syscall.PtraceGetEventMsg :: func(pid int) (msg uint, err error)
  583. syscall.PtraceCont :: func(pid int, signal int) (err error)
  584. syscall.PtraceSyscall :: func(pid int, signal int) (err error)
  585. syscall.PtraceSingleStep :: func(pid int) (err error)
  586. syscall.PtraceAttach :: func(pid int) (err error)
  587. syscall.PtraceDetach :: func(pid int) (err error)
  588. syscall.Reboot :: func(cmd int) (err error)
  589. syscall.ReadDirent :: func(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error)
  590. syscall.Mount :: func(source string, target string, fstype string, flags uintptr, data string) (err error)
  591. syscall.Getpgrp :: func() (pid int)
  592. syscall.AllThreadsSyscall :: func(trap uintptr, a1 uintptr, a2 uintptr, a3 uintptr) (r1 uintptr, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno)
  593. syscall.AllThreadsSyscall6 :: func(trap uintptr, a1 uintptr, a2 uintptr, a3 uintptr, a4 uintptr, a5 uintptr, a6 uintptr) (r1 uintptr, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno)
  594. syscall.Setegid :: func(egid int) (err error)
  595. syscall.Seteuid :: func(euid int) (err error)
  596. syscall.Setgid :: func(gid int) (err error)
  597. syscall.Setregid :: func(rgid int, egid int) (err error)
  598. syscall.Setresgid :: func(rgid int, egid int, sgid int) (err error)
  599. syscall.Setresuid :: func(ruid int, euid int, suid int) (err error)
  600. syscall.Setreuid :: func(ruid int, euid int) (err error)
  601. syscall.Setuid :: func(uid int) (err error)
  602. syscall.Mmap :: func(fd int, offset int64, length int, prot int, flags int) (data []byte, err error)
  603. syscall.Munmap :: func(b []byte) (err error)
  604. syscall.Accept :: func(fd int) (nfd int, sa syscall.Sockaddr, err error)
  605. syscall.Stat :: func(path string, stat *syscall.Stat_t) (err error)
  606. syscall.Lchown :: func(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error)
  607. syscall.Lstat :: func(path string, stat *syscall.Stat_t) (err error)
  608. syscall.Gettimeofday :: func(tv *syscall.Timeval) (err error)
  609. syscall.Time :: func(t *syscall.Time_t) (tt syscall.Time_t, err error)
  610. syscall.Read :: func(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error)
  611. syscall.Write :: func(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error)
  612. syscall.Pread :: func(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)
  613. syscall.Pwrite :: func(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)
  614. syscall.Bind :: func(fd int, sa syscall.Sockaddr) (err error)
  615. syscall.Connect :: func(fd int, sa syscall.Sockaddr) (err error)
  616. syscall.Getpeername :: func(fd int) (sa syscall.Sockaddr, err error)
  617. syscall.GetsockoptInt :: func(fd int, level int, opt int) (value int, err error)
  618. syscall.Recvfrom :: func(fd int, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from syscall.Sockaddr, err error)
  619. syscall.Recvmsg :: func(fd int, p []byte, oob []byte, flags int) (n int, oobn int, recvflags int, from syscall.Sockaddr, err error)
  620. syscall.Sendmsg :: func(fd int, p []byte, oob []byte, to syscall.Sockaddr, flags int) (err error)
  621. syscall.SendmsgN :: func(fd int, p []byte, oob []byte, to syscall.Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error)
  622. syscall.Sendto :: func(fd int, p []byte, flags int, to syscall.Sockaddr) (err error)
  623. syscall.SetsockoptByte :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, value byte) (err error)
  624. syscall.SetsockoptInt :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, value int) (err error)
  625. syscall.SetsockoptInet4Addr :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, value [4]byte) (err error)
  626. syscall.SetsockoptIPMreq :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, mreq *syscall.IPMreq) (err error)
  627. syscall.SetsockoptIPv6Mreq :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, mreq *syscall.IPv6Mreq) (err error)
  628. syscall.SetsockoptICMPv6Filter :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, filter *syscall.ICMPv6Filter) error
  629. syscall.SetsockoptLinger :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, l *syscall.Linger) (err error)
  630. syscall.SetsockoptString :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, s string) (err error)
  631. syscall.SetsockoptTimeval :: func(fd int, level int, opt int, tv *syscall.Timeval) (err error)
  632. syscall.Socket :: func(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error)
  633. syscall.Socketpair :: func(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd [2]int, err error)
  634. syscall.Sendfile :: func(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error)
  635. syscall.TimespecToNsec :: func(ts syscall.Timespec) int64
  636. syscall.NsecToTimespec :: func(nsec int64) syscall.Timespec
  637. syscall.TimevalToNsec :: func(tv syscall.Timeval) int64
  638. syscall.NsecToTimeval :: func(nsec int64) syscall.Timeval
  639. syscall.Getcwd :: func(buf []byte) (n int, err error)
  640. syscall.Acct :: func(path string) (err error)
  641. syscall.Adjtimex :: func(buf *syscall.Timex) (state int, err error)
  642. syscall.Chdir :: func(path string) (err error)
  643. syscall.Chroot :: func(path string) (err error)
  644. syscall.Close :: func(fd int) (err error)
  645. syscall.Dup :: func(oldfd int) (fd int, err error)
  646. syscall.Dup3 :: func(oldfd int, newfd int, flags int) (err error)
  647. syscall.EpollCreate1 :: func(flag int) (fd int, err error)
  648. syscall.EpollCtl :: func(epfd int, op int, fd int, event *syscall.EpollEvent) (err error)
  649. syscall.Fallocate :: func(fd int, mode uint32, off int64, len int64) (err error)
  650. syscall.Fchdir :: func(fd int) (err error)
  651. syscall.Fchmod :: func(fd int, mode uint32) (err error)
  652. syscall.Fchownat :: func(dirfd int, path string, uid int, gid int, flags int) (err error)
  653. syscall.Fdatasync :: func(fd int) (err error)
  654. syscall.Flock :: func(fd int, how int) (err error)
  655. syscall.Fsync :: func(fd int) (err error)
  656. syscall.Getdents :: func(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error)
  657. syscall.Getpgid :: func(pid int) (pgid int, err error)
  658. syscall.Getpid :: func() (pid int)
  659. syscall.Getppid :: func() (ppid int)
  660. syscall.Getpriority :: func(which int, who int) (prio int, err error)
  661. syscall.Getrusage :: func(who int, rusage *syscall.Rusage) (err error)
  662. syscall.Gettid :: func() (tid int)
  663. syscall.Getxattr :: func(path string, attr string, dest []byte) (sz int, err error)
  664. syscall.InotifyAddWatch :: func(fd int, pathname string, mask uint32) (watchdesc int, err error)
  665. syscall.InotifyInit1 :: func(flags int) (fd int, err error)
  666. syscall.InotifyRmWatch :: func(fd int, watchdesc uint32) (success int, err error)
  667. syscall.Kill :: func(pid int, sig syscall.Signal) (err error)
  668. syscall.Klogctl :: func(typ int, buf []byte) (n int, err error)
  669. syscall.Listxattr :: func(path string, dest []byte) (sz int, err error)
  670. syscall.Mkdirat :: func(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error)
  671. syscall.Mknodat :: func(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error)
  672. syscall.Nanosleep :: func(time *syscall.Timespec, leftover *syscall.Timespec) (err error)
  673. syscall.PivotRoot :: func(newroot string, putold string) (err error)
  674. syscall.Removexattr :: func(path string, attr string) (err error)
  675. syscall.Setdomainname :: func(p []byte) (err error)
  676. syscall.Sethostname :: func(p []byte) (err error)
  677. syscall.Setpgid :: func(pid int, pgid int) (err error)
  678. syscall.Setsid :: func() (pid int, err error)
  679. syscall.Settimeofday :: func(tv *syscall.Timeval) (err error)
  680. syscall.Setpriority :: func(which int, who int, prio int) (err error)
  681. syscall.Setxattr :: func(path string, attr string, data []byte, flags int) (err error)
  682. syscall.Sync :: func()
  683. syscall.Sysinfo :: func(info *syscall.Sysinfo_t) (err error)
  684. syscall.Tee :: func(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error)
  685. syscall.Tgkill :: func(tgid int, tid int, sig syscall.Signal) (err error)
  686. syscall.Times :: func(tms *syscall.Tms) (ticks uintptr, err error)
  687. syscall.Umask :: func(mask int) (oldmask int)
  688. syscall.Uname :: func(buf *syscall.Utsname) (err error)
  689. syscall.Unmount :: func(target string, flags int) (err error)
  690. syscall.Unshare :: func(flags int) (err error)
  691. syscall.Madvise :: func(b []byte, advice int) (err error)
  692. syscall.Mprotect :: func(b []byte, prot int) (err error)
  693. syscall.Mlock :: func(b []byte) (err error)
  694. syscall.Munlock :: func(b []byte) (err error)
  695. syscall.Mlockall :: func(flags int) (err error)
  696. syscall.Munlockall :: func() (err error)
  697. syscall.Dup2 :: func(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error)
  698. syscall.Fchown :: func(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error)
  699. syscall.Fstat :: func(fd int, stat *syscall.Stat_t) (err error)
  700. syscall.Fstatfs :: func(fd int, buf *syscall.Statfs_t) (err error)
  701. syscall.Ftruncate :: func(fd int, length int64) (err error)
  702. syscall.Getegid :: func() (egid int)
  703. syscall.Geteuid :: func() (euid int)
  704. syscall.Getgid :: func() (gid int)
  705. syscall.Getrlimit :: func(resource int, rlim *syscall.Rlimit) (err error)
  706. syscall.Getuid :: func() (uid int)
  707. syscall.InotifyInit :: func() (fd int, err error)
  708. syscall.Ioperm :: func(from int, num int, on int) (err error)
  709. syscall.Iopl :: func(level int) (err error)
  710. syscall.Listen :: func(s int, n int) (err error)
  711. syscall.Pause :: func() (err error)
  712. syscall.Renameat :: func(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error)
  713. syscall.Seek :: func(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error)
  714. syscall.Select :: func(nfd int, r *syscall.FdSet, w *syscall.FdSet, e *syscall.FdSet, timeout *syscall.Timeval) (n int, err error)
  715. syscall.Setfsgid :: func(gid int) (err error)
  716. syscall.Setfsuid :: func(uid int) (err error)
  717. syscall.Shutdown :: func(fd int, how int) (err error)
  718. syscall.Splice :: func(rfd int, roff *int64, wfd int, woff *int64, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error)
  719. syscall.Statfs :: func(path string, buf *syscall.Statfs_t) (err error)
  720. syscall.SyncFileRange :: func(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error)
  721. syscall.Truncate :: func(path string, length int64) (err error)
  722. syscall.Ustat :: func(dev int, ubuf *syscall.Ustat_t) (err error)
  723. syscall.EpollWait :: func(epfd int, events []syscall.EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error)
  724. syscall.Utime :: func(path string, buf *syscall.Utimbuf) (err error)
  725. internal/syscall/unix.Unlinkat :: func(dirfd int, path string, flags int) error
  726. internal/syscall/unix.Openat :: func(dirfd int, path string, flags int, perm uint32) (int, error)
  727. internal/syscall/unix.Fstatat :: func(dirfd int, path string, stat *syscall.Stat_t, flags int) error
  728. internal/syscall/unix.CopyFileRange :: func(rfd int, roff *int64, wfd int, woff *int64, len int, flags int) (n int, err error)
  729. internal/syscall/unix.Eaccess :: func(path string, mode uint32) error
  730. internal/syscall/unix.Fcntl :: func(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (int, error)
  731. internal/syscall/unix.GetRandom :: func(p []byte, flags internal/syscall/unix.GetRandomFlag) (n int, err error)
  732. internal/syscall/unix.KernelVersion :: func() (major int, minor int)
  733. internal/syscall/unix.RecvfromInet4 :: func(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *syscall.SockaddrInet4) (int, error)
  734. internal/syscall/unix.RecvfromInet6 :: func(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *syscall.SockaddrInet6) (n int, err error)
  735. internal/syscall/unix.SendtoInet4 :: func(fd int, p []byte, flags int, to *syscall.SockaddrInet4) (err error)
  736. internal/syscall/unix.SendtoInet6 :: func(fd int, p []byte, flags int, to *syscall.SockaddrInet6) (err error)
  737. internal/syscall/unix.SendmsgNInet4 :: func(fd int, p []byte, oob []byte, to *syscall.SockaddrInet4, flags int) (n int, err error)
  738. internal/syscall/unix.SendmsgNInet6 :: func(fd int, p []byte, oob []byte, to *syscall.SockaddrInet6, flags int) (n int, err error)
  739. internal/syscall/unix.RecvmsgInet4 :: func(fd int, p []byte, oob []byte, flags int, from *syscall.SockaddrInet4) (n int, oobn int, recvflags int, err error)
  740. internal/syscall/unix.RecvmsgInet6 :: func(fd int, p []byte, oob []byte, flags int, from *syscall.SockaddrInet6) (n int, oobn int, recvflags int, err error)
  741. internal/syscall/unix.IsNonblock :: func(fd int) (nonblocking bool, err error)
  742. internal/syscall/unix.HasNonblockFlag :: func(flag int) bool
  743. internal/syscall/unix.PidFDSendSignal :: func(pidfd uintptr, s syscall.Signal) error
  744. time.Parse :: func(layout string, value string) (time.Time, error)
  745. time.ParseInLocation :: func(layout string, value string, loc *time.Location) (time.Time, error)
  746. time.ParseDuration :: func(s string) (time.Duration, error)
  747. time.Sleep :: func(d time.Duration)
  748. time.NewTimer :: func(d time.Duration) *time.Timer
  749. time.After :: func(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time
  750. time.AfterFunc :: func(d time.Duration, f func()) *time.Timer
  751. time.NewTicker :: func(d time.Duration) *time.Ticker
  752. time.Tick :: func(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time
  753. time.Since :: func(t time.Time) time.Duration
  754. time.Until :: func(t time.Time) time.Duration
  755. time.Now :: func() time.Time
  756. time.Unix :: func(sec int64, nsec int64) time.Time
  757. time.UnixMilli :: func(msec int64) time.Time
  758. time.UnixMicro :: func(usec int64) time.Time
  759. time.Date :: func(year int, month time.Month, day int, hour int, min int, sec int, nsec int, loc *time.Location) time.Time
  760. time.FixedZone :: func(name string, offset int) *time.Location
  761. time.LoadLocation :: func(name string) (*time.Location, error)
  762. time.LoadLocationFromTZData :: func(name string, data []byte) (*time.Location, error)
  763. internal/poll.CopyFileRange :: func(dst *internal/poll.FD, src *internal/poll.FD, remain int64) (written int64, handled bool, err error)
  764. internal/poll.IsPollDescriptor :: func(fd uintptr) bool
  765. internal/poll.DupCloseOnExec :: func(fd int) (int, string, error)
  766. internal/poll.SendFile :: func(dstFD *internal/poll.FD, src int, remain int64) (int64, error, bool)
  767. internal/poll.Splice :: func(dst *internal/poll.FD, src *internal/poll.FD, remain int64) (written int64, handled bool, sc string, err error)
  768. internal/safefilepath.FromFS :: func(path string) (string, error)
  769. internal/syscall/execenv.Default :: func(sys *syscall.SysProcAttr) ([]string, error)
  770. internal/testlog.PanicOnExit0 :: func() bool
  771. internal/testlog.SetPanicOnExit0 :: func(v bool)
  772. internal/testlog.SetLogger :: func(impl internal/testlog.Interface)
  773. internal/testlog.Logger :: func() internal/testlog.Interface
  774. internal/testlog.Getenv :: func(name string)
  775. internal/testlog.Open :: func(name string)
  776. internal/testlog.Stat :: func(name string)
  777. path.Match :: func(pattern string, name string) (matched bool, err error)
  778. path.Clean :: func(path string) string
  779. path.Split :: func(path string) (dir string, file string)
  780. path.Join :: func(elem ...string) string
  781. path.Ext :: func(path string) string
  782. path.Base :: func(path string) string
  783. path.IsAbs :: func(path string) bool
  784. path.Dir :: func(path string) string
  785. io/fs.FormatFileInfo :: func(info io/fs.FileInfo) string
  786. io/fs.FormatDirEntry :: func(dir io/fs.DirEntry) string
  787. io/fs.ValidPath :: func(name string) bool
  788. io/fs.Glob :: func(fsys io/fs.FS, pattern string) (matches []string, err error)
  789. io/fs.ReadDir :: func(fsys io/fs.FS, name string) ([]io/fs.DirEntry, error)
  790. io/fs.FileInfoToDirEntry :: func(info io/fs.FileInfo) io/fs.DirEntry
  791. io/fs.ReadFile :: func(fsys io/fs.FS, name string) ([]byte, error)
  792. io/fs.Stat :: func(fsys io/fs.FS, name string) (io/fs.FileInfo, error)
  793. io/fs.Sub :: func(fsys io/fs.FS, dir string) (io/fs.FS, error)
  794. io/fs.WalkDir :: func(fsys io/fs.FS, root string, fn io/fs.WalkDirFunc) error
  795. os.ReadDir :: func(name string) ([]io/fs.DirEntry, error)
  796. os.Expand :: func(s string, mapping func(string) string) string
  797. os.ExpandEnv :: func(s string) string
  798. os.Getenv :: func(key string) string
  799. os.LookupEnv :: func(key string) (string, bool)
  800. os.Setenv :: func(key string, value string) error
  801. os.Unsetenv :: func(key string) error
  802. os.Clearenv :: func()
  803. os.Environ :: func() []string
  804. os.NewSyscallError :: func(syscall string, err error) error
  805. os.IsExist :: func(err error) bool
  806. os.IsNotExist :: func(err error) bool
  807. os.IsPermission :: func(err error) bool
  808. os.IsTimeout :: func(err error) bool
  809. os.Getpid :: func() int
  810. os.Getppid :: func() int
  811. os.FindProcess :: func(pid int) (*os.Process, error)
  812. os.StartProcess :: func(name string, argv []string, attr *os.ProcAttr) (*os.Process, error)
  813. os.Executable :: func() (string, error)
  814. os.Mkdir :: func(name string, perm io/fs.FileMode) error
  815. os.Chdir :: func(dir string) error
  816. os.Open :: func(name string) (*os.File, error)
  817. os.Create :: func(name string) (*os.File, error)
  818. os.OpenFile :: func(name string, flag int, perm io/fs.FileMode) (*os.File, error)
  819. os.Rename :: func(oldpath string, newpath string) error
  820. os.Readlink :: func(name string) (string, error)
  821. os.TempDir :: func() string
  822. os.UserCacheDir :: func() (string, error)
  823. os.UserConfigDir :: func() (string, error)
  824. os.UserHomeDir :: func() (string, error)
  825. os.Chmod :: func(name string, mode io/fs.FileMode) error
  826. os.DirFS :: func(dir string) io/fs.FS
  827. os.ReadFile :: func(name string) ([]byte, error)
  828. os.WriteFile :: func(name string, data []byte, perm io/fs.FileMode) error
  829. os.Chown :: func(name string, uid int, gid int) error
  830. os.Lchown :: func(name string, uid int, gid int) error
  831. os.Chtimes :: func(name string, atime time.Time, mtime time.Time) error
  832. os.NewFile :: func(fd uintptr, name string) *os.File
  833. os.Truncate :: func(name string, size int64) error
  834. os.Remove :: func(name string) error
  835. os.Link :: func(oldname string, newname string) error
  836. os.Symlink :: func(oldname string, newname string) error
  837. os.Getwd :: func() (dir string, err error)
  838. os.MkdirAll :: func(path string, perm io/fs.FileMode) error
  839. os.RemoveAll :: func(path string) error
  840. os.IsPathSeparator :: func(c uint8) bool
  841. os.Pipe :: func() (r *os.File, w *os.File, err error)
  842. os.Getuid :: func() int
  843. os.Geteuid :: func() int
  844. os.Getgid :: func() int
  845. os.Getegid :: func() int
  846. os.Getgroups :: func() ([]int, error)
  847. os.Exit :: func(code int)
  848. os.Stat :: func(name string) (io/fs.FileInfo, error)
  849. os.Lstat :: func(name string) (io/fs.FileInfo, error)
  850. os.Hostname :: func() (name string, err error)
  851. os.CreateTemp :: func(dir string, pattern string) (*os.File, error)
  852. os.MkdirTemp :: func(dir string, pattern string) (string, error)
  853. os.Getpagesize :: func() int
  854. os.SameFile :: func(fi1 io/fs.FileInfo, fi2 io/fs.FileInfo) bool
  855. fmt.Errorf :: func(format string, a ...any) error
  856. fmt.FormatString :: func(state fmt.State, verb rune) string
  857. fmt.Fprintf :: func(w io.Writer, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  858. fmt.Printf :: func(format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  859. fmt.Sprintf :: func(format string, a ...any) string
  860. fmt.Appendf :: func(b []byte, format string, a ...any) []byte
  861. fmt.Fprint :: func(w io.Writer, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  862. fmt.Print :: func(a ...any) (n int, err error)
  863. fmt.Sprint :: func(a ...any) string
  864. fmt.Append :: func(b []byte, a ...any) []byte
  865. fmt.Fprintln :: func(w io.Writer, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  866. fmt.Println :: func(a ...any) (n int, err error)
  867. fmt.Sprintln :: func(a ...any) string
  868. fmt.Appendln :: func(b []byte, a ...any) []byte
  869. fmt.Scan :: func(a ...any) (n int, err error)
  870. fmt.Scanln :: func(a ...any) (n int, err error)
  871. fmt.Scanf :: func(format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  872. fmt.Sscan :: func(str string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  873. fmt.Sscanln :: func(str string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  874. fmt.Sscanf :: func(str string, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  875. fmt.Fscan :: func(r io.Reader, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  876. fmt.Fscanln :: func(r io.Reader, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  877. fmt.Fscanf :: func(r io.Reader, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
  878. internal/bisect.New :: func(pattern string) (*internal/bisect.Matcher, error)
  879. internal/bisect.PrintMarker :: func(w internal/bisect.Writer, h uint64) error
  880. internal/bisect.Marker :: func(id uint64) string
  881. internal/bisect.AppendMarker :: func(dst []byte, id uint64) []byte
  882. internal/bisect.CutMarker :: func(line string) (short string, id uint64, ok bool)
  883. internal/bisect.Hash :: func(data ...any) uint64
  884. internal/godebug.New :: func(name string) *internal/godebug.Setting
  885. math/rand.NewSource :: func(seed int64) math/rand.Source
  886. math/rand.New :: func(src math/rand.Source) *math/rand.Rand
  887. math/rand.Seed :: func(seed int64)
  888. math/rand.Int63 :: func() int64
  889. math/rand.Uint32 :: func() uint32
  890. math/rand.Uint64 :: func() uint64
  891. math/rand.Int31 :: func() int32
  892. math/rand.Int :: func() int
  893. math/rand.Int63n :: func(n int64) int64
  894. math/rand.Int31n :: func(n int32) int32
  895. math/rand.Intn :: func(n int) int
  896. math/rand.Float64 :: func() float64
  897. math/rand.Float32 :: func() float32
  898. math/rand.Perm :: func(n int) []int
  899. math/rand.Shuffle :: func(n int, swap func(i int, j int))
  900. math/rand.Read :: func(p []byte) (n int, err error)
  901. math/rand.NormFloat64 :: func() float64
  902. math/rand.ExpFloat64 :: func() float64
  903. math/rand.NewZipf :: func(r *math/rand.Rand, s float64, v float64, imax uint64) *math/rand.Zipf
  904. strings.Clone :: func(s string) string
  905. strings.Compare :: func(a string, b string) int
  906. strings.NewReader :: func(s string) *strings.Reader
  907. strings.NewReplacer :: func(oldnew ...string) *strings.Replacer
  908. strings.Count :: func(s string, substr string) int
  909. strings.Contains :: func(s string, substr string) bool
  910. strings.ContainsAny :: func(s string, chars string) bool
  911. strings.ContainsRune :: func(s string, r rune) bool
  912. strings.ContainsFunc :: func(s string, f func(rune) bool) bool
  913. strings.LastIndex :: func(s string, substr string) int
  914. strings.IndexByte :: func(s string, c byte) int
  915. strings.IndexRune :: func(s string, r rune) int
  916. strings.IndexAny :: func(s string, chars string) int
  917. strings.LastIndexAny :: func(s string, chars string) int
  918. strings.LastIndexByte :: func(s string, c byte) int
  919. strings.SplitN :: func(s string, sep string, n int) []string
  920. strings.SplitAfterN :: func(s string, sep string, n int) []string
  921. strings.Split :: func(s string, sep string) []string
  922. strings.SplitAfter :: func(s string, sep string) []string
  923. strings.Fields :: func(s string) []string
  924. strings.FieldsFunc :: func(s string, f func(rune) bool) []string
  925. strings.Join :: func(elems []string, sep string) string
  926. strings.HasPrefix :: func(s string, prefix string) bool
  927. strings.HasSuffix :: func(s string, suffix string) bool
  928. strings.Map :: func(mapping func(rune) rune, s string) string
  929. strings.Repeat :: func(s string, count int) string
  930. strings.ToUpper :: func(s string) string
  931. strings.ToLower :: func(s string) string
  932. strings.ToTitle :: func(s string) string
  933. strings.ToUpperSpecial :: func(c unicode.SpecialCase, s string) string
  934. strings.ToLowerSpecial :: func(c unicode.SpecialCase, s string) string
  935. strings.ToTitleSpecial :: func(c unicode.SpecialCase, s string) string
  936. strings.ToValidUTF8 :: func(s string, replacement string) string
  937. strings.Title :: func(s string) string
  938. strings.TrimLeftFunc :: func(s string, f func(rune) bool) string
  939. strings.TrimRightFunc :: func(s string, f func(rune) bool) string
  940. strings.TrimFunc :: func(s string, f func(rune) bool) string
  941. strings.IndexFunc :: func(s string, f func(rune) bool) int
  942. strings.LastIndexFunc :: func(s string, f func(rune) bool) int
  943. strings.Trim :: func(s string, cutset string) string
  944. strings.TrimLeft :: func(s string, cutset string) string
  945. strings.TrimRight :: func(s string, cutset string) string
  946. strings.TrimSpace :: func(s string) string
  947. strings.TrimPrefix :: func(s string, prefix string) string
  948. strings.TrimSuffix :: func(s string, suffix string) string
  949. strings.Replace :: func(s string, old string, new string, n int) string
  950. strings.ReplaceAll :: func(s string, old string, new string) string
  951. strings.EqualFold :: func(s string, t string) bool
  952. strings.Index :: func(s string, substr string) int
  953. strings.Cut :: func(s string, sep string) (before string, after string, found bool)
  954. strings.CutPrefix :: func(s string, prefix string) (after string, found bool)
  955. strings.CutSuffix :: func(s string, suffix string) (before string, found bool)
  956. github.com/samber/lo.ChannelDispatcher :: func[T any](stream <-chan T, count int, channelBufferCap int, strategy github.com/samber/lo.DispatchingStrategy[T]) []<-chan T
  957. github.com/samber/lo.DispatchingStrategyRoundRobin :: func[T any](msg T, index uint64, channels []<-chan T) int
  958. github.com/samber/lo.DispatchingStrategyRandom :: func[T any](msg T, index uint64, channels []<-chan T) int
  959. github.com/samber/lo.DispatchingStrategyWeightedRandom :: func[T any](weights []int) github.com/samber/lo.DispatchingStrategy[T]
  960. github.com/samber/lo.DispatchingStrategyFirst :: func[T any](msg T, index uint64, channels []<-chan T) int
  961. github.com/samber/lo.DispatchingStrategyLeast :: func[T any](msg T, index uint64, channels []<-chan T) int
  962. github.com/samber/lo.DispatchingStrategyMost :: func[T any](msg T, index uint64, channels []<-chan T) int
  963. github.com/samber/lo.SliceToChannel :: func[T any](bufferSize int, collection []T) <-chan T
  964. github.com/samber/lo.ChannelToSlice :: func[T any](ch <-chan T) []T
  965. github.com/samber/lo.Generator :: func[T any](bufferSize int, generator func(yield func(T))) <-chan T
  966. github.com/samber/lo.Buffer :: func[T any](ch <-chan T, size int) (collection []T, length int, readTime time.Duration, ok bool)
  967. github.com/samber/lo.Batch :: func[T any](ch <-chan T, size int) (collection []T, length int, readTime time.Duration, ok bool)
  968. github.com/samber/lo.BufferWithTimeout :: func[T any](ch <-chan T, size int, timeout time.Duration) (collection []T, length int, readTime time.Duration, ok bool)
  969. github.com/samber/lo.BatchWithTimeout :: func[T any](ch <-chan T, size int, timeout time.Duration) (collection []T, length int, readTime time.Duration, ok bool)
  970. github.com/samber/lo.FanIn :: func[T any](channelBufferCap int, upstreams ...<-chan T) <-chan T
  971. github.com/samber/lo.ChannelMerge :: func[T any](channelBufferCap int, upstreams ...<-chan T) <-chan T
  972. github.com/samber/lo.FanOut :: func[T any](count int, channelsBufferCap int, upstream <-chan T) []<-chan T
  973. github.com/samber/lo.Synchronize :: func(opt ...sync.Locker) *github.com/samber/lo.synchronize
  974. github.com/samber/lo.Async :: func[A any](f func() A) <-chan A
  975. github.com/samber/lo.Async0 :: func(f func()) <-chan struct{}
  976. github.com/samber/lo.Async1 :: func[A any](f func() A) <-chan A
  977. github.com/samber/lo.Async2 :: func[A, B any](f func() (A, B)) <-chan github.com/samber/lo.Tuple2[A, B]
  978. github.com/samber/lo.Async3 :: func[A, B, C any](f func() (A, B, C)) <-chan github.com/samber/lo.Tuple3[A, B, C]
  979. github.com/samber/lo.Async4 :: func[A, B, C, D any](f func() (A, B, C, D)) <-chan github.com/samber/lo.Tuple4[A, B, C, D]
  980. github.com/samber/lo.Async5 :: func[A, B, C, D, E any](f func() (A, B, C, D, E)) <-chan github.com/samber/lo.Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]
  981. github.com/samber/lo.Async6 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F any](f func() (A, B, C, D, E, F)) <-chan github.com/samber/lo.Tuple6[A, B, C, D, E, F]
  982. github.com/samber/lo.Ternary :: func[T any](condition bool, ifOutput T, elseOutput T) T
  983. github.com/samber/lo.If :: func[T any](condition bool, result T) *github.com/samber/lo.ifElse[T]
  984. github.com/samber/lo.IfF :: func[T any](condition bool, resultF func() T) *github.com/samber/lo.ifElse[T]
  985. github.com/samber/lo.Switch :: func[T comparable, R any](predicate T) *github.com/samber/lo.switchCase[T, R]
  986. github.com/samber/lo.Validate :: func(ok bool, format string, args ...any) error
  987. github.com/samber/lo.Must :: func[T any](val T, err any, messageArgs ...interface{}) T
  988. github.com/samber/lo.Must0 :: func(err any, messageArgs ...interface{})
  989. github.com/samber/lo.Must1 :: func[T any](val T, err any, messageArgs ...interface{}) T
  990. github.com/samber/lo.Must2 :: func[T1, T2 any](val1 T1, val2 T2, err any, messageArgs ...interface{}) (T1, T2)
  991. github.com/samber/lo.Must3 :: func[T1, T2, T3 any](val1 T1, val2 T2, val3 T3, err any, messageArgs ...interface{}) (T1, T2, T3)
  992. github.com/samber/lo.Must4 :: func[T1, T2, T3, T4 any](val1 T1, val2 T2, val3 T3, val4 T4, err any, messageArgs ...interface{}) (T1, T2, T3, T4)
  993. github.com/samber/lo.Must5 :: func[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 any](val1 T1, val2 T2, val3 T3, val4 T4, val5 T5, err any, messageArgs ...interface{}) (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)
  994. github.com/samber/lo.Must6 :: func[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 any](val1 T1, val2 T2, val3 T3, val4 T4, val5 T5, val6 T6, err any, messageArgs ...interface{}) (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)
  995. github.com/samber/lo.Try :: func(callback func() error) (ok bool)
  996. github.com/samber/lo.Try0 :: func(callback func()) bool
  997. github.com/samber/lo.Try1 :: func(callback func() error) bool
  998. github.com/samber/lo.Try2 :: func[T any](callback func() (T, error)) bool
  999. github.com/samber/lo.Try3 :: func[T, R any](callback func() (T, R, error)) bool
  1000. github.com/samber/lo.Try4 :: func[T, R, S any](callback func() (T, R, S, error)) bool
  1001. github.com/samber/lo.Try5 :: func[T, R, S, Q any](callback func() (T, R, S, Q, error)) bool
  1002. github.com/samber/lo.Try6 :: func[T, R, S, Q, U any](callback func() (T, R, S, Q, U, error)) bool
  1003. github.com/samber/lo.TryOr :: func[A any](callback func() (A, error), fallbackA A) (A, bool)
  1004. github.com/samber/lo.TryOr1 :: func[A any](callback func() (A, error), fallbackA A) (A, bool)
  1005. github.com/samber/lo.TryOr2 :: func[A, B any](callback func() (A, B, error), fallbackA A, fallbackB B) (A, B, bool)
  1006. github.com/samber/lo.TryOr3 :: func[A, B, C any](callback func() (A, B, C, error), fallbackA A, fallbackB B, fallbackC C) (A, B, C, bool)
  1007. github.com/samber/lo.TryOr4 :: func[A, B, C, D any](callback func() (A, B, C, D, error), fallbackA A, fallbackB B, fallbackC C, fallbackD D) (A, B, C, D, bool)
  1008. github.com/samber/lo.TryOr5 :: func[A, B, C, D, E any](callback func() (A, B, C, D, E, error), fallbackA A, fallbackB B, fallbackC C, fallbackD D, fallbackE E) (A, B, C, D, E, bool)
  1009. github.com/samber/lo.TryOr6 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F any](callback func() (A, B, C, D, E, F, error), fallbackA A, fallbackB B, fallbackC C, fallbackD D, fallbackE E, fallbackF F) (A, B, C, D, E, F, bool)
  1010. github.com/samber/lo.TryWithErrorValue :: func(callback func() error) (errorValue any, ok bool)
  1011. github.com/samber/lo.TryCatch :: func(callback func() error, catch func())
  1012. github.com/samber/lo.TryCatchWithErrorValue :: func(callback func() error, catch func(any))
  1013. github.com/samber/lo.ErrorsAs :: func[T error](err error) (T, bool)
  1014. github.com/samber/lo.IndexOf :: func[T comparable](collection []T, element T) int
  1015. github.com/samber/lo.LastIndexOf :: func[T comparable](collection []T, element T) int
  1016. github.com/samber/lo.Find :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) (T, bool)
  1017. github.com/samber/lo.FindIndexOf :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) (T, int, bool)
  1018. github.com/samber/lo.FindLastIndexOf :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) (T, int, bool)
  1019. github.com/samber/lo.FindOrElse :: func[T any](collection []T, fallback T, predicate func(item T) bool) T
  1020. github.com/samber/lo.FindKey :: func[K, V comparable](object map[K]V, value V) (K, bool)
  1021. github.com/samber/lo.FindKeyBy :: func[K comparable, V any](object map[K]V, predicate func(key K, value V) bool) (K, bool)
  1022. github.com/samber/lo.FindUniques :: func[T comparable](collection []T) []T
  1023. github.com/samber/lo.FindUniquesBy :: func[T any, U comparable](collection []T, iteratee func(item T) U) []T
  1024. github.com/samber/lo.FindDuplicates :: func[T comparable](collection []T) []T
  1025. github.com/samber/lo.FindDuplicatesBy :: func[T any, U comparable](collection []T, iteratee func(item T) U) []T
  1026. github.com/samber/lo.Min :: func[T golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](collection []T) T
  1027. github.com/samber/lo.MinBy :: func[T any](collection []T, comparison func(a T, b T) bool) T
  1028. github.com/samber/lo.Max :: func[T golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](collection []T) T
  1029. github.com/samber/lo.MaxBy :: func[T any](collection []T, comparison func(a T, b T) bool) T
  1030. github.com/samber/lo.Last :: func[T any](collection []T) (T, error)
  1031. github.com/samber/lo.Nth :: func[T any, N golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Integer](collection []T, nth N) (T, error)
  1032. github.com/samber/lo.Sample :: func[T any](collection []T) T
  1033. github.com/samber/lo.Samples :: func[T any](collection []T, count int) []T
  1034. github.com/samber/lo.Partial :: func[T1, T2, R any](f func(a T1, b T2) R, arg1 T1) func(T2) R
  1035. github.com/samber/lo.Partial1 :: func[T1, T2, R any](f func(T1, T2) R, arg1 T1) func(T2) R
  1036. github.com/samber/lo.Partial2 :: func[T1, T2, T3, R any](f func(T1, T2, T3) R, arg1 T1) func(T2, T3) R
  1037. github.com/samber/lo.Partial3 :: func[T1, T2, T3, T4, R any](f func(T1, T2, T3, T4) R, arg1 T1) func(T2, T3, T4) R
  1038. github.com/samber/lo.Partial4 :: func[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R any](f func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) R, arg1 T1) func(T2, T3, T4, T5) R
  1039. github.com/samber/lo.Partial5 :: func[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R any](f func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) R, arg1 T1) func(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) R
  1040. github.com/samber/lo.Contains :: func[T comparable](collection []T, element T) bool
  1041. github.com/samber/lo.ContainsBy :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) bool
  1042. github.com/samber/lo.Every :: func[T comparable](collection []T, subset []T) bool
  1043. github.com/samber/lo.EveryBy :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) bool
  1044. github.com/samber/lo.Some :: func[T comparable](collection []T, subset []T) bool
  1045. github.com/samber/lo.SomeBy :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) bool
  1046. github.com/samber/lo.None :: func[T comparable](collection []T, subset []T) bool
  1047. github.com/samber/lo.NoneBy :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) bool
  1048. github.com/samber/lo.Intersect :: func[T comparable](list1 []T, list2 []T) []T
  1049. github.com/samber/lo.Difference :: func[T comparable](list1 []T, list2 []T) ([]T, []T)
  1050. github.com/samber/lo.Union :: func[T comparable](lists ...[]T) []T
  1051. github.com/samber/lo.Without :: func[T comparable](collection []T, exclude ...T) []T
  1052. github.com/samber/lo.WithoutEmpty :: func[T comparable](collection []T) []T
  1053. github.com/samber/lo.Keys :: func[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []K
  1054. github.com/samber/lo.Values :: func[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []V
  1055. github.com/samber/lo.ValueOr :: func[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, key K, fallback V) V
  1056. github.com/samber/lo.PickBy :: func[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, predicate func(key K, value V) bool) map[K]V
  1057. github.com/samber/lo.PickByKeys :: func[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, keys []K) map[K]V
  1058. github.com/samber/lo.PickByValues :: func[K, V comparable](in map[K]V, values []V) map[K]V
  1059. github.com/samber/lo.OmitBy :: func[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, predicate func(key K, value V) bool) map[K]V
  1060. github.com/samber/lo.OmitByKeys :: func[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, keys []K) map[K]V
  1061. github.com/samber/lo.OmitByValues :: func[K, V comparable](in map[K]V, values []V) map[K]V
  1062. github.com/samber/lo.Entries :: func[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []github.com/samber/lo.Entry[K, V]
  1063. github.com/samber/lo.ToPairs :: func[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []github.com/samber/lo.Entry[K, V]
  1064. github.com/samber/lo.FromEntries :: func[K comparable, V any](entries []github.com/samber/lo.Entry[K, V]) map[K]V
  1065. github.com/samber/lo.FromPairs :: func[K comparable, V any](entries []github.com/samber/lo.Entry[K, V]) map[K]V
  1066. github.com/samber/lo.Invert :: func[K, V comparable](in map[K]V) map[V]K
  1067. github.com/samber/lo.Assign :: func[K comparable, V any](maps ...map[K]V) map[K]V
  1068. github.com/samber/lo.MapKeys :: func[K comparable, V any, R comparable](in map[K]V, iteratee func(value V, key K) R) map[R]V
  1069. github.com/samber/lo.MapValues :: func[K comparable, V, R any](in map[K]V, iteratee func(value V, key K) R) map[K]R
  1070. github.com/samber/lo.MapEntries :: func[K1 comparable, V1 any, K2 comparable, V2 any](in map[K1]V1, iteratee func(key K1, value V1) (K2, V2)) map[K2]V2
  1071. github.com/samber/lo.MapToSlice :: func[K comparable, V, R any](in map[K]V, iteratee func(key K, value V) R) []R
  1072. github.com/samber/lo.Range :: func(elementNum int) []int
  1073. github.com/samber/lo.RangeFrom :: func[T golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Integer | golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Float](start T, elementNum int) []T
  1074. github.com/samber/lo.RangeWithSteps :: func[T golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Integer | golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Float](start T, end T, step T) []T
  1075. github.com/samber/lo.Clamp :: func[T golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](value T, min T, max T) T
  1076. github.com/samber/lo.Sum :: func[T golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Float | golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Integer | golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Complex](collection []T) T
  1077. github.com/samber/lo.SumBy :: func[T any, R golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Float | golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Integer | golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Complex](collection []T, iteratee func(item T) R) R
  1078. github.com/samber/lo.NewDebounce :: func(duration time.Duration, f ...func()) (func(), func())
  1079. github.com/samber/lo.NewDebounceBy :: func[T comparable](duration time.Duration, f ...func(key T, count int)) (func(key T), func(key T))
  1080. github.com/samber/lo.Attempt :: func(maxIteration int, f func(index int) error) (int, error)
  1081. github.com/samber/lo.AttemptWithDelay :: func(maxIteration int, delay time.Duration, f func(index int, duration time.Duration) error) (int, time.Duration, error)
  1082. github.com/samber/lo.AttemptWhile :: func(maxIteration int, f func(int) (error, bool)) (int, error)
  1083. github.com/samber/lo.AttemptWhileWithDelay :: func(maxIteration int, delay time.Duration, f func(int, time.Duration) (error, bool)) (int, time.Duration, error)
  1084. github.com/samber/lo.NewTransaction :: func[T any]() *github.com/samber/lo.Transaction[T]
  1085. github.com/samber/lo.Filter :: func[V any](collection []V, predicate func(item V, index int) bool) []V
  1086. github.com/samber/lo.Map :: func[T, R any](collection []T, iteratee func(item T, index int) R) []R
  1087. github.com/samber/lo.FilterMap :: func[T, R any](collection []T, callback func(item T, index int) (R, bool)) []R
  1088. github.com/samber/lo.FlatMap :: func[T, R any](collection []T, iteratee func(item T, index int) []R) []R
  1089. github.com/samber/lo.Reduce :: func[T, R any](collection []T, accumulator func(agg R, item T, index int) R, initial R) R
  1090. github.com/samber/lo.ReduceRight :: func[T, R any](collection []T, accumulator func(agg R, item T, index int) R, initial R) R
  1091. github.com/samber/lo.ForEach :: func[T any](collection []T, iteratee func(item T, index int))
  1092. github.com/samber/lo.Times :: func[T any](count int, iteratee func(index int) T) []T
  1093. github.com/samber/lo.Uniq :: func[T comparable](collection []T) []T
  1094. github.com/samber/lo.UniqBy :: func[T any, U comparable](collection []T, iteratee func(item T) U) []T
  1095. github.com/samber/lo.GroupBy :: func[T any, U comparable](collection []T, iteratee func(item T) U) map[U][]T
  1096. github.com/samber/lo.Chunk :: func[T any](collection []T, size int) [][]T
  1097. github.com/samber/lo.PartitionBy :: func[T any, K comparable](collection []T, iteratee func(item T) K) [][]T
  1098. github.com/samber/lo.Flatten :: func[T any](collection [][]T) []T
  1099. github.com/samber/lo.Interleave :: func[T any](collections ...[]T) []T
  1100. github.com/samber/lo.Shuffle :: func[T any](collection []T) []T
  1101. github.com/samber/lo.Reverse :: func[T any](collection []T) []T
  1102. github.com/samber/lo.Fill :: func[T github.com/samber/lo.Clonable[T]](collection []T, initial T) []T
  1103. github.com/samber/lo.Repeat :: func[T github.com/samber/lo.Clonable[T]](count int, initial T) []T
  1104. github.com/samber/lo.RepeatBy :: func[T any](count int, predicate func(index int) T) []T
  1105. github.com/samber/lo.KeyBy :: func[K comparable, V any](collection []V, iteratee func(item V) K) map[K]V
  1106. github.com/samber/lo.Associate :: func[T any, K comparable, V any](collection []T, transform func(item T) (K, V)) map[K]V
  1107. github.com/samber/lo.SliceToMap :: func[T any, K comparable, V any](collection []T, transform func(item T) (K, V)) map[K]V
  1108. github.com/samber/lo.Drop :: func[T any](collection []T, n int) []T
  1109. github.com/samber/lo.DropRight :: func[T any](collection []T, n int) []T
  1110. github.com/samber/lo.DropWhile :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) []T
  1111. github.com/samber/lo.DropRightWhile :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) []T
  1112. github.com/samber/lo.Reject :: func[V any](collection []V, predicate func(item V, index int) bool) []V
  1113. github.com/samber/lo.Count :: func[T comparable](collection []T, value T) (count int)
  1114. github.com/samber/lo.CountBy :: func[T any](collection []T, predicate func(item T) bool) (count int)
  1115. github.com/samber/lo.CountValues :: func[T comparable](collection []T) map[T]int
  1116. github.com/samber/lo.CountValuesBy :: func[T any, U comparable](collection []T, mapper func(item T) U) map[U]int
  1117. github.com/samber/lo.Subset :: func[T any](collection []T, offset int, length uint) []T
  1118. github.com/samber/lo.Slice :: func[T any](collection []T, start int, end int) []T
  1119. github.com/samber/lo.Replace :: func[T comparable](collection []T, old T, new T, n int) []T
  1120. github.com/samber/lo.ReplaceAll :: func[T comparable](collection []T, old T, new T) []T
  1121. github.com/samber/lo.Compact :: func[T comparable](collection []T) []T
  1122. github.com/samber/lo.IsSorted :: func[T golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](collection []T) bool
  1123. github.com/samber/lo.IsSortedByKey :: func[T any, K golang.org/x/exp/constraints.Ordered](collection []T, iteratee func(item T) K) bool
  1124. github.com/samber/lo.RandomString :: func(size int, charset []rune) string
  1125. github.com/samber/lo.Substring :: func[T ~string](str T, offset int, length uint) T
  1126. github.com/samber/lo.ChunkString :: func[T ~string](str T, size int) []T
  1127. github.com/samber/lo.RuneLength :: func(str string) int
  1128. github.com/samber/lo.T2 :: func[A, B any](a A, b B) github.com/samber/lo.Tuple2[A, B]
  1129. github.com/samber/lo.T3 :: func[A, B, C any](a A, b B, c C) github.com/samber/lo.Tuple3[A, B, C]
  1130. github.com/samber/lo.T4 :: func[A, B, C, D any](a A, b B, c C, d D) github.com/samber/lo.Tuple4[A, B, C, D]
  1131. github.com/samber/lo.T5 :: func[A, B, C, D, E any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E) github.com/samber/lo.Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]
  1132. github.com/samber/lo.T6 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E, f F) github.com/samber/lo.Tuple6[A, B, C, D, E, F]
  1133. github.com/samber/lo.T7 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E, f F, g G) github.com/samber/lo.Tuple7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]
  1134. github.com/samber/lo.T8 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E, f F, g G, h H) github.com/samber/lo.Tuple8[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]
  1135. github.com/samber/lo.T9 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I any](a A, b B, c C, d D, e E, f F, g G, h H, i I) github.com/samber/lo.Tuple9[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I]
  1136. github.com/samber/lo.Unpack2 :: func[A, B any](tuple github.com/samber/lo.Tuple2[A, B]) (A, B)
  1137. github.com/samber/lo.Unpack3 :: func[A, B, C any](tuple github.com/samber/lo.Tuple3[A, B, C]) (A, B, C)
  1138. github.com/samber/lo.Unpack4 :: func[A, B, C, D any](tuple github.com/samber/lo.Tuple4[A, B, C, D]) (A, B, C, D)
  1139. github.com/samber/lo.Unpack5 :: func[A, B, C, D, E any](tuple github.com/samber/lo.Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]) (A, B, C, D, E)
  1140. github.com/samber/lo.Unpack6 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F any](tuple github.com/samber/lo.Tuple6[A, B, C, D, E, F]) (A, B, C, D, E, F)
  1141. github.com/samber/lo.Unpack7 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G any](tuple github.com/samber/lo.Tuple7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]) (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)
  1142. github.com/samber/lo.Unpack8 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H any](tuple github.com/samber/lo.Tuple8[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]) (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)
  1143. github.com/samber/lo.Unpack9 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I any](tuple github.com/samber/lo.Tuple9[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I]) (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)
  1144. github.com/samber/lo.Zip2 :: func[A, B any](a []A, b []B) []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple2[A, B]
  1145. github.com/samber/lo.Zip3 :: func[A, B, C any](a []A, b []B, c []C) []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple3[A, B, C]
  1146. github.com/samber/lo.Zip4 :: func[A, B, C, D any](a []A, b []B, c []C, d []D) []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple4[A, B, C, D]
  1147. github.com/samber/lo.Zip5 :: func[A, B, C, D, E any](a []A, b []B, c []C, d []D, e []E) []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]
  1148. github.com/samber/lo.Zip6 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F any](a []A, b []B, c []C, d []D, e []E, f []F) []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple6[A, B, C, D, E, F]
  1149. github.com/samber/lo.Zip7 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G any](a []A, b []B, c []C, d []D, e []E, f []F, g []G) []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]
  1150. github.com/samber/lo.Zip8 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H any](a []A, b []B, c []C, d []D, e []E, f []F, g []G, h []H) []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple8[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]
  1151. github.com/samber/lo.Zip9 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I any](a []A, b []B, c []C, d []D, e []E, f []F, g []G, h []H, i []I) []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple9[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I]
  1152. github.com/samber/lo.Unzip2 :: func[A, B any](tuples []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple2[A, B]) ([]A, []B)
  1153. github.com/samber/lo.Unzip3 :: func[A, B, C any](tuples []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple3[A, B, C]) ([]A, []B, []C)
  1154. github.com/samber/lo.Unzip4 :: func[A, B, C, D any](tuples []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple4[A, B, C, D]) ([]A, []B, []C, []D)
  1155. github.com/samber/lo.Unzip5 :: func[A, B, C, D, E any](tuples []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple5[A, B, C, D, E]) ([]A, []B, []C, []D, []E)
  1156. github.com/samber/lo.Unzip6 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F any](tuples []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple6[A, B, C, D, E, F]) ([]A, []B, []C, []D, []E, []F)
  1157. github.com/samber/lo.Unzip7 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G any](tuples []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]) ([]A, []B, []C, []D, []E, []F, []G)
  1158. github.com/samber/lo.Unzip8 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H any](tuples []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple8[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]) ([]A, []B, []C, []D, []E, []F, []G, []H)
  1159. github.com/samber/lo.Unzip9 :: func[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I any](tuples []github.com/samber/lo.Tuple9[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I]) ([]A, []B, []C, []D, []E, []F, []G, []H, []I)
  1160. github.com/samber/lo.ToPtr :: func[T any](x T) *T
  1161. github.com/samber/lo.IsNil :: func(x any) bool
  1162. github.com/samber/lo.EmptyableToPtr :: func[T any](x T) *T
  1163. github.com/samber/lo.FromPtr :: func[T any](x *T) T
  1164. github.com/samber/lo.FromPtrOr :: func[T any](x *T, fallback T) T
  1165. github.com/samber/lo.ToSlicePtr :: func[T any](collection []T) []*T
  1166. github.com/samber/lo.ToAnySlice :: func[T any](collection []T) []any
  1167. github.com/samber/lo.FromAnySlice :: func[T any](in []any) (out []T, ok bool)
  1168. github.com/samber/lo.Empty :: func[T any]() T
  1169. github.com/samber/lo.IsEmpty :: func[T comparable](v T) bool
  1170. github.com/samber/lo.IsNotEmpty :: func[T comparable](v T) bool
  1171. github.com/samber/lo.Coalesce :: func[T comparable](v ...T) (result T, ok bool)
  1172. bytes.NewBuffer :: func(buf []byte) *bytes.Buffer
  1173. bytes.NewBufferString :: func(s string) *bytes.Buffer
  1174. bytes.Equal :: func(a []byte, b []byte) bool
  1175. bytes.Compare :: func(a []byte, b []byte) int
  1176. bytes.Count :: func(s []byte, sep []byte) int
  1177. bytes.Contains :: func(b []byte, subslice []byte) bool
  1178. bytes.ContainsAny :: func(b []byte, chars string) bool
  1179. bytes.ContainsRune :: func(b []byte, r rune) bool
  1180. bytes.ContainsFunc :: func(b []byte, f func(rune) bool) bool
  1181. bytes.IndexByte :: func(b []byte, c byte) int
  1182. bytes.LastIndex :: func(s []byte, sep []byte) int
  1183. bytes.LastIndexByte :: func(s []byte, c byte) int
  1184. bytes.IndexRune :: func(s []byte, r rune) int
  1185. bytes.IndexAny :: func(s []byte, chars string) int
  1186. bytes.LastIndexAny :: func(s []byte, chars string) int
  1187. bytes.SplitN :: func(s []byte, sep []byte, n int) [][]byte
  1188. bytes.SplitAfterN :: func(s []byte, sep []byte, n int) [][]byte
  1189. bytes.Split :: func(s []byte, sep []byte) [][]byte
  1190. bytes.SplitAfter :: func(s []byte, sep []byte) [][]byte
  1191. bytes.Fields :: func(s []byte) [][]byte
  1192. bytes.FieldsFunc :: func(s []byte, f func(rune) bool) [][]byte
  1193. bytes.Join :: func(s [][]byte, sep []byte) []byte
  1194. bytes.HasPrefix :: func(s []byte, prefix []byte) bool
  1195. bytes.HasSuffix :: func(s []byte, suffix []byte) bool
  1196. bytes.Map :: func(mapping func(r rune) rune, s []byte) []byte
  1197. bytes.Repeat :: func(b []byte, count int) []byte
  1198. bytes.ToUpper :: func(s []byte) []byte
  1199. bytes.ToLower :: func(s []byte) []byte
  1200. bytes.ToTitle :: func(s []byte) []byte
  1201. bytes.ToUpperSpecial :: func(c unicode.SpecialCase, s []byte) []byte
  1202. bytes.ToLowerSpecial :: func(c unicode.SpecialCase, s []byte) []byte
  1203. bytes.ToTitleSpecial :: func(c unicode.SpecialCase, s []byte) []byte
  1204. bytes.ToValidUTF8 :: func(s []byte, replacement []byte) []byte
  1205. bytes.Title :: func(s []byte) []byte
  1206. bytes.TrimLeftFunc :: func(s []byte, f func(r rune) bool) []byte
  1207. bytes.TrimRightFunc :: func(s []byte, f func(r rune) bool) []byte
  1208. bytes.TrimFunc :: func(s []byte, f func(r rune) bool) []byte
  1209. bytes.TrimPrefix :: func(s []byte, prefix []byte) []byte
  1210. bytes.TrimSuffix :: func(s []byte, suffix []byte) []byte
  1211. bytes.IndexFunc :: func(s []byte, f func(r rune) bool) int
  1212. bytes.LastIndexFunc :: func(s []byte, f func(r rune) bool) int
  1213. bytes.Trim :: func(s []byte, cutset string) []byte
  1214. bytes.TrimLeft :: func(s []byte, cutset string) []byte
  1215. bytes.TrimRight :: func(s []byte, cutset string) []byte
  1216. bytes.TrimSpace :: func(s []byte) []byte
  1217. bytes.Runes :: func(s []byte) []rune
  1218. bytes.Replace :: func(s []byte, old []byte, new []byte, n int) []byte
  1219. bytes.ReplaceAll :: func(s []byte, old []byte, new []byte) []byte
  1220. bytes.EqualFold :: func(s []byte, t []byte) bool
  1221. bytes.Index :: func(s []byte, sep []byte) int
  1222. bytes.Cut :: func(s []byte, sep []byte) (before []byte, after []byte, found bool)
  1223. bytes.Clone :: func(b []byte) []byte
  1224. bytes.CutPrefix :: func(s []byte, prefix []byte) (after []byte, found bool)
  1225. bytes.CutSuffix :: func(s []byte, suffix []byte) (before []byte, found bool)
  1226. bytes.NewReader :: func(b []byte) *bytes.Reader
  1227. bufio.NewReaderSize :: func(rd io.Reader, size int) *bufio.Reader
  1228. bufio.NewReader :: func(rd io.Reader) *bufio.Reader
  1229. bufio.NewWriterSize :: func(w io.Writer, size int) *bufio.Writer
  1230. bufio.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer) *bufio.Writer
  1231. bufio.NewReadWriter :: func(r *bufio.Reader, w *bufio.Writer) *bufio.ReadWriter
  1232. bufio.NewScanner :: func(r io.Reader) *bufio.Scanner
  1233. bufio.ScanBytes :: func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error)
  1234. bufio.ScanRunes :: func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error)
  1235. bufio.ScanLines :: func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error)
  1236. bufio.ScanWords :: func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error)
  1237. os/user.Current :: func() (*os/user.User, error)
  1238. os/user.Lookup :: func(username string) (*os/user.User, error)
  1239. os/user.LookupId :: func(uid string) (*os/user.User, error)
  1240. os/user.LookupGroup :: func(name string) (*os/user.Group, error)
  1241. os/user.LookupGroupId :: func(gid string) (*os/user.Group, error)
  1242. path/filepath.Match :: func(pattern string, name string) (matched bool, err error)
  1243. path/filepath.Glob :: func(pattern string) (matches []string, err error)
  1244. path/filepath.Clean :: func(path string) string
  1245. path/filepath.IsLocal :: func(path string) bool
  1246. path/filepath.ToSlash :: func(path string) string
  1247. path/filepath.FromSlash :: func(path string) string
  1248. path/filepath.SplitList :: func(path string) []string
  1249. path/filepath.Split :: func(path string) (dir string, file string)
  1250. path/filepath.Join :: func(elem ...string) string
  1251. path/filepath.Ext :: func(path string) string
  1252. path/filepath.EvalSymlinks :: func(path string) (string, error)
  1253. path/filepath.Abs :: func(path string) (string, error)
  1254. path/filepath.Rel :: func(basepath string, targpath string) (string, error)
  1255. path/filepath.WalkDir :: func(root string, fn io/fs.WalkDirFunc) error
  1256. path/filepath.Walk :: func(root string, fn path/filepath.WalkFunc) error
  1257. path/filepath.Base :: func(path string) string
  1258. path/filepath.Dir :: func(path string) string
  1259. path/filepath.VolumeName :: func(path string) string
  1260. path/filepath.IsAbs :: func(path string) bool
  1261. path/filepath.HasPrefix :: func(p string, prefix string) bool
  1262. archive/tar.FileInfoHeader :: func(fi io/fs.FileInfo, link string) (*archive/tar.Header, error)
  1263. archive/tar.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader) *archive/tar.Reader
  1264. archive/tar.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer) *archive/tar.Writer
  1265. compress/flate.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer, level int) (*compress/flate.Writer, error)
  1266. compress/flate.NewWriterDict :: func(w io.Writer, level int, dict []byte) (*compress/flate.Writer, error)
  1267. compress/flate.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader) io.ReadCloser
  1268. compress/flate.NewReaderDict :: func(r io.Reader, dict []byte) io.ReadCloser
  1269. encoding/binary.Read :: func(r io.Reader, order encoding/binary.ByteOrder, data any) error
  1270. encoding/binary.Write :: func(w io.Writer, order encoding/binary.ByteOrder, data any) error
  1271. encoding/binary.Size :: func(v any) int
  1272. encoding/binary.AppendUvarint :: func(buf []byte, x uint64) []byte
  1273. encoding/binary.PutUvarint :: func(buf []byte, x uint64) int
  1274. encoding/binary.Uvarint :: func(buf []byte) (uint64, int)
  1275. encoding/binary.AppendVarint :: func(buf []byte, x int64) []byte
  1276. encoding/binary.PutVarint :: func(buf []byte, x int64) int
  1277. encoding/binary.Varint :: func(buf []byte) (int64, int)
  1278. encoding/binary.ReadUvarint :: func(r io.ByteReader) (uint64, error)
  1279. encoding/binary.ReadVarint :: func(r io.ByteReader) (int64, error)
  1280. hash/crc32.MakeTable :: func(poly uint32) *hash/crc32.Table
  1281. hash/crc32.New :: func(tab *hash/crc32.Table) hash.Hash32
  1282. hash/crc32.NewIEEE :: func() hash.Hash32
  1283. hash/crc32.Update :: func(crc uint32, tab *hash/crc32.Table, p []byte) uint32
  1284. hash/crc32.Checksum :: func(data []byte, tab *hash/crc32.Table) uint32
  1285. hash/crc32.ChecksumIEEE :: func(data []byte) uint32
  1286. archive/zip.OpenReader :: func(name string) (*archive/zip.ReadCloser, error)
  1287. archive/zip.NewReader :: func(r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (*archive/zip.Reader, error)
  1288. archive/zip.RegisterDecompressor :: func(method uint16, dcomp archive/zip.Decompressor)
  1289. archive/zip.RegisterCompressor :: func(method uint16, comp archive/zip.Compressor)
  1290. archive/zip.FileInfoHeader :: func(fi io/fs.FileInfo) (*archive/zip.FileHeader, error)
  1291. archive/zip.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer) *archive/zip.Writer
  1292. compress/bzip2.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader) io.Reader
  1293. compress/gzip.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader) (*compress/gzip.Reader, error)
  1294. compress/gzip.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer) *compress/gzip.Writer
  1295. compress/gzip.NewWriterLevel :: func(w io.Writer, level int) (*compress/gzip.Writer, error)
  1296. compress/lzw.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader, order compress/lzw.Order, litWidth int) io.ReadCloser
  1297. compress/lzw.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer, order compress/lzw.Order, litWidth int) io.WriteCloser
  1298. hash/adler32.New :: func() hash.Hash32
  1299. hash/adler32.Checksum :: func(data []byte) uint32
  1300. compress/zlib.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error)
  1301. compress/zlib.NewReaderDict :: func(r io.Reader, dict []byte) (io.ReadCloser, error)
  1302. compress/zlib.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer) *compress/zlib.Writer
  1303. compress/zlib.NewWriterLevel :: func(w io.Writer, level int) (*compress/zlib.Writer, error)
  1304. compress/zlib.NewWriterLevelDict :: func(w io.Writer, level int, dict []byte) (*compress/zlib.Writer, error)
  1305. container/heap.Init :: func(h container/heap.Interface)
  1306. container/heap.Push :: func(h container/heap.Interface, x any)
  1307. container/heap.Pop :: func(h container/heap.Interface) any
  1308. container/heap.Remove :: func(h container/heap.Interface, i int) any
  1309. container/heap.Fix :: func(h container/heap.Interface, i int)
  1310. container/list.New :: func() *container/list.List
  1311. container/ring.New :: func(n int) *container/ring.Ring
  1312. context.Background :: func() context.Context
  1313. context.TODO :: func() context.Context
  1314. context.WithCancel :: func(parent context.Context) (ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc)
  1315. context.WithCancelCause :: func(parent context.Context) (ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelCauseFunc)
  1316. context.Cause :: func(c context.Context) error
  1317. context.AfterFunc :: func(ctx context.Context, f func()) (stop func() bool)
  1318. context.WithoutCancel :: func(parent context.Context) context.Context
  1319. context.WithDeadline :: func(parent context.Context, d time.Time) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)
  1320. context.WithDeadlineCause :: func(parent context.Context, d time.Time, cause error) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)
  1321. context.WithTimeout :: func(parent context.Context, timeout time.Duration) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)
  1322. context.WithTimeoutCause :: func(parent context.Context, timeout time.Duration, cause error) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)
  1323. context.WithValue :: func(parent context.Context, key any, val any) context.Context
  1324. crypto.RegisterHash :: func(h crypto.Hash, f func() hash.Hash)
  1325. crypto/internal/alias.AnyOverlap :: func(x []byte, y []byte) bool
  1326. crypto/internal/alias.InexactOverlap :: func(x []byte, y []byte) bool
  1327. crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeCompare :: func(x []byte, y []byte) int
  1328. crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeSelect :: func(v int, x int, y int) int
  1329. crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq :: func(x uint8, y uint8) int
  1330. crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeEq :: func(x int32, y int32) int
  1331. crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeCopy :: func(v int, x []byte, y []byte)
  1332. crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeLessOrEq :: func(x int, y int) int
  1333. crypto/subtle.XORBytes :: func(dst []byte, x []byte, y []byte) int
  1334. crypto/cipher.NewCBCEncrypter :: func(b crypto/cipher.Block, iv []byte) crypto/cipher.BlockMode
  1335. crypto/cipher.NewCBCDecrypter :: func(b crypto/cipher.Block, iv []byte) crypto/cipher.BlockMode
  1336. crypto/cipher.NewCFBEncrypter :: func(block crypto/cipher.Block, iv []byte) crypto/cipher.Stream
  1337. crypto/cipher.NewCFBDecrypter :: func(block crypto/cipher.Block, iv []byte) crypto/cipher.Stream
  1338. crypto/cipher.NewCTR :: func(block crypto/cipher.Block, iv []byte) crypto/cipher.Stream
  1339. crypto/cipher.NewGCM :: func(cipher crypto/cipher.Block) (crypto/cipher.AEAD, error)
  1340. crypto/cipher.NewGCMWithNonceSize :: func(cipher crypto/cipher.Block, size int) (crypto/cipher.AEAD, error)
  1341. crypto/cipher.NewGCMWithTagSize :: func(cipher crypto/cipher.Block, tagSize int) (crypto/cipher.AEAD, error)
  1342. crypto/cipher.NewOFB :: func(b crypto/cipher.Block, iv []byte) crypto/cipher.Stream
  1343. crypto/internal/boring/sig.BoringCrypto :: func()
  1344. crypto/internal/boring/sig.FIPSOnly :: func()
  1345. crypto/internal/boring/sig.StandardCrypto :: func()
  1346. crypto/internal/boring.Unreachable :: func()
  1347. crypto/internal/boring.UnreachableExceptTests :: func()
  1348. crypto/internal/boring.NewSHA1 :: func() hash.Hash
  1349. crypto/internal/boring.NewSHA224 :: func() hash.Hash
  1350. crypto/internal/boring.NewSHA256 :: func() hash.Hash
  1351. crypto/internal/boring.NewSHA384 :: func() hash.Hash
  1352. crypto/internal/boring.NewSHA512 :: func() hash.Hash
  1353. crypto/internal/boring.SHA1 :: func([]byte) [20]byte
  1354. crypto/internal/boring.SHA224 :: func([]byte) [28]byte
  1355. crypto/internal/boring.SHA256 :: func([]byte) [32]byte
  1356. crypto/internal/boring.SHA384 :: func([]byte) [48]byte
  1357. crypto/internal/boring.SHA512 :: func([]byte) [64]byte
  1358. crypto/internal/boring.NewHMAC :: func(h func() hash.Hash, key []byte) hash.Hash
  1359. crypto/internal/boring.NewAESCipher :: func(key []byte) (crypto/cipher.Block, error)
  1360. crypto/internal/boring.NewGCMTLS :: func(crypto/cipher.Block) (crypto/cipher.AEAD, error)
  1361. crypto/internal/boring.GenerateKeyECDSA :: func(curve string) (X crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Y crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, D crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, err error)
  1362. crypto/internal/boring.NewPrivateKeyECDSA :: func(curve string, X crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Y crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, D crypto/internal/boring.BigInt) (*crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyECDSA, error)
  1363. crypto/internal/boring.NewPublicKeyECDSA :: func(curve string, X crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Y crypto/internal/boring.BigInt) (*crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyECDSA, error)
  1364. crypto/internal/boring.SignMarshalECDSA :: func(priv *crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyECDSA, hash []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1365. crypto/internal/boring.VerifyECDSA :: func(pub *crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyECDSA, hash []byte, sig []byte) bool
  1366. crypto/internal/boring.DecryptRSAOAEP :: func(h hash.Hash, mgfHash hash.Hash, priv *crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyRSA, ciphertext []byte, label []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1367. crypto/internal/boring.DecryptRSAPKCS1 :: func(priv *crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyRSA, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1368. crypto/internal/boring.DecryptRSANoPadding :: func(priv *crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyRSA, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1369. crypto/internal/boring.EncryptRSAOAEP :: func(h hash.Hash, mgfHash hash.Hash, pub *crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyRSA, msg []byte, label []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1370. crypto/internal/boring.EncryptRSAPKCS1 :: func(pub *crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyRSA, msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1371. crypto/internal/boring.EncryptRSANoPadding :: func(pub *crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyRSA, msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1372. crypto/internal/boring.GenerateKeyRSA :: func(bits int) (N crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, E crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, D crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, P crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Q crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Dp crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Dq crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Qinv crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, err error)
  1373. crypto/internal/boring.NewPrivateKeyRSA :: func(N crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, E crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, D crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, P crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Q crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Dp crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Dq crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, Qinv crypto/internal/boring.BigInt) (*crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyRSA, error)
  1374. crypto/internal/boring.NewPublicKeyRSA :: func(N crypto/internal/boring.BigInt, E crypto/internal/boring.BigInt) (*crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyRSA, error)
  1375. crypto/internal/boring.SignRSAPKCS1v15 :: func(priv *crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyRSA, h crypto.Hash, hashed []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1376. crypto/internal/boring.SignRSAPSS :: func(priv *crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyRSA, h crypto.Hash, hashed []byte, saltLen int) ([]byte, error)
  1377. crypto/internal/boring.VerifyRSAPKCS1v15 :: func(pub *crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyRSA, h crypto.Hash, hashed []byte, sig []byte) error
  1378. crypto/internal/boring.VerifyRSAPSS :: func(pub *crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyRSA, h crypto.Hash, hashed []byte, sig []byte, saltLen int) error
  1379. crypto/internal/boring.ECDH :: func(*crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyECDH, *crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyECDH) ([]byte, error)
  1380. crypto/internal/boring.GenerateKeyECDH :: func(string) (*crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyECDH, []byte, error)
  1381. crypto/internal/boring.NewPrivateKeyECDH :: func(string, []byte) (*crypto/internal/boring.PrivateKeyECDH, error)
  1382. crypto/internal/boring.NewPublicKeyECDH :: func(string, []byte) (*crypto/internal/boring.PublicKeyECDH, error)
  1383. crypto/aes.NewCipher :: func(key []byte) (crypto/cipher.Block, error)
  1384. crypto/des.NewCipher :: func(key []byte) (crypto/cipher.Block, error)
  1385. crypto/des.NewTripleDESCipher :: func(key []byte) (crypto/cipher.Block, error)
  1386. crypto/internal/randutil.MaybeReadByte :: func(r io.Reader)
  1387. math/big.NewFloat :: func(x float64) *math/big.Float
  1388. math/big.ParseFloat :: func(s string, base int, prec uint, mode math/big.RoundingMode) (f *math/big.Float, b int, err error)
  1389. math/big.NewInt :: func(x int64) *math/big.Int
  1390. math/big.Jacobi :: func(x *math/big.Int, y *math/big.Int) int
  1391. math/big.NewRat :: func(a int64, b int64) *math/big.Rat
  1392. crypto/dsa.GenerateParameters :: func(params *crypto/dsa.Parameters, rand io.Reader, sizes crypto/dsa.ParameterSizes) error
  1393. crypto/dsa.GenerateKey :: func(priv *crypto/dsa.PrivateKey, rand io.Reader) error
  1394. crypto/dsa.Sign :: func(rand io.Reader, priv *crypto/dsa.PrivateKey, hash []byte) (r *math/big.Int, s *math/big.Int, err error)
  1395. crypto/dsa.Verify :: func(pub *crypto/dsa.PublicKey, hash []byte, r *math/big.Int, s *math/big.Int) bool
  1396. crypto/internal/nistec.NewP224Point :: func() *crypto/internal/nistec.P224Point
  1397. crypto/internal/nistec.NewP256Point :: func() *crypto/internal/nistec.P256Point
  1398. crypto/internal/nistec.P256OrdInverse :: func(k []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1399. crypto/internal/nistec.NewP384Point :: func() *crypto/internal/nistec.P384Point
  1400. crypto/internal/nistec.NewP521Point :: func() *crypto/internal/nistec.P521Point
  1401. crypto/ecdh.P256 :: func() crypto/ecdh.Curve
  1402. crypto/ecdh.P384 :: func() crypto/ecdh.Curve
  1403. crypto/ecdh.P521 :: func() crypto/ecdh.Curve
  1404. crypto/ecdh.X25519 :: func() crypto/ecdh.Curve
  1405. crypto/elliptic.GenerateKey :: func(curve crypto/elliptic.Curve, rand io.Reader) (priv []byte, x *math/big.Int, y *math/big.Int, err error)
  1406. crypto/elliptic.Marshal :: func(curve crypto/elliptic.Curve, x *math/big.Int, y *math/big.Int) []byte
  1407. crypto/elliptic.MarshalCompressed :: func(curve crypto/elliptic.Curve, x *math/big.Int, y *math/big.Int) []byte
  1408. crypto/elliptic.Unmarshal :: func(curve crypto/elliptic.Curve, data []byte) (x *math/big.Int, y *math/big.Int)
  1409. crypto/elliptic.UnmarshalCompressed :: func(curve crypto/elliptic.Curve, data []byte) (x *math/big.Int, y *math/big.Int)
  1410. crypto/elliptic.P224 :: func() crypto/elliptic.Curve
  1411. crypto/elliptic.P256 :: func() crypto/elliptic.Curve
  1412. crypto/elliptic.P384 :: func() crypto/elliptic.Curve
  1413. crypto/elliptic.P521 :: func() crypto/elliptic.Curve
  1414. crypto/internal/bigmod.NewNat :: func() *crypto/internal/bigmod.Nat
  1415. crypto/internal/bigmod.NewModulusFromBig :: func(n *math/big.Int) (*crypto/internal/bigmod.Modulus, error)
  1416. crypto/internal/boring/bbig.Enc :: func(b *math/big.Int) crypto/internal/boring.BigInt
  1417. crypto/internal/boring/bbig.Dec :: func(b crypto/internal/boring.BigInt) *math/big.Int
  1418. crypto/sha512.New :: func() hash.Hash
  1419. crypto/sha512.New512_224 :: func() hash.Hash
  1420. crypto/sha512.New512_256 :: func() hash.Hash
  1421. crypto/sha512.New384 :: func() hash.Hash
  1422. crypto/sha512.Sum512 :: func(data []byte) [64]byte
  1423. crypto/sha512.Sum384 :: func(data []byte) [48]byte
  1424. crypto/sha512.Sum512_224 :: func(data []byte) [28]byte
  1425. crypto/sha512.Sum512_256 :: func(data []byte) [32]byte
  1426. unicode/utf16.IsSurrogate :: func(r rune) bool
  1427. unicode/utf16.DecodeRune :: func(r1 rune, r2 rune) rune
  1428. unicode/utf16.EncodeRune :: func(r rune) (r1 rune, r2 rune)
  1429. unicode/utf16.Encode :: func(s []rune) []uint16
  1430. unicode/utf16.AppendRune :: func(a []uint16, r rune) []uint16
  1431. unicode/utf16.Decode :: func(s []uint16) []rune
  1432. encoding/asn1.Unmarshal :: func(b []byte, val any) (rest []byte, err error)
  1433. encoding/asn1.UnmarshalWithParams :: func(b []byte, val any, params string) (rest []byte, err error)
  1434. encoding/asn1.Marshal :: func(val any) ([]byte, error)
  1435. encoding/asn1.MarshalWithParams :: func(val any, params string) ([]byte, error)
  1436. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte.NewBuilder :: func(buffer []byte) *vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte.Builder
  1437. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte.NewFixedBuilder :: func(buffer []byte) *vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte.Builder
  1438. crypto/ecdsa.GenerateKey :: func(c crypto/elliptic.Curve, rand io.Reader) (*crypto/ecdsa.PrivateKey, error)
  1439. crypto/ecdsa.SignASN1 :: func(rand io.Reader, priv *crypto/ecdsa.PrivateKey, hash []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1440. crypto/ecdsa.VerifyASN1 :: func(pub *crypto/ecdsa.PublicKey, hash []byte, sig []byte) bool
  1441. crypto/ecdsa.Sign :: func(rand io.Reader, priv *crypto/ecdsa.PrivateKey, hash []byte) (r *math/big.Int, s *math/big.Int, err error)
  1442. crypto/ecdsa.Verify :: func(pub *crypto/ecdsa.PublicKey, hash []byte, r *math/big.Int, s *math/big.Int) bool
  1443. crypto/internal/edwards25519.NewIdentityPoint :: func() *crypto/internal/edwards25519.Point
  1444. crypto/internal/edwards25519.NewGeneratorPoint :: func() *crypto/internal/edwards25519.Point
  1445. crypto/internal/edwards25519.NewScalar :: func() *crypto/internal/edwards25519.Scalar
  1446. crypto/rand.Read :: func(b []byte) (n int, err error)
  1447. crypto/rand.Prime :: func(rand io.Reader, bits int) (*math/big.Int, error)
  1448. crypto/rand.Int :: func(rand io.Reader, max *math/big.Int) (n *math/big.Int, err error)
  1449. crypto/ed25519.GenerateKey :: func(rand io.Reader) (crypto/ed25519.PublicKey, crypto/ed25519.PrivateKey, error)
  1450. crypto/ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed :: func(seed []byte) crypto/ed25519.PrivateKey
  1451. crypto/ed25519.Sign :: func(privateKey crypto/ed25519.PrivateKey, message []byte) []byte
  1452. crypto/ed25519.Verify :: func(publicKey crypto/ed25519.PublicKey, message []byte, sig []byte) bool
  1453. crypto/ed25519.VerifyWithOptions :: func(publicKey crypto/ed25519.PublicKey, message []byte, sig []byte, opts *crypto/ed25519.Options) error
  1454. crypto/hmac.New :: func(h func() hash.Hash, key []byte) hash.Hash
  1455. crypto/hmac.Equal :: func(mac1 []byte, mac2 []byte) bool
  1456. crypto/md5.New :: func() hash.Hash
  1457. crypto/md5.Sum :: func(data []byte) [16]byte
  1458. crypto/rc4.NewCipher :: func(key []byte) (*crypto/rc4.Cipher, error)
  1459. crypto/rsa.EncryptPKCS1v15 :: func(random io.Reader, pub *crypto/rsa.PublicKey, msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1460. crypto/rsa.DecryptPKCS1v15 :: func(random io.Reader, priv *crypto/rsa.PrivateKey, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1461. crypto/rsa.DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey :: func(random io.Reader, priv *crypto/rsa.PrivateKey, ciphertext []byte, key []byte) error
  1462. crypto/rsa.SignPKCS1v15 :: func(random io.Reader, priv *crypto/rsa.PrivateKey, hash crypto.Hash, hashed []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1463. crypto/rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15 :: func(pub *crypto/rsa.PublicKey, hash crypto.Hash, hashed []byte, sig []byte) error
  1464. crypto/rsa.SignPSS :: func(rand io.Reader, priv *crypto/rsa.PrivateKey, hash crypto.Hash, digest []byte, opts *crypto/rsa.PSSOptions) ([]byte, error)
  1465. crypto/rsa.VerifyPSS :: func(pub *crypto/rsa.PublicKey, hash crypto.Hash, digest []byte, sig []byte, opts *crypto/rsa.PSSOptions) error
  1466. crypto/rsa.GenerateKey :: func(random io.Reader, bits int) (*crypto/rsa.PrivateKey, error)
  1467. crypto/rsa.GenerateMultiPrimeKey :: func(random io.Reader, nprimes int, bits int) (*crypto/rsa.PrivateKey, error)
  1468. crypto/rsa.EncryptOAEP :: func(hash hash.Hash, random io.Reader, pub *crypto/rsa.PublicKey, msg []byte, label []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1469. crypto/rsa.DecryptOAEP :: func(hash hash.Hash, random io.Reader, priv *crypto/rsa.PrivateKey, ciphertext []byte, label []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1470. crypto/sha1.New :: func() hash.Hash
  1471. crypto/sha1.Sum :: func(data []byte) [20]byte
  1472. crypto/sha256.New :: func() hash.Hash
  1473. crypto/sha256.New224 :: func() hash.Hash
  1474. crypto/sha256.Sum256 :: func(data []byte) [32]byte
  1475. crypto/sha256.Sum224 :: func(data []byte) [28]byte
  1476. encoding/hex.EncodedLen :: func(n int) int
  1477. encoding/hex.Encode :: func(dst []byte, src []byte) int
  1478. encoding/hex.AppendEncode :: func(dst []byte, src []byte) []byte
  1479. encoding/hex.DecodedLen :: func(x int) int
  1480. encoding/hex.Decode :: func(dst []byte, src []byte) (int, error)
  1481. encoding/hex.AppendDecode :: func(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1482. encoding/hex.EncodeToString :: func(src []byte) string
  1483. encoding/hex.DecodeString :: func(s string) ([]byte, error)
  1484. encoding/hex.Dump :: func(data []byte) string
  1485. encoding/hex.NewEncoder :: func(w io.Writer) io.Writer
  1486. encoding/hex.NewDecoder :: func(r io.Reader) io.Reader
  1487. encoding/hex.Dumper :: func(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser
  1488. encoding/base64.NewEncoding :: func(encoder string) *encoding/base64.Encoding
  1489. encoding/base64.NewEncoder :: func(enc *encoding/base64.Encoding, w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser
  1490. encoding/base64.NewDecoder :: func(enc *encoding/base64.Encoding, r io.Reader) io.Reader
  1491. encoding/pem.Decode :: func(data []byte) (p *encoding/pem.Block, rest []byte)
  1492. encoding/pem.Encode :: func(out io.Writer, b *encoding/pem.Block) error
  1493. encoding/pem.EncodeToMemory :: func(b *encoding/pem.Block) []byte
  1494. vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.NewBuilder :: func(buf []byte, h vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Header) vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Builder
  1495. vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.NewName :: func(name string) (vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Name, error)
  1496. vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.MustNewName :: func(name string) vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage.Name
  1497. internal/intern.Get :: func(cmpVal any) *internal/intern.Value
  1498. internal/intern.GetByString :: func(s string) *internal/intern.Value
  1499. net/netip.IPv6LinkLocalAllNodes :: func() net/netip.Addr
  1500. net/netip.IPv6LinkLocalAllRouters :: func() net/netip.Addr
  1501. net/netip.IPv6Loopback :: func() net/netip.Addr
  1502. net/netip.IPv6Unspecified :: func() net/netip.Addr
  1503. net/netip.IPv4Unspecified :: func() net/netip.Addr
  1504. net/netip.AddrFrom4 :: func(addr [4]byte) net/netip.Addr
  1505. net/netip.AddrFrom16 :: func(addr [16]byte) net/netip.Addr
  1506. net/netip.ParseAddr :: func(s string) (net/netip.Addr, error)
  1507. net/netip.MustParseAddr :: func(s string) net/netip.Addr
  1508. net/netip.AddrFromSlice :: func(slice []byte) (ip net/netip.Addr, ok bool)
  1509. net/netip.AddrPortFrom :: func(ip net/netip.Addr, port uint16) net/netip.AddrPort
  1510. net/netip.ParseAddrPort :: func(s string) (net/netip.AddrPort, error)
  1511. net/netip.MustParseAddrPort :: func(s string) net/netip.AddrPort
  1512. net/netip.PrefixFrom :: func(ip net/netip.Addr, bits int) net/netip.Prefix
  1513. net/netip.ParsePrefix :: func(s string) (net/netip.Prefix, error)
  1514. net/netip.MustParsePrefix :: func(s string) net/netip.Prefix
  1515. net.Dial :: func(network string, address string) (net.Conn, error)
  1516. net.DialTimeout :: func(network string, address string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)
  1517. net.Listen :: func(network string, address string) (net.Listener, error)
  1518. net.ListenPacket :: func(network string, address string) (net.PacketConn, error)
  1519. net.FileConn :: func(f *os.File) (c net.Conn, err error)
  1520. net.FileListener :: func(f *os.File) (ln net.Listener, err error)
  1521. net.FilePacketConn :: func(f *os.File) (c net.PacketConn, err error)
  1522. net.Interfaces :: func() ([]net.Interface, error)
  1523. net.InterfaceAddrs :: func() ([]net.Addr, error)
  1524. net.InterfaceByIndex :: func(index int) (*net.Interface, error)
  1525. net.InterfaceByName :: func(name string) (*net.Interface, error)
  1526. net.IPv4 :: func(a byte, b byte, c byte, d byte) net.IP
  1527. net.IPv4Mask :: func(a byte, b byte, c byte, d byte) net.IPMask
  1528. net.CIDRMask :: func(ones int, bits int) net.IPMask
  1529. net.ParseIP :: func(s string) net.IP
  1530. net.ParseCIDR :: func(s string) (net.IP, *net.IPNet, error)
  1531. net.ResolveIPAddr :: func(network string, address string) (*net.IPAddr, error)
  1532. net.DialIP :: func(network string, laddr *net.IPAddr, raddr *net.IPAddr) (*net.IPConn, error)
  1533. net.ListenIP :: func(network string, laddr *net.IPAddr) (*net.IPConn, error)
  1534. net.SplitHostPort :: func(hostport string) (host string, port string, err error)
  1535. net.JoinHostPort :: func(host string, port string) string
  1536. net.LookupHost :: func(host string) (addrs []string, err error)
  1537. net.LookupIP :: func(host string) ([]net.IP, error)
  1538. net.LookupPort :: func(network string, service string) (port int, err error)
  1539. net.LookupCNAME :: func(host string) (cname string, err error)
  1540. net.LookupSRV :: func(service string, proto string, name string) (cname string, addrs []*net.SRV, err error)
  1541. net.LookupMX :: func(name string) ([]*net.MX, error)
  1542. net.LookupNS :: func(name string) ([]*net.NS, error)
  1543. net.LookupTXT :: func(name string) ([]string, error)
  1544. net.LookupAddr :: func(addr string) (names []string, err error)
  1545. net.ParseMAC :: func(s string) (hw net.HardwareAddr, err error)
  1546. net.Pipe :: func() (net.Conn, net.Conn)
  1547. net.ResolveTCPAddr :: func(network string, address string) (*net.TCPAddr, error)
  1548. net.TCPAddrFromAddrPort :: func(addr net/netip.AddrPort) *net.TCPAddr
  1549. net.DialTCP :: func(network string, laddr *net.TCPAddr, raddr *net.TCPAddr) (*net.TCPConn, error)
  1550. net.ListenTCP :: func(network string, laddr *net.TCPAddr) (*net.TCPListener, error)
  1551. net.ResolveUDPAddr :: func(network string, address string) (*net.UDPAddr, error)
  1552. net.UDPAddrFromAddrPort :: func(addr net/netip.AddrPort) *net.UDPAddr
  1553. net.DialUDP :: func(network string, laddr *net.UDPAddr, raddr *net.UDPAddr) (*net.UDPConn, error)
  1554. net.ListenUDP :: func(network string, laddr *net.UDPAddr) (*net.UDPConn, error)
  1555. net.ListenMulticastUDP :: func(network string, ifi *net.Interface, gaddr *net.UDPAddr) (*net.UDPConn, error)
  1556. net.ResolveUnixAddr :: func(network string, address string) (*net.UnixAddr, error)
  1557. net.DialUnix :: func(network string, laddr *net.UnixAddr, raddr *net.UnixAddr) (*net.UnixConn, error)
  1558. net.ListenUnix :: func(network string, laddr *net.UnixAddr) (*net.UnixListener, error)
  1559. net.ListenUnixgram :: func(network string, laddr *net.UnixAddr) (*net.UnixConn, error)
  1560. net/url.QueryUnescape :: func(s string) (string, error)
  1561. net/url.PathUnescape :: func(s string) (string, error)
  1562. net/url.QueryEscape :: func(s string) string
  1563. net/url.PathEscape :: func(s string) string
  1564. net/url.User :: func(username string) *net/url.Userinfo
  1565. net/url.UserPassword :: func(username string, password string) *net/url.Userinfo
  1566. net/url.Parse :: func(rawURL string) (*net/url.URL, error)
  1567. net/url.ParseRequestURI :: func(rawURL string) (*net/url.URL, error)
  1568. net/url.ParseQuery :: func(query string) (net/url.Values, error)
  1569. net/url.JoinPath :: func(base string, elem ...string) (result string, err error)
  1570. crypto/x509.NewCertPool :: func() *crypto/x509.CertPool
  1571. crypto/x509.SystemCertPool :: func() (*crypto/x509.CertPool, error)
  1572. crypto/x509.OIDFromInts :: func(oid []uint64) (crypto/x509.OID, error)
  1573. crypto/x509.ParseCertificate :: func(der []byte) (*crypto/x509.Certificate, error)
  1574. crypto/x509.ParseCertificates :: func(der []byte) ([]*crypto/x509.Certificate, error)
  1575. crypto/x509.ParseRevocationList :: func(der []byte) (*crypto/x509.RevocationList, error)
  1576. crypto/x509.IsEncryptedPEMBlock :: func(b *encoding/pem.Block) bool
  1577. crypto/x509.DecryptPEMBlock :: func(b *encoding/pem.Block, password []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1578. crypto/x509.EncryptPEMBlock :: func(rand io.Reader, blockType string, data []byte, password []byte, alg crypto/x509.PEMCipher) (*encoding/pem.Block, error)
  1579. crypto/x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey :: func(der []byte) (*crypto/rsa.PrivateKey, error)
  1580. crypto/x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey :: func(key *crypto/rsa.PrivateKey) []byte
  1581. crypto/x509.ParsePKCS1PublicKey :: func(der []byte) (*crypto/rsa.PublicKey, error)
  1582. crypto/x509.MarshalPKCS1PublicKey :: func(key *crypto/rsa.PublicKey) []byte
  1583. crypto/x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey :: func(der []byte) (key any, err error)
  1584. crypto/x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey :: func(key any) ([]byte, error)
  1585. crypto/x509.SetFallbackRoots :: func(roots *crypto/x509.CertPool)
  1586. crypto/x509.ParseECPrivateKey :: func(der []byte) (*crypto/ecdsa.PrivateKey, error)
  1587. crypto/x509.MarshalECPrivateKey :: func(key *crypto/ecdsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error)
  1588. crypto/x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey :: func(derBytes []byte) (pub any, err error)
  1589. crypto/x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey :: func(pub any) ([]byte, error)
  1590. crypto/x509.CreateCertificate :: func(rand io.Reader, template *crypto/x509.Certificate, parent *crypto/x509.Certificate, pub any, priv any) ([]byte, error)
  1591. crypto/x509.ParseCRL :: func(crlBytes []byte) (*crypto/x509/pkix.CertificateList, error)
  1592. crypto/x509.ParseDERCRL :: func(derBytes []byte) (*crypto/x509/pkix.CertificateList, error)
  1593. crypto/x509.CreateCertificateRequest :: func(rand io.Reader, template *crypto/x509.CertificateRequest, priv any) (csr []byte, err error)
  1594. crypto/x509.ParseCertificateRequest :: func(asn1Data []byte) (*crypto/x509.CertificateRequest, error)
  1595. crypto/x509.CreateRevocationList :: func(rand io.Reader, template *crypto/x509.RevocationList, issuer *crypto/x509.Certificate, priv crypto.Signer) ([]byte, error)
  1596. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/alias.AnyOverlap :: func(x []byte, y []byte) bool
  1597. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/alias.InexactOverlap :: func(x []byte, y []byte) bool
  1598. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20.NewUnauthenticatedCipher :: func(key []byte, nonce []byte) (*vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20.Cipher, error)
  1599. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20.HChaCha20 :: func(key []byte, nonce []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1600. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305.Sum :: func(out *[16]byte, m []byte, key *[32]byte)
  1601. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305.Verify :: func(mac *[16]byte, m []byte, key *[32]byte) bool
  1602. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305.New :: func(key *[32]byte) *vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305.MAC
  1603. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305.New :: func(key []byte) (crypto/cipher.AEAD, error)
  1604. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305.NewX :: func(key []byte) (crypto/cipher.AEAD, error)
  1605. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf.Extract :: func(hash func() hash.Hash, secret []byte, salt []byte) []byte
  1606. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf.Expand :: func(hash func() hash.Hash, pseudorandomKey []byte, info []byte) io.Reader
  1607. vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf.New :: func(hash func() hash.Hash, secret []byte, salt []byte, info []byte) io.Reader
  1608. crypto/tls.CipherSuites :: func() []*crypto/tls.CipherSuite
  1609. crypto/tls.InsecureCipherSuites :: func() []*crypto/tls.CipherSuite
  1610. crypto/tls.CipherSuiteName :: func(id uint16) string
  1611. crypto/tls.VersionName :: func(version uint16) string
  1612. crypto/tls.NewLRUClientSessionCache :: func(capacity int) crypto/tls.ClientSessionCache
  1613. crypto/tls.QUICClient :: func(config *crypto/tls.QUICConfig) *crypto/tls.QUICConn
  1614. crypto/tls.QUICServer :: func(config *crypto/tls.QUICConfig) *crypto/tls.QUICConn
  1615. crypto/tls.ParseSessionState :: func(data []byte) (*crypto/tls.SessionState, error)
  1616. crypto/tls.NewResumptionState :: func(ticket []byte, state *crypto/tls.SessionState) (*crypto/tls.ClientSessionState, error)
  1617. crypto/tls.Server :: func(conn net.Conn, config *crypto/tls.Config) *crypto/tls.Conn
  1618. crypto/tls.Client :: func(conn net.Conn, config *crypto/tls.Config) *crypto/tls.Conn
  1619. crypto/tls.NewListener :: func(inner net.Listener, config *crypto/tls.Config) net.Listener
  1620. crypto/tls.Listen :: func(network string, laddr string, config *crypto/tls.Config) (net.Listener, error)
  1621. crypto/tls.DialWithDialer :: func(dialer *net.Dialer, network string, addr string, config *crypto/tls.Config) (*crypto/tls.Conn, error)
  1622. crypto/tls.Dial :: func(network string, addr string, config *crypto/tls.Config) (*crypto/tls.Conn, error)
  1623. crypto/tls.LoadX509KeyPair :: func(certFile string, keyFile string) (crypto/tls.Certificate, error)
  1624. crypto/tls.X509KeyPair :: func(certPEMBlock []byte, keyPEMBlock []byte) (crypto/tls.Certificate, error)
  1625. database/sql/driver.IsValue :: func(v any) bool
  1626. database/sql/driver.IsScanValue :: func(v any) bool
  1627. database/sql.Register :: func(name string, driver database/sql/driver.Driver)
  1628. database/sql.Drivers :: func() []string
  1629. database/sql.Named :: func(name string, value any) database/sql.NamedArg
  1630. database/sql.OpenDB :: func(c database/sql/driver.Connector) *database/sql.DB
  1631. database/sql.Open :: func(driverName string, dataSourceName string) (*database/sql.DB, error)
  1632. debug/dwarf.New :: func(abbrev []byte, aranges []byte, frame []byte, info []byte, line []byte, pubnames []byte, ranges []byte, str []byte) (*debug/dwarf.Data, error)
  1633. internal/saferio.ReadData :: func(r io.Reader, n uint64) ([]byte, error)
  1634. internal/saferio.ReadDataAt :: func(r io.ReaderAt, n uint64, off int64) ([]byte, error)
  1635. internal/saferio.SliceCapWithSize :: func(size uint64, c uint64) int
  1636. internal/saferio.SliceCap :: func[E any](c uint64) int
  1637. internal/zstd.NewReader :: func(input io.Reader) *internal/zstd.Reader
  1638. debug/elf.R_SYM32 :: func(info uint32) uint32
  1639. debug/elf.R_TYPE32 :: func(info uint32) uint32
  1640. debug/elf.R_INFO32 :: func(sym uint32, typ uint32) uint32
  1641. debug/elf.ST_BIND :: func(info uint8) debug/elf.SymBind
  1642. debug/elf.ST_TYPE :: func(info uint8) debug/elf.SymType
  1643. debug/elf.ST_INFO :: func(bind debug/elf.SymBind, typ debug/elf.SymType) uint8
  1644. debug/elf.ST_VISIBILITY :: func(other uint8) debug/elf.SymVis
  1645. debug/elf.R_SYM64 :: func(info uint64) uint32
  1646. debug/elf.R_TYPE64 :: func(info uint64) uint32
  1647. debug/elf.R_INFO :: func(sym uint32, typ uint32) uint64
  1648. debug/elf.Open :: func(name string) (*debug/elf.File, error)
  1649. debug/elf.NewFile :: func(r io.ReaderAt) (*debug/elf.File, error)
  1650. debug/macho.NewFatFile :: func(r io.ReaderAt) (*debug/macho.FatFile, error)
  1651. debug/macho.OpenFat :: func(name string) (*debug/macho.FatFile, error)
  1652. debug/macho.Open :: func(name string) (*debug/macho.File, error)
  1653. debug/macho.NewFile :: func(r io.ReaderAt) (*debug/macho.File, error)
  1654. debug/pe.Open :: func(name string) (*debug/pe.File, error)
  1655. debug/pe.NewFile :: func(r io.ReaderAt) (*debug/pe.File, error)
  1656. debug/plan9obj.Open :: func(name string) (*debug/plan9obj.File, error)
  1657. debug/plan9obj.NewFile :: func(r io.ReaderAt) (*debug/plan9obj.File, error)
  1658. internal/xcoff.OpenArchive :: func(name string) (*internal/xcoff.Archive, error)
  1659. internal/xcoff.NewArchive :: func(r io.ReaderAt) (*internal/xcoff.Archive, error)
  1660. internal/xcoff.Open :: func(name string) (*internal/xcoff.File, error)
  1661. internal/xcoff.NewFile :: func(r io.ReaderAt) (*internal/xcoff.File, error)
  1662. runtime/debug.ReadGCStats :: func(stats *runtime/debug.GCStats)
  1663. runtime/debug.SetGCPercent :: func(percent int) int
  1664. runtime/debug.FreeOSMemory :: func()
  1665. runtime/debug.SetMaxStack :: func(bytes int) int
  1666. runtime/debug.SetMaxThreads :: func(threads int) int
  1667. runtime/debug.SetPanicOnFault :: func(enabled bool) bool
  1668. runtime/debug.WriteHeapDump :: func(fd uintptr)
  1669. runtime/debug.SetTraceback :: func(level string)
  1670. runtime/debug.SetMemoryLimit :: func(limit int64) int64
  1671. runtime/debug.ReadBuildInfo :: func() (info *runtime/debug.BuildInfo, ok bool)
  1672. runtime/debug.ParseBuildInfo :: func(data string) (bi *runtime/debug.BuildInfo, err error)
  1673. runtime/debug.PrintStack :: func()
  1674. runtime/debug.Stack :: func() []byte
  1675. debug/buildinfo.ReadFile :: func(name string) (info *runtime/debug.BuildInfo, err error)
  1676. debug/buildinfo.Read :: func(r io.ReaderAt) (*runtime/debug.BuildInfo, error)
  1677. debug/gosym.NewLineTable :: func(data []byte, text uint64) *debug/gosym.LineTable
  1678. debug/gosym.NewTable :: func(symtab []byte, pcln *debug/gosym.LineTable) (*debug/gosym.Table, error)
  1679. encoding/ascii85.Encode :: func(dst []byte, src []byte) int
  1680. encoding/ascii85.MaxEncodedLen :: func(n int) int
  1681. encoding/ascii85.NewEncoder :: func(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser
  1682. encoding/ascii85.Decode :: func(dst []byte, src []byte, flush bool) (ndst int, nsrc int, err error)
  1683. encoding/ascii85.NewDecoder :: func(r io.Reader) io.Reader
  1684. encoding/base32.NewEncoding :: func(encoder string) *encoding/base32.Encoding
  1685. encoding/base32.NewEncoder :: func(enc *encoding/base32.Encoding, w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser
  1686. encoding/base32.NewDecoder :: func(enc *encoding/base32.Encoding, r io.Reader) io.Reader
  1687. encoding/csv.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader) *encoding/csv.Reader
  1688. encoding/csv.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer) *encoding/csv.Writer
  1689. encoding/gob.NewDecoder :: func(r io.Reader) *encoding/gob.Decoder
  1690. encoding/gob.NewEncoder :: func(w io.Writer) *encoding/gob.Encoder
  1691. encoding/gob.RegisterName :: func(name string, value any)
  1692. encoding/gob.Register :: func(value any)
  1693. encoding/json.Unmarshal :: func(data []byte, v any) error
  1694. encoding/json.Marshal :: func(v any) ([]byte, error)
  1695. encoding/json.MarshalIndent :: func(v any, prefix string, indent string) ([]byte, error)
  1696. encoding/json.HTMLEscape :: func(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte)
  1697. encoding/json.Compact :: func(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) error
  1698. encoding/json.Indent :: func(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte, prefix string, indent string) error
  1699. encoding/json.Valid :: func(data []byte) bool
  1700. encoding/json.NewDecoder :: func(r io.Reader) *encoding/json.Decoder
  1701. encoding/json.NewEncoder :: func(w io.Writer) *encoding/json.Encoder
  1702. encoding/xml.Marshal :: func(v any) ([]byte, error)
  1703. encoding/xml.MarshalIndent :: func(v any, prefix string, indent string) ([]byte, error)
  1704. encoding/xml.NewEncoder :: func(w io.Writer) *encoding/xml.Encoder
  1705. encoding/xml.Unmarshal :: func(data []byte, v any) error
  1706. encoding/xml.CopyToken :: func(t encoding/xml.Token) encoding/xml.Token
  1707. encoding/xml.NewDecoder :: func(r io.Reader) *encoding/xml.Decoder
  1708. encoding/xml.NewTokenDecoder :: func(t encoding/xml.TokenReader) *encoding/xml.Decoder
  1709. encoding/xml.EscapeText :: func(w io.Writer, s []byte) error
  1710. encoding/xml.Escape :: func(w io.Writer, s []byte)
  1711. log.New :: func(out io.Writer, prefix string, flag int) *log.Logger
  1712. log.Default :: func() *log.Logger
  1713. log.SetOutput :: func(w io.Writer)
  1714. log.Flags :: func() int
  1715. log.SetFlags :: func(flag int)
  1716. log.Prefix :: func() string
  1717. log.SetPrefix :: func(prefix string)
  1718. log.Writer :: func() io.Writer
  1719. log.Print :: func(v ...any)
  1720. log.Printf :: func(format string, v ...any)
  1721. log.Println :: func(v ...any)
  1722. log.Fatal :: func(v ...any)
  1723. log.Fatalf :: func(format string, v ...any)
  1724. log.Fatalln :: func(v ...any)
  1725. log.Panic :: func(v ...any)
  1726. log.Panicf :: func(format string, v ...any)
  1727. log.Panicln :: func(v ...any)
  1728. log.Output :: func(calldepth int, s string) error
  1729. vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader, t vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Transformer) *vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Reader
  1730. vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer, t vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Transformer) *vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Writer
  1731. vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Chain :: func(t ...vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Transformer) vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Transformer
  1732. vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.RemoveFunc :: func(f func(r rune) bool) vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Transformer
  1733. vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.String :: func(t vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Transformer, s string) (result string, n int, err error)
  1734. vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Bytes :: func(t vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Transformer, b []byte) (result []byte, n int, err error)
  1735. vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Append :: func(t vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform.Transformer, dst []byte, src []byte) (result []byte, n int, err error)
  1736. vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.DefaultDirection :: func(d vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.Direction) vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.Option
  1737. vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.AppendReverse :: func(out []byte, in []byte) []byte
  1738. vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.ReverseString :: func(s string) string
  1739. vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.LookupRune :: func(r rune) (p vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.Properties, size int)
  1740. vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.Lookup :: func(s []byte) (p vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.Properties, sz int)
  1741. vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.LookupString :: func(s string) (p vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.Properties, sz int)
  1742. vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule.Direction :: func(b []byte) vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.Direction
  1743. vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule.DirectionString :: func(s string) vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi.Direction
  1744. vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule.Valid :: func(b []byte) bool
  1745. vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule.ValidString :: func(s string) bool
  1746. vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule.New :: func() *vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule.Transformer
  1747. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.ToASCII :: func(s string) (string, error)
  1748. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.ToUnicode :: func(s string) (string, error)
  1749. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Transitional :: func(transitional bool) vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1750. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.VerifyDNSLength :: func(verify bool) vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1751. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.RemoveLeadingDots :: func(remove bool) vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1752. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.ValidateLabels :: func(enable bool) vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1753. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.CheckHyphens :: func(enable bool) vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1754. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.CheckJoiners :: func(enable bool) vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1755. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.StrictDomainName :: func(use bool) vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1756. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.BidiRule :: func() vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1757. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.ValidateForRegistration :: func() vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1758. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.MapForLookup :: func() vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option
  1759. vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.New :: func(o ...vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Option) *vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna.Profile
  1760. net/textproto.NewReader :: func(r *bufio.Reader) *net/textproto.Reader
  1761. net/textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey :: func(s string) string
  1762. net/textproto.NewConn :: func(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) *net/textproto.Conn
  1763. net/textproto.Dial :: func(network string, addr string) (*net/textproto.Conn, error)
  1764. net/textproto.TrimString :: func(s string) string
  1765. net/textproto.TrimBytes :: func(b []byte) []byte
  1766. net/textproto.NewWriter :: func(w *bufio.Writer) *net/textproto.Writer
  1767. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts.ValidTrailerHeader :: func(name string) bool
  1768. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts.IsTokenRune :: func(r rune) bool
  1769. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken :: func(values []string, token string) bool
  1770. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName :: func(v string) bool
  1771. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts.ValidHostHeader :: func(h string) bool
  1772. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue :: func(v string) bool
  1773. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts.PunycodeHostPort :: func(v string) (string, error)
  1774. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy.FromEnvironment :: func() *vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy.Config
  1775. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.NewEncoder :: func(w io.Writer) *vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.Encoder
  1776. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.NewDecoder :: func(maxDynamicTableSize uint32, emitFunc func(f vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.HeaderField)) *vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.Decoder
  1777. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.HuffmanDecode :: func(w io.Writer, v []byte) (int, error)
  1778. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.HuffmanDecodeToString :: func(v []byte) (string, error)
  1779. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.AppendHuffmanString :: func(dst []byte, s string) []byte
  1780. vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.HuffmanEncodeLength :: func(s string) uint64
  1781. mime.FormatMediaType :: func(t string, param map[string]string) string
  1782. mime.ParseMediaType :: func(v string) (mediatype string, params map[string]string, err error)
  1783. mime.TypeByExtension :: func(ext string) string
  1784. mime.ExtensionsByType :: func(typ string) ([]string, error)
  1785. mime.AddExtensionType :: func(ext string, typ string) error
  1786. mime/quotedprintable.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader) *mime/quotedprintable.Reader
  1787. mime/quotedprintable.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer) *mime/quotedprintable.Writer
  1788. mime/multipart.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader, boundary string) *mime/multipart.Reader
  1789. mime/multipart.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer) *mime/multipart.Writer
  1790. net/http/httptrace.ContextClientTrace :: func(ctx context.Context) *net/http/httptrace.ClientTrace
  1791. net/http/httptrace.WithClientTrace :: func(ctx context.Context, trace *net/http/httptrace.ClientTrace) context.Context
  1792. net/http/internal.NewChunkedReader :: func(r io.Reader) io.Reader
  1793. net/http/internal.NewChunkedWriter :: func(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser
  1794. net/http/internal/ascii.EqualFold :: func(s string, t string) bool
  1795. net/http/internal/ascii.IsPrint :: func(s string) bool
  1796. net/http/internal/ascii.Is :: func(s string) bool
  1797. net/http/internal/ascii.ToLower :: func(s string) (lower string, ok bool)
  1798. net/http.Get :: func(url string) (resp *net/http.Response, err error)
  1799. net/http.Post :: func(url string, contentType string, body io.Reader) (resp *net/http.Response, err error)
  1800. net/http.PostForm :: func(url string, data net/url.Values) (resp *net/http.Response, err error)
  1801. net/http.Head :: func(url string) (resp *net/http.Response, err error)
  1802. net/http.SetCookie :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, cookie *net/http.Cookie)
  1803. net/http.NewFileTransport :: func(fs net/http.FileSystem) net/http.RoundTripper
  1804. net/http.NewFileTransportFS :: func(fsys io/fs.FS) net/http.RoundTripper
  1805. net/http.ServeContent :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, req *net/http.Request, name string, modtime time.Time, content io.ReadSeeker)
  1806. net/http.ServeFile :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r *net/http.Request, name string)
  1807. net/http.ServeFileFS :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r *net/http.Request, fsys io/fs.FS, name string)
  1808. net/http.FS :: func(fsys io/fs.FS) net/http.FileSystem
  1809. net/http.FileServer :: func(root net/http.FileSystem) net/http.Handler
  1810. net/http.FileServerFS :: func(root io/fs.FS) net/http.Handler
  1811. net/http.ParseTime :: func(text string) (t time.Time, err error)
  1812. net/http.CanonicalHeaderKey :: func(s string) string
  1813. net/http.ParseHTTPVersion :: func(vers string) (major int, minor int, ok bool)
  1814. net/http.NewRequest :: func(method string, url string, body io.Reader) (*net/http.Request, error)
  1815. net/http.NewRequestWithContext :: func(ctx context.Context, method string, url string, body io.Reader) (*net/http.Request, error)
  1816. net/http.ReadRequest :: func(b *bufio.Reader) (*net/http.Request, error)
  1817. net/http.MaxBytesReader :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r io.ReadCloser, n int64) io.ReadCloser
  1818. net/http.ReadResponse :: func(r *bufio.Reader, req *net/http.Request) (*net/http.Response, error)
  1819. net/http.NewResponseController :: func(rw net/http.ResponseWriter) *net/http.ResponseController
  1820. net/http.Error :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, error string, code int)
  1821. net/http.NotFound :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r *net/http.Request)
  1822. net/http.NotFoundHandler :: func() net/http.Handler
  1823. net/http.StripPrefix :: func(prefix string, h net/http.Handler) net/http.Handler
  1824. net/http.Redirect :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r *net/http.Request, url string, code int)
  1825. net/http.RedirectHandler :: func(url string, code int) net/http.Handler
  1826. net/http.NewServeMux :: func() *net/http.ServeMux
  1827. net/http.Handle :: func(pattern string, handler net/http.Handler)
  1828. net/http.HandleFunc :: func(pattern string, handler func(net/http.ResponseWriter, *net/http.Request))
  1829. net/http.Serve :: func(l net.Listener, handler net/http.Handler) error
  1830. net/http.ServeTLS :: func(l net.Listener, handler net/http.Handler, certFile string, keyFile string) error
  1831. net/http.AllowQuerySemicolons :: func(h net/http.Handler) net/http.Handler
  1832. net/http.ListenAndServe :: func(addr string, handler net/http.Handler) error
  1833. net/http.ListenAndServeTLS :: func(addr string, certFile string, keyFile string, handler net/http.Handler) error
  1834. net/http.TimeoutHandler :: func(h net/http.Handler, dt time.Duration, msg string) net/http.Handler
  1835. net/http.MaxBytesHandler :: func(h net/http.Handler, n int64) net/http.Handler
  1836. net/http.DetectContentType :: func(data []byte) string
  1837. net/http.StatusText :: func(code int) string
  1838. net/http.ProxyFromEnvironment :: func(req *net/http.Request) (*net/url.URL, error)
  1839. net/http.ProxyURL :: func(fixedURL *net/url.URL) func(*net/http.Request) (*net/url.URL, error)
  1840. expvar.Publish :: func(name string, v expvar.Var)
  1841. expvar.Get :: func(name string) expvar.Var
  1842. expvar.NewInt :: func(name string) *expvar.Int
  1843. expvar.NewFloat :: func(name string) *expvar.Float
  1844. expvar.NewMap :: func(name string) *expvar.Map
  1845. expvar.NewString :: func(name string) *expvar.String
  1846. expvar.Do :: func(f func(expvar.KeyValue))
  1847. expvar.Handler :: func() net/http.Handler
  1848. flag.VisitAll :: func(fn func(*flag.Flag))
  1849. flag.Visit :: func(fn func(*flag.Flag))
  1850. flag.Lookup :: func(name string) *flag.Flag
  1851. flag.Set :: func(name string, value string) error
  1852. flag.UnquoteUsage :: func(flag *flag.Flag) (name string, usage string)
  1853. flag.PrintDefaults :: func()
  1854. flag.NFlag :: func() int
  1855. flag.Arg :: func(i int) string
  1856. flag.NArg :: func() int
  1857. flag.Args :: func() []string
  1858. flag.BoolVar :: func(p *bool, name string, value bool, usage string)
  1859. flag.Bool :: func(name string, value bool, usage string) *bool
  1860. flag.IntVar :: func(p *int, name string, value int, usage string)
  1861. flag.Int :: func(name string, value int, usage string) *int
  1862. flag.Int64Var :: func(p *int64, name string, value int64, usage string)
  1863. flag.Int64 :: func(name string, value int64, usage string) *int64
  1864. flag.UintVar :: func(p *uint, name string, value uint, usage string)
  1865. flag.Uint :: func(name string, value uint, usage string) *uint
  1866. flag.Uint64Var :: func(p *uint64, name string, value uint64, usage string)
  1867. flag.Uint64 :: func(name string, value uint64, usage string) *uint64
  1868. flag.StringVar :: func(p *string, name string, value string, usage string)
  1869. flag.String :: func(name string, value string, usage string) *string
  1870. flag.Float64Var :: func(p *float64, name string, value float64, usage string)
  1871. flag.Float64 :: func(name string, value float64, usage string) *float64
  1872. flag.DurationVar :: func(p *time.Duration, name string, value time.Duration, usage string)
  1873. flag.Duration :: func(name string, value time.Duration, usage string) *time.Duration
  1874. flag.TextVar :: func(p encoding.TextUnmarshaler, name string, value encoding.TextMarshaler, usage string)
  1875. flag.Func :: func(name string, usage string, fn func(string) error)
  1876. flag.BoolFunc :: func(name string, usage string, fn func(string) error)
  1877. flag.Var :: func(value flag.Value, name string, usage string)
  1878. flag.Parse :: func()
  1879. flag.Parsed :: func() bool
  1880. flag.NewFlagSet :: func(name string, errorHandling flag.ErrorHandling) *flag.FlagSet
  1881. go/token.NewFileSet :: func() *go/token.FileSet
  1882. go/token.Lookup :: func(ident string) go/token.Token
  1883. go/token.IsExported :: func(name string) bool
  1884. go/token.IsKeyword :: func(name string) bool
  1885. go/token.IsIdentifier :: func(name string) bool
  1886. go/scanner.PrintError :: func(w io.Writer, err error)
  1887. go/ast.NewIdent :: func(name string) *go/ast.Ident
  1888. go/ast.IsExported :: func(name string) bool
  1889. go/ast.IsGenerated :: func(file *go/ast.File) bool
  1890. go/ast.Unparen :: func(e go/ast.Expr) go/ast.Expr
  1891. go/ast.NewCommentMap :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, node go/ast.Node, comments []*go/ast.CommentGroup) go/ast.CommentMap
  1892. go/ast.FileExports :: func(src *go/ast.File) bool
  1893. go/ast.PackageExports :: func(pkg *go/ast.Package) bool
  1894. go/ast.FilterDecl :: func(decl go/ast.Decl, f go/ast.Filter) bool
  1895. go/ast.FilterFile :: func(src *go/ast.File, f go/ast.Filter) bool
  1896. go/ast.FilterPackage :: func(pkg *go/ast.Package, f go/ast.Filter) bool
  1897. go/ast.MergePackageFiles :: func(pkg *go/ast.Package, mode go/ast.MergeMode) *go/ast.File
  1898. go/ast.SortImports :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, f *go/ast.File)
  1899. go/ast.NotNilFilter :: func(_ string, v reflect.Value) bool
  1900. go/ast.Fprint :: func(w io.Writer, fset *go/token.FileSet, x any, f go/ast.FieldFilter) error
  1901. go/ast.Print :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, x any) error
  1902. go/ast.NewPackage :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, files map[string]*go/ast.File, importer go/ast.Importer, universe *go/ast.Scope) (*go/ast.Package, error)
  1903. go/ast.NewScope :: func(outer *go/ast.Scope) *go/ast.Scope
  1904. go/ast.NewObj :: func(kind go/ast.ObjKind, name string) *go/ast.Object
  1905. go/ast.Walk :: func(v go/ast.Visitor, node go/ast.Node)
  1906. go/ast.Inspect :: func(node go/ast.Node, f func(go/ast.Node) bool)
  1907. go/build/constraint.Parse :: func(line string) (go/build/constraint.Expr, error)
  1908. go/build/constraint.IsGoBuild :: func(line string) bool
  1909. go/build/constraint.IsPlusBuild :: func(line string) bool
  1910. go/build/constraint.PlusBuildLines :: func(x go/build/constraint.Expr) ([]string, error)
  1911. go/build/constraint.GoVersion :: func(x go/build/constraint.Expr) string
  1912. go/doc/comment.DefaultLookupPackage :: func(name string) (importPath string, ok bool)
  1913. regexp/syntax.Compile :: func(re *regexp/syntax.Regexp) (*regexp/syntax.Prog, error)
  1914. regexp/syntax.Parse :: func(s string, flags regexp/syntax.Flags) (*regexp/syntax.Regexp, error)
  1915. regexp/syntax.EmptyOpContext :: func(r1 rune, r2 rune) regexp/syntax.EmptyOp
  1916. regexp/syntax.IsWordChar :: func(r rune) bool
  1917. regexp.Compile :: func(expr string) (*regexp.Regexp, error)
  1918. regexp.CompilePOSIX :: func(expr string) (*regexp.Regexp, error)
  1919. regexp.MustCompile :: func(str string) *regexp.Regexp
  1920. regexp.MustCompilePOSIX :: func(str string) *regexp.Regexp
  1921. regexp.MatchReader :: func(pattern string, r io.RuneReader) (matched bool, err error)
  1922. regexp.MatchString :: func(pattern string, s string) (matched bool, err error)
  1923. regexp.Match :: func(pattern string, b []byte) (matched bool, err error)
  1924. regexp.QuoteMeta :: func(s string) string
  1925. internal/lazyregexp.New :: func(str string) *internal/lazyregexp.Regexp
  1926. go/doc.ToHTML :: func(w io.Writer, text string, words map[string]string)
  1927. go/doc.ToText :: func(w io.Writer, text string, prefix string, codePrefix string, width int)
  1928. go/doc.New :: func(pkg *go/ast.Package, importPath string, mode go/doc.Mode) *go/doc.Package
  1929. go/doc.NewFromFiles :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, files []*go/ast.File, importPath string, opts ...any) (*go/doc.Package, error)
  1930. go/doc.Examples :: func(testFiles ...*go/ast.File) []*go/doc.Example
  1931. go/doc.IsPredeclared :: func(s string) bool
  1932. go/doc.Synopsis :: func(text string) string
  1933. go/internal/typeparams.PackIndexExpr :: func(x go/ast.Expr, lbrack go/token.Pos, exprs []go/ast.Expr, rbrack go/token.Pos) go/ast.Expr
  1934. go/internal/typeparams.UnpackIndexExpr :: func(n go/ast.Node) *go/internal/typeparams.IndexExpr
  1935. go/parser.ParseFile :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, filename string, src any, mode go/parser.Mode) (f *go/ast.File, err error)
  1936. go/parser.ParseDir :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, path string, filter func(io/fs.FileInfo) bool, mode go/parser.Mode) (pkgs map[string]*go/ast.Package, first error)
  1937. go/parser.ParseExprFrom :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, filename string, src any, mode go/parser.Mode) (expr go/ast.Expr, err error)
  1938. go/parser.ParseExpr :: func(x string) (go/ast.Expr, error)
  1939. internal/buildcfg.Check :: func()
  1940. internal/buildcfg.Getgoextlinkenabled :: func() string
  1941. internal/buildcfg.GOGOARCH :: func() (name string, value string)
  1942. internal/buildcfg.ParseGOEXPERIMENT :: func(goos string, goarch string, goexp string) (*internal/buildcfg.ExperimentFlags, error)
  1943. os/exec.Command :: func(name string, arg ...string) *os/exec.Cmd
  1944. os/exec.CommandContext :: func(ctx context.Context, name string, arg ...string) *os/exec.Cmd
  1945. os/exec.LookPath :: func(file string) (string, error)
  1946. internal/goroot.IsStandardPackage :: func(goroot string, compiler string, path string) bool
  1947. internal/platform.RaceDetectorSupported :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1948. internal/platform.MSanSupported :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1949. internal/platform.ASanSupported :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1950. internal/platform.FuzzSupported :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1951. internal/platform.FuzzInstrumented :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1952. internal/platform.MustLinkExternal :: func(goos string, goarch string, withCgo bool) bool
  1953. internal/platform.BuildModeSupported :: func(compiler string, buildmode string, goos string, goarch string) bool
  1954. internal/platform.InternalLinkPIESupported :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1955. internal/platform.DefaultPIE :: func(goos string, goarch string, isRace bool) bool
  1956. internal/platform.ExecutableHasDWARF :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1957. internal/platform.CgoSupported :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1958. internal/platform.FirstClass :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1959. internal/platform.Broken :: func(goos string, goarch string) bool
  1960. go/build.Import :: func(path string, srcDir string, mode go/build.ImportMode) (*go/build.Package, error)
  1961. go/build.ImportDir :: func(dir string, mode go/build.ImportMode) (*go/build.Package, error)
  1962. go/build.IsLocalImport :: func(path string) bool
  1963. go/build.ArchChar :: func(goarch string) (string, error)
  1964. go/constant.MakeUnknown :: func() go/constant.Value
  1965. go/constant.MakeBool :: func(b bool) go/constant.Value
  1966. go/constant.MakeString :: func(s string) go/constant.Value
  1967. go/constant.MakeInt64 :: func(x int64) go/constant.Value
  1968. go/constant.MakeUint64 :: func(x uint64) go/constant.Value
  1969. go/constant.MakeFloat64 :: func(x float64) go/constant.Value
  1970. go/constant.MakeFromLiteral :: func(lit string, tok go/token.Token, zero uint) go/constant.Value
  1971. go/constant.BoolVal :: func(x go/constant.Value) bool
  1972. go/constant.StringVal :: func(x go/constant.Value) string
  1973. go/constant.Int64Val :: func(x go/constant.Value) (int64, bool)
  1974. go/constant.Uint64Val :: func(x go/constant.Value) (uint64, bool)
  1975. go/constant.Float32Val :: func(x go/constant.Value) (float32, bool)
  1976. go/constant.Float64Val :: func(x go/constant.Value) (float64, bool)
  1977. go/constant.Val :: func(x go/constant.Value) any
  1978. go/constant.Make :: func(x any) go/constant.Value
  1979. go/constant.BitLen :: func(x go/constant.Value) int
  1980. go/constant.Sign :: func(x go/constant.Value) int
  1981. go/constant.Bytes :: func(x go/constant.Value) []byte
  1982. go/constant.MakeFromBytes :: func(bytes []byte) go/constant.Value
  1983. go/constant.Num :: func(x go/constant.Value) go/constant.Value
  1984. go/constant.Denom :: func(x go/constant.Value) go/constant.Value
  1985. go/constant.MakeImag :: func(x go/constant.Value) go/constant.Value
  1986. go/constant.Real :: func(x go/constant.Value) go/constant.Value
  1987. go/constant.Imag :: func(x go/constant.Value) go/constant.Value
  1988. go/constant.ToInt :: func(x go/constant.Value) go/constant.Value
  1989. go/constant.ToFloat :: func(x go/constant.Value) go/constant.Value
  1990. go/constant.ToComplex :: func(x go/constant.Value) go/constant.Value
  1991. go/constant.UnaryOp :: func(op go/token.Token, y go/constant.Value, prec uint) go/constant.Value
  1992. go/constant.BinaryOp :: func(x_ go/constant.Value, op go/token.Token, y_ go/constant.Value) go/constant.Value
  1993. go/constant.Shift :: func(x go/constant.Value, op go/token.Token, s uint) go/constant.Value
  1994. go/constant.Compare :: func(x_ go/constant.Value, op go/token.Token, y_ go/constant.Value) bool
  1995. text/tabwriter.NewWriter :: func(output io.Writer, minwidth int, tabwidth int, padding int, padchar byte, flags uint) *text/tabwriter.Writer
  1996. go/printer.Fprint :: func(output io.Writer, fset *go/token.FileSet, node any) error
  1997. go/format.Node :: func(dst io.Writer, fset *go/token.FileSet, node any) error
  1998. go/format.Source :: func(src []byte) ([]byte, error)
  1999. internal/gover.Compare :: func(x string, y string) int
  2000. internal/gover.Max :: func(x string, y string) string
  2001. internal/gover.IsLang :: func(x string) bool
  2002. internal/gover.Lang :: func(x string) string
  2003. internal/gover.IsValid :: func(x string) bool
  2004. internal/gover.Parse :: func(x string) internal/gover.Version
  2005. internal/gover.CmpInt :: func(x string, y string) int
  2006. internal/gover.DecInt :: func(decimal string) string
  2007. go/version.Lang :: func(x string) string
  2008. go/version.Compare :: func(x string, y string) int
  2009. go/version.IsValid :: func(x string) bool
  2010. go/types.NewAlias :: func(obj *go/types.TypeName, rhs go/types.Type) *go/types.Alias
  2011. go/types.Unalias :: func(t go/types.Type) go/types.Type
  2012. go/types.AssertableTo :: func(V *go/types.Interface, T go/types.Type) bool
  2013. go/types.AssignableTo :: func(V go/types.Type, T go/types.Type) bool
  2014. go/types.ConvertibleTo :: func(V go/types.Type, T go/types.Type) bool
  2015. go/types.Implements :: func(V go/types.Type, T *go/types.Interface) bool
  2016. go/types.Satisfies :: func(V go/types.Type, T *go/types.Interface) bool
  2017. go/types.Identical :: func(x go/types.Type, y go/types.Type) bool
  2018. go/types.IdenticalIgnoreTags :: func(x go/types.Type, y go/types.Type) bool
  2019. go/types.NewArray :: func(elem go/types.Type, len int64) *go/types.Array
  2020. go/types.NewChan :: func(dir go/types.ChanDir, elem go/types.Type) *go/types.Chan
  2021. go/types.NewChecker :: func(conf *go/types.Config, fset *go/token.FileSet, pkg *go/types.Package, info *go/types.Info) *go/types.Checker
  2022. go/types.NewContext :: func() *go/types.Context
  2023. go/types.Eval :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, pkg *go/types.Package, pos go/token.Pos, expr string) (_ go/types.TypeAndValue, err error)
  2024. go/types.CheckExpr :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, pkg *go/types.Package, pos go/token.Pos, expr go/ast.Expr, info *go/types.Info) (err error)
  2025. go/types.ExprString :: func(x go/ast.Expr) string
  2026. go/types.WriteExpr :: func(buf *bytes.Buffer, x go/ast.Expr)
  2027. go/types.Instantiate :: func(ctxt *go/types.Context, orig go/types.Type, targs []go/types.Type, validate bool) (go/types.Type, error)
  2028. go/types.NewInterface :: func(methods []*go/types.Func, embeddeds []*go/types.Named) *go/types.Interface
  2029. go/types.NewInterfaceType :: func(methods []*go/types.Func, embeddeds []go/types.Type) *go/types.Interface
  2030. go/types.LookupFieldOrMethod :: func(T go/types.Type, addressable bool, pkg *go/types.Package, name string) (obj go/types.Object, index []int, indirect bool)
  2031. go/types.MissingMethod :: func(V go/types.Type, T *go/types.Interface, static bool) (method *go/types.Func, wrongType bool)
  2032. go/types.NewMap :: func(key go/types.Type, elem go/types.Type) *go/types.Map
  2033. go/types.NewMethodSet :: func(T go/types.Type) *go/types.MethodSet
  2034. go/types.NewNamed :: func(obj *go/types.TypeName, underlying go/types.Type, methods []*go/types.Func) *go/types.Named
  2035. go/types.Id :: func(pkg *go/types.Package, name string) string
  2036. go/types.NewPkgName :: func(pos go/token.Pos, pkg *go/types.Package, name string, imported *go/types.Package) *go/types.PkgName
  2037. go/types.NewConst :: func(pos go/token.Pos, pkg *go/types.Package, name string, typ go/types.Type, val go/constant.Value) *go/types.Const
  2038. go/types.NewTypeName :: func(pos go/token.Pos, pkg *go/types.Package, name string, typ go/types.Type) *go/types.TypeName
  2039. go/types.NewVar :: func(pos go/token.Pos, pkg *go/types.Package, name string, typ go/types.Type) *go/types.Var
  2040. go/types.NewParam :: func(pos go/token.Pos, pkg *go/types.Package, name string, typ go/types.Type) *go/types.Var
  2041. go/types.NewField :: func(pos go/token.Pos, pkg *go/types.Package, name string, typ go/types.Type, embedded bool) *go/types.Var
  2042. go/types.NewFunc :: func(pos go/token.Pos, pkg *go/types.Package, name string, sig *go/types.Signature) *go/types.Func
  2043. go/types.NewLabel :: func(pos go/token.Pos, pkg *go/types.Package, name string) *go/types.Label
  2044. go/types.ObjectString :: func(obj go/types.Object, qf go/types.Qualifier) string
  2045. go/types.NewPackage :: func(path string, name string) *go/types.Package
  2046. go/types.NewPointer :: func(elem go/types.Type) *go/types.Pointer
  2047. go/types.IsInterface :: func(t go/types.Type) bool
  2048. go/types.Comparable :: func(T go/types.Type) bool
  2049. go/types.Default :: func(t go/types.Type) go/types.Type
  2050. go/types.NewScope :: func(parent *go/types.Scope, pos go/token.Pos, end go/token.Pos, comment string) *go/types.Scope
  2051. go/types.SelectionString :: func(s *go/types.Selection, qf go/types.Qualifier) string
  2052. go/types.NewSignature :: func(recv *go/types.Var, params *go/types.Tuple, results *go/types.Tuple, variadic bool) *go/types.Signature
  2053. go/types.NewSignatureType :: func(recv *go/types.Var, recvTypeParams []*go/types.TypeParam, typeParams []*go/types.TypeParam, params *go/types.Tuple, results *go/types.Tuple, variadic bool) *go/types.Signature
  2054. go/types.SizesFor :: func(compiler string, arch string) go/types.Sizes
  2055. go/types.NewSlice :: func(elem go/types.Type) *go/types.Slice
  2056. go/types.NewStruct :: func(fields []*go/types.Var, tags []string) *go/types.Struct
  2057. go/types.NewTuple :: func(x ...*go/types.Var) *go/types.Tuple
  2058. go/types.NewTypeParam :: func(obj *go/types.TypeName, constraint go/types.Type) *go/types.TypeParam
  2059. go/types.RelativeTo :: func(pkg *go/types.Package) go/types.Qualifier
  2060. go/types.TypeString :: func(typ go/types.Type, qf go/types.Qualifier) string
  2061. go/types.WriteType :: func(buf *bytes.Buffer, typ go/types.Type, qf go/types.Qualifier)
  2062. go/types.WriteSignature :: func(buf *bytes.Buffer, sig *go/types.Signature, qf go/types.Qualifier)
  2063. go/types.NewUnion :: func(terms []*go/types.Term) *go/types.Union
  2064. go/types.NewTerm :: func(tilde bool, typ go/types.Type) *go/types.Term
  2065. go/types.DefPredeclaredTestFuncs :: func()
  2066. text/scanner.TokenString :: func(tok rune) string
  2067. go/internal/gccgoimporter.GetImporter :: func(searchpaths []string, initmap map[*go/types.Package]go/internal/gccgoimporter.InitData) go/internal/gccgoimporter.Importer
  2068. internal/pkgbits.NewPkgDecoder :: func(pkgPath string, input string) internal/pkgbits.PkgDecoder
  2069. internal/pkgbits.NewPkgEncoder :: func(syncFrames int) internal/pkgbits.PkgEncoder
  2070. go/internal/gcimporter.FindExportData :: func(r *bufio.Reader) (hdr string, size int, err error)
  2071. go/internal/gcimporter.FindPkg :: func(path string, srcDir string) (filename string, id string, err error)
  2072. go/internal/gcimporter.Import :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, packages map[string]*go/types.Package, path string, srcDir string, lookup func(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error)) (pkg *go/types.Package, err error)
  2073. go/internal/srcimporter.New :: func(ctxt *go/build.Context, fset *go/token.FileSet, packages map[string]*go/types.Package) *go/internal/srcimporter.Importer
  2074. go/importer.ForCompiler :: func(fset *go/token.FileSet, compiler string, lookup go/importer.Lookup) go/types.Importer
  2075. go/importer.For :: func(compiler string, lookup go/importer.Lookup) go/types.Importer
  2076. go/importer.Default :: func() go/types.Importer
  2077. hash/crc64.MakeTable :: func(poly uint64) *hash/crc64.Table
  2078. hash/crc64.New :: func(tab *hash/crc64.Table) hash.Hash64
  2079. hash/crc64.Update :: func(crc uint64, tab *hash/crc64.Table, p []byte) uint64
  2080. hash/crc64.Checksum :: func(data []byte, tab *hash/crc64.Table) uint64
  2081. hash/fnv.New32 :: func() hash.Hash32
  2082. hash/fnv.New32a :: func() hash.Hash32
  2083. hash/fnv.New64 :: func() hash.Hash64
  2084. hash/fnv.New64a :: func() hash.Hash64
  2085. hash/fnv.New128 :: func() hash.Hash
  2086. hash/fnv.New128a :: func() hash.Hash
  2087. hash/maphash.Bytes :: func(seed hash/maphash.Seed, b []byte) uint64
  2088. hash/maphash.String :: func(seed hash/maphash.Seed, s string) uint64
  2089. hash/maphash.MakeSeed :: func() hash/maphash.Seed
  2090. html.EscapeString :: func(s string) string
  2091. html.UnescapeString :: func(s string) string
  2092. text/template/parse.NewIdentifier :: func(ident string) *text/template/parse.IdentifierNode
  2093. text/template/parse.Parse :: func(name string, text string, leftDelim string, rightDelim string, funcs ...map[string]any) (map[string]*text/template/parse.Tree, error)
  2094. text/template/parse.New :: func(name string, funcs ...map[string]any) *text/template/parse.Tree
  2095. text/template/parse.IsEmptyTree :: func(n text/template/parse.Node) bool
  2096. text/template.IsTrue :: func(val any) (truth bool, ok bool)
  2097. text/template.HTMLEscape :: func(w io.Writer, b []byte)
  2098. text/template.HTMLEscapeString :: func(s string) string
  2099. text/template.HTMLEscaper :: func(args ...any) string
  2100. text/template.JSEscape :: func(w io.Writer, b []byte)
  2101. text/template.JSEscapeString :: func(s string) string
  2102. text/template.JSEscaper :: func(args ...any) string
  2103. text/template.URLQueryEscaper :: func(args ...any) string
  2104. text/template.Must :: func(t *text/template.Template, err error) *text/template.Template
  2105. text/template.ParseFiles :: func(filenames ...string) (*text/template.Template, error)
  2106. text/template.ParseGlob :: func(pattern string) (*text/template.Template, error)
  2107. text/template.ParseFS :: func(fsys io/fs.FS, patterns ...string) (*text/template.Template, error)
  2108. text/template.New :: func(name string) *text/template.Template
  2109. html/template.HTMLEscape :: func(w io.Writer, b []byte)
  2110. html/template.HTMLEscapeString :: func(s string) string
  2111. html/template.HTMLEscaper :: func(args ...any) string
  2112. html/template.JSEscape :: func(w io.Writer, b []byte)
  2113. html/template.JSEscapeString :: func(s string) string
  2114. html/template.JSEscaper :: func(args ...any) string
  2115. html/template.URLQueryEscaper :: func(args ...any) string
  2116. html/template.New :: func(name string) *html/template.Template
  2117. html/template.Must :: func(t *html/template.Template, err error) *html/template.Template
  2118. html/template.ParseFiles :: func(filenames ...string) (*html/template.Template, error)
  2119. html/template.ParseGlob :: func(pattern string) (*html/template.Template, error)
  2120. html/template.IsTrue :: func(val any) (truth bool, ok bool)
  2121. html/template.ParseFS :: func(fs io/fs.FS, patterns ...string) (*html/template.Template, error)
  2122. image/color.ModelFunc :: func(f func(image/color.Color) image/color.Color) image/color.Model
  2123. image/color.RGBToYCbCr :: func(r uint8, g uint8, b uint8) (uint8, uint8, uint8)
  2124. image/color.YCbCrToRGB :: func(y uint8, cb uint8, cr uint8) (uint8, uint8, uint8)
  2125. image/color.RGBToCMYK :: func(r uint8, g uint8, b uint8) (uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8)
  2126. image/color.CMYKToRGB :: func(c uint8, m uint8, y uint8, k uint8) (uint8, uint8, uint8)
  2127. image.RegisterFormat :: func(name string, magic string, decode func(io.Reader) (image.Image, error), decodeConfig func(io.Reader) (image.Config, error))
  2128. image.Decode :: func(r io.Reader) (image.Image, string, error)
  2129. image.DecodeConfig :: func(r io.Reader) (image.Config, string, error)
  2130. image.Pt :: func(X int, Y int) image.Point
  2131. image.Rect :: func(x0 int, y0 int, x1 int, y1 int) image.Rectangle
  2132. image.NewRGBA :: func(r image.Rectangle) *image.RGBA
  2133. image.NewRGBA64 :: func(r image.Rectangle) *image.RGBA64
  2134. image.NewNRGBA :: func(r image.Rectangle) *image.NRGBA
  2135. image.NewNRGBA64 :: func(r image.Rectangle) *image.NRGBA64
  2136. image.NewAlpha :: func(r image.Rectangle) *image.Alpha
  2137. image.NewAlpha16 :: func(r image.Rectangle) *image.Alpha16
  2138. image.NewGray :: func(r image.Rectangle) *image.Gray
  2139. image.NewGray16 :: func(r image.Rectangle) *image.Gray16
  2140. image.NewCMYK :: func(r image.Rectangle) *image.CMYK
  2141. image.NewPaletted :: func(r image.Rectangle, p image/color.Palette) *image.Paletted
  2142. image.NewUniform :: func(c image/color.Color) *image.Uniform
  2143. image.NewYCbCr :: func(r image.Rectangle, subsampleRatio image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio) *image.YCbCr
  2144. image.NewNYCbCrA :: func(r image.Rectangle, subsampleRatio image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio) *image.NYCbCrA
  2145. image/internal/imageutil.DrawYCbCr :: func(dst *image.RGBA, r image.Rectangle, src *image.YCbCr, sp image.Point) (ok bool)
  2146. image/draw.Draw :: func(dst image/draw.Image, r image.Rectangle, src image.Image, sp image.Point, op image/draw.Op)
  2147. image/draw.DrawMask :: func(dst image/draw.Image, r image.Rectangle, src image.Image, sp image.Point, mask image.Image, mp image.Point, op image/draw.Op)
  2148. image/gif.Decode :: func(r io.Reader) (image.Image, error)
  2149. image/gif.DecodeAll :: func(r io.Reader) (*image/gif.GIF, error)
  2150. image/gif.DecodeConfig :: func(r io.Reader) (image.Config, error)
  2151. image/gif.EncodeAll :: func(w io.Writer, g *image/gif.GIF) error
  2152. image/gif.Encode :: func(w io.Writer, m image.Image, o *image/gif.Options) error
  2153. image/jpeg.Decode :: func(r io.Reader) (image.Image, error)
  2154. image/jpeg.DecodeConfig :: func(r io.Reader) (image.Config, error)
  2155. image/jpeg.Encode :: func(w io.Writer, m image.Image, o *image/jpeg.Options) error
  2156. image/png.Decode :: func(r io.Reader) (image.Image, error)
  2157. image/png.DecodeConfig :: func(r io.Reader) (image.Config, error)
  2158. image/png.Encode :: func(w io.Writer, m image.Image) error
  2159. index/suffixarray.New :: func(data []byte) *index/suffixarray.Index
  2160. internal/coverage.ParseCounterMode :: func(mode string) internal/coverage.CounterMode
  2161. internal/coverage.Round4 :: func(x int) int
  2162. internal/coverage.HardCodedPkgID :: func(pkgpath string) int
  2163. internal/coverage/cmerge.SaturatingAdd :: func(dst uint32, src uint32) (uint32, bool)
  2164. internal/coverage/cformat.NewFormatter :: func(cm internal/coverage.CounterMode) *internal/coverage/cformat.Formatter
  2165. internal/coverage/slicereader.NewReader :: func(b []byte, readonly bool) *internal/coverage/slicereader.Reader
  2166. internal/coverage/uleb128.AppendUleb128 :: func(b []byte, v uint) []byte
  2167. internal/coverage/stringtab.NewReader :: func(r *internal/coverage/slicereader.Reader) *internal/coverage/stringtab.Reader
  2168. internal/coverage/decodecounter.NewCounterDataReader :: func(fn string, rs io.ReadSeeker) (*internal/coverage/decodecounter.CounterDataReader, error)
  2169. internal/coverage/decodemeta.NewCoverageMetaDataDecoder :: func(b []byte, readonly bool) (*internal/coverage/decodemeta.CoverageMetaDataDecoder, error)
  2170. internal/coverage/decodemeta.NewCoverageMetaFileReader :: func(f *os.File, fileView []byte) (*internal/coverage/decodemeta.CoverageMetaFileReader, error)
  2171. internal/coverage/encodecounter.NewCoverageDataWriter :: func(w io.Writer, flav internal/coverage.CounterFlavor) *internal/coverage/encodecounter.CoverageDataWriter
  2172. internal/coverage/encodemeta.NewCoverageMetaDataBuilder :: func(pkgpath string, pkgname string, modulepath string) (*internal/coverage/encodemeta.CoverageMetaDataBuilder, error)
  2173. internal/coverage/encodemeta.HashFuncDesc :: func(f *internal/coverage.FuncDesc) [16]byte
  2174. internal/coverage/encodemeta.NewCoverageMetaFileWriter :: func(mfname string, w io.Writer) *internal/coverage/encodemeta.CoverageMetaFileWriter
  2175. internal/coverage/pods.CollectPods :: func(dirs []string, warn bool) ([]internal/coverage/pods.Pod, error)
  2176. internal/coverage/pods.CollectPodsFromFiles :: func(files []string, warn bool) []internal/coverage/pods.Pod
  2177. internal/dag.Parse :: func(dag string) (*internal/dag.Graph, error)
  2178. internal/diff.Diff :: func(oldName string, old []byte, newName string, new []byte) []byte
  2179. internal/fuzz.ResetCoverage :: func()
  2180. internal/fuzz.SnapshotCoverage :: func()
  2181. internal/fuzz.CoordinateFuzzing :: func(ctx context.Context, opts internal/fuzz.CoordinateFuzzingOpts) (err error)
  2182. internal/fuzz.ReadCorpus :: func(dir string, types []reflect.Type) ([]struct{Parent string; Path string; Data []byte; Values []any; Generation int; IsSeed bool}, error)
  2183. internal/fuzz.CheckCorpus :: func(vals []any, types []reflect.Type) error
  2184. internal/fuzz.RunFuzzWorker :: func(ctx context.Context, fn func(struct{Parent string; Path string; Data []byte; Values []any; Generation int; IsSeed bool}) error) error
  2185. internal/lazytemplate.New :: func(name string, text string) *internal/lazytemplate.Template
  2186. internal/obscuretestdata.Rot13 :: func(data []byte) []byte
  2187. internal/obscuretestdata.DecodeToTempFile :: func(name string) (path string, err error)
  2188. internal/obscuretestdata.ReadFile :: func(name string) ([]byte, error)
  2189. internal/profile.ParseTracebacks :: func(b []byte) (*internal/profile.Profile, error)
  2190. internal/profile.Merge :: func(srcs []*internal/profile.Profile) (*internal/profile.Profile, error)
  2191. internal/profile.Parse :: func(r io.Reader) (*internal/profile.Profile, error)
  2192. internal/sysinfo.CPUName :: func() string
  2193. runtime/trace.NewTask :: func(pctx context.Context, taskType string) (ctx context.Context, task *runtime/trace.Task)
  2194. runtime/trace.Log :: func(ctx context.Context, category string, message string)
  2195. runtime/trace.Logf :: func(ctx context.Context, category string, format string, args ...any)
  2196. runtime/trace.WithRegion :: func(ctx context.Context, regionType string, fn func())
  2197. runtime/trace.StartRegion :: func(ctx context.Context, regionType string) *runtime/trace.Region
  2198. runtime/trace.IsEnabled :: func() bool
  2199. runtime/trace.Start :: func(w io.Writer) error
  2200. runtime/trace.Stop :: func()
  2201. testing.AllocsPerRun :: func(runs int, f func()) (avg float64)
  2202. testing.RunBenchmarks :: func(matchString func(pat string, str string) (bool, error), benchmarks []testing.InternalBenchmark)
  2203. testing.Benchmark :: func(f func(b *testing.B)) testing.BenchmarkResult
  2204. testing.Coverage :: func() float64
  2205. testing.RegisterCover :: func(c testing.Cover)
  2206. testing.RunExamples :: func(matchString func(pat string, str string) (bool, error), examples []testing.InternalExample) (ok bool)
  2207. testing.Init :: func()
  2208. testing.Short :: func() bool
  2209. testing.Testing :: func() bool
  2210. testing.CoverMode :: func() string
  2211. testing.Verbose :: func() bool
  2212. testing.Main :: func(matchString func(pat string, str string) (bool, error), tests []testing.InternalTest, benchmarks []testing.InternalBenchmark, examples []testing.InternalExample)
  2213. testing.MainStart :: func(deps testing.testDeps, tests []testing.InternalTest, benchmarks []testing.InternalBenchmark, fuzzTargets []testing.InternalFuzzTarget, examples []testing.InternalExample) *testing.M
  2214. testing.RunTests :: func(matchString func(pat string, str string) (bool, error), tests []testing.InternalTest) (ok bool)
  2215. internal/testenv.MustHaveExec :: func(t testing.TB)
  2216. internal/testenv.MustHaveExecPath :: func(t testing.TB, path string)
  2217. internal/testenv.CleanCmdEnv :: func(cmd *os/exec.Cmd) *os/exec.Cmd
  2218. internal/testenv.CommandContext :: func(t testing.TB, ctx context.Context, name string, args ...string) *os/exec.Cmd
  2219. internal/testenv.Command :: func(t testing.TB, name string, args ...string) *os/exec.Cmd
  2220. internal/testenv.OptimizationOff :: func() bool
  2221. internal/testenv.Builder :: func() string
  2222. internal/testenv.HasGoBuild :: func() bool
  2223. internal/testenv.MustHaveGoBuild :: func(t testing.TB)
  2224. internal/testenv.HasGoRun :: func() bool
  2225. internal/testenv.MustHaveGoRun :: func(t testing.TB)
  2226. internal/testenv.HasParallelism :: func() bool
  2227. internal/testenv.MustHaveParallelism :: func(t testing.TB)
  2228. internal/testenv.GoToolPath :: func(t testing.TB) string
  2229. internal/testenv.GOROOT :: func(t testing.TB) string
  2230. internal/testenv.GoTool :: func() (string, error)
  2231. internal/testenv.HasSrc :: func() bool
  2232. internal/testenv.HasExternalNetwork :: func() bool
  2233. internal/testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork :: func(t testing.TB)
  2234. internal/testenv.HasCGO :: func() bool
  2235. internal/testenv.MustHaveCGO :: func(t testing.TB)
  2236. internal/testenv.CanInternalLink :: func(withCgo bool) bool
  2237. internal/testenv.MustInternalLink :: func(t testing.TB, withCgo bool)
  2238. internal/testenv.MustHaveBuildMode :: func(t testing.TB, buildmode string)
  2239. internal/testenv.HasSymlink :: func() bool
  2240. internal/testenv.MustHaveSymlink :: func(t testing.TB)
  2241. internal/testenv.HasLink :: func() bool
  2242. internal/testenv.MustHaveLink :: func(t testing.TB)
  2243. internal/testenv.SkipFlaky :: func(t testing.TB, issue int)
  2244. internal/testenv.SkipFlakyNet :: func(t testing.TB)
  2245. internal/testenv.CPUIsSlow :: func() bool
  2246. internal/testenv.SkipIfShortAndSlow :: func(t testing.TB)
  2247. internal/testenv.SkipIfOptimizationOff :: func(t testing.TB)
  2248. internal/testenv.WriteImportcfg :: func(t testing.TB, dstPath string, packageFiles map[string]string, pkgs ...string)
  2249. internal/testenv.SyscallIsNotSupported :: func(err error) bool
  2250. internal/testpty.Open :: func() (pty *os.File, processTTY string, err error)
  2251. internal/trace/v2/event.Names :: func(specs []internal/trace/v2/event.Spec) map[string]internal/trace/v2/event.Type
  2252. internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EventString :: func(typ internal/trace/v2/event.Type) string
  2253. internal/trace/v2/event/go122.Specs :: func() []internal/trace/v2/event.Spec
  2254. internal/trace/v2/version.ReadHeader :: func(r io.Reader) (internal/trace/v2/version.Version, error)
  2255. internal/trace/v2/version.WriteHeader :: func(w io.Writer, v internal/trace/v2/version.Version) (int, error)
  2256. internal/trace/v2.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader) (*internal/trace/v2.Reader, error)
  2257. internal/trace/v2.MakeResourceID :: func[T interface{internal/trace/v2.GoID | internal/trace/v2.ProcID | internal/trace/v2.ThreadID}](id T) internal/trace/v2.ResourceID
  2258. internal/trace.MutatorUtilization :: func(events []*internal/trace.Event, flags internal/trace.UtilFlags) [][]internal/trace.MutatorUtil
  2259. internal/trace.MutatorUtilizationV2 :: func(events []internal/trace/v2.Event, flags internal/trace.UtilFlags) [][]internal/trace.MutatorUtil
  2260. internal/trace.NewMMUCurve :: func(utils [][]internal/trace.MutatorUtil) *internal/trace.MMUCurve
  2261. internal/trace.GoroutineStats :: func(events []*internal/trace.Event) map[uint64]*internal/trace.GDesc
  2262. internal/trace.RelatedGoroutines :: func(events []*internal/trace.Event, goid uint64) map[uint64]bool
  2263. internal/trace.IsSystemGoroutine :: func(entryFn string) bool
  2264. internal/trace.Parse :: func(r io.Reader, bin string) (internal/trace.ParseResult, error)
  2265. internal/trace.ReadVersion :: func(r io.Reader) (ver int, off int, err error)
  2266. internal/trace.Print :: func(events []*internal/trace.Event)
  2267. internal/trace.PrintEvent :: func(ev *internal/trace.Event)
  2268. internal/trace.NewSummarizer :: func() *internal/trace.Summarizer
  2269. internal/trace.RelatedGoroutinesV2 :: func(events []internal/trace/v2.Event, goid internal/trace/v2.GoID) map[internal/trace/v2.GoID]struct{}
  2270. internal/trace.NewWriter :: func() *internal/trace.Writer
  2271. internal/trace/traceviewer.ViewerDataTraceConsumer :: func(w io.Writer, startIdx int64, endIdx int64) internal/trace/traceviewer.TraceConsumer
  2272. internal/trace/traceviewer.SplittingTraceConsumer :: func(max int) (*internal/trace/traceviewer.splitter, internal/trace/traceviewer.TraceConsumer)
  2273. internal/trace/traceviewer.WalkStackFrames :: func(allFrames map[string]internal/trace/traceviewer/format.Frame, id int, fn func(id int))
  2274. internal/trace/traceviewer.NewEmitter :: func(c internal/trace/traceviewer.TraceConsumer, rangeStart time.Duration, rangeEnd time.Duration) *internal/trace/traceviewer.Emitter
  2275. internal/trace/traceviewer.MainHandler :: func(views []internal/trace/traceviewer.View) net/http.Handler
  2276. internal/trace/traceviewer.TraceHandler :: func() net/http.Handler
  2277. internal/trace/traceviewer.StaticHandler :: func() net/http.Handler
  2278. internal/trace/traceviewer.MMUHandlerFunc :: func(ranges []internal/trace/traceviewer.Range, f internal/trace/traceviewer.MutatorUtilFunc) net/http.HandlerFunc
  2279. internal/trace/traceviewer.SVGProfileHandlerFunc :: func(f internal/trace/traceviewer.ProfileFunc) net/http.HandlerFunc
  2280. internal/trace/traceviewer.BuildProfile :: func(prof []internal/trace/traceviewer.ProfileRecord) *internal/profile.Profile
  2281. internal/trace/v2/raw.NewReader :: func(r io.Reader) (*internal/trace/v2/raw.Reader, error)
  2282. internal/trace/v2/raw.NewTextReader :: func(r io.Reader) (*internal/trace/v2/raw.TextReader, error)
  2283. internal/trace/v2/raw.NewTextWriter :: func(w io.Writer, v internal/trace/v2/version.Version) (*internal/trace/v2/raw.TextWriter, error)
  2284. internal/trace/v2/raw.NewWriter :: func(w io.Writer, v internal/trace/v2/version.Version) (*internal/trace/v2/raw.Writer, error)
  2285. internal/txtar.Format :: func(a *internal/txtar.Archive) []byte
  2286. internal/txtar.ParseFile :: func(file string) (*internal/txtar.Archive, error)
  2287. internal/txtar.Parse :: func(data []byte) *internal/txtar.Archive
  2288. internal/trace/v2/internal/testgen/go122.Main :: func(f func(*internal/trace/v2/internal/testgen/go122.Trace))
  2289. internal/trace/v2/internal/testgen/go122.NewTrace :: func() *internal/trace/v2/internal/testgen/go122.Trace
  2290. internal/trace/v2/testtrace.ExpectSuccess :: func() *internal/trace/v2/testtrace.Expectation
  2291. internal/trace/v2/testtrace.ParseExpectation :: func(data []byte) (*internal/trace/v2/testtrace.Expectation, error)
  2292. internal/trace/v2/testtrace.ParseFile :: func(testPath string) (io.Reader, *internal/trace/v2/testtrace.Expectation, error)
  2293. internal/trace/v2/testtrace.NewValidator :: func() *internal/trace/v2/testtrace.Validator
  2294. io/ioutil.ReadAll :: func(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error)
  2295. io/ioutil.ReadFile :: func(filename string) ([]byte, error)
  2296. io/ioutil.WriteFile :: func(filename string, data []byte, perm io/fs.FileMode) error
  2297. io/ioutil.ReadDir :: func(dirname string) ([]io/fs.FileInfo, error)
  2298. io/ioutil.NopCloser :: func(r io.Reader) io.ReadCloser
  2299. io/ioutil.TempFile :: func(dir string, pattern string) (f *os.File, err error)
  2300. io/ioutil.TempDir :: func(dir string, pattern string) (name string, err error)
  2301. log/slog/internal/buffer.New :: func() *log/slog/internal/buffer.Buffer
  2302. log/slog.String :: func(key string, value string) log/slog.Attr
  2303. log/slog.Int64 :: func(key string, value int64) log/slog.Attr
  2304. log/slog.Int :: func(key string, value int) log/slog.Attr
  2305. log/slog.Uint64 :: func(key string, v uint64) log/slog.Attr
  2306. log/slog.Float64 :: func(key string, v float64) log/slog.Attr
  2307. log/slog.Bool :: func(key string, v bool) log/slog.Attr
  2308. log/slog.Time :: func(key string, v time.Time) log/slog.Attr
  2309. log/slog.Duration :: func(key string, v time.Duration) log/slog.Attr
  2310. log/slog.Group :: func(key string, args ...any) log/slog.Attr
  2311. log/slog.Any :: func(key string, value any) log/slog.Attr
  2312. log/slog.NewJSONHandler :: func(w io.Writer, opts *log/slog.HandlerOptions) *log/slog.JSONHandler
  2313. log/slog.SetLogLoggerLevel :: func(level log/slog.Level) (oldLevel log/slog.Level)
  2314. log/slog.Default :: func() *log/slog.Logger
  2315. log/slog.SetDefault :: func(l *log/slog.Logger)
  2316. log/slog.New :: func(h log/slog.Handler) *log/slog.Logger
  2317. log/slog.With :: func(args ...any) *log/slog.Logger
  2318. log/slog.NewLogLogger :: func(h log/slog.Handler, level log/slog.Level) *log.Logger
  2319. log/slog.Debug :: func(msg string, args ...any)
  2320. log/slog.DebugContext :: func(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any)
  2321. log/slog.Info :: func(msg string, args ...any)
  2322. log/slog.InfoContext :: func(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any)
  2323. log/slog.Warn :: func(msg string, args ...any)
  2324. log/slog.WarnContext :: func(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any)
  2325. log/slog.Error :: func(msg string, args ...any)
  2326. log/slog.ErrorContext :: func(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any)
  2327. log/slog.Log :: func(ctx context.Context, level log/slog.Level, msg string, args ...any)
  2328. log/slog.LogAttrs :: func(ctx context.Context, level log/slog.Level, msg string, attrs ...log/slog.Attr)
  2329. log/slog.NewRecord :: func(t time.Time, level log/slog.Level, msg string, pc uintptr) log/slog.Record
  2330. log/slog.NewTextHandler :: func(w io.Writer, opts *log/slog.HandlerOptions) *log/slog.TextHandler
  2331. log/slog.StringValue :: func(value string) log/slog.Value
  2332. log/slog.IntValue :: func(v int) log/slog.Value
  2333. log/slog.Int64Value :: func(v int64) log/slog.Value
  2334. log/slog.Uint64Value :: func(v uint64) log/slog.Value
  2335. log/slog.Float64Value :: func(v float64) log/slog.Value
  2336. log/slog.BoolValue :: func(v bool) log/slog.Value
  2337. log/slog.TimeValue :: func(v time.Time) log/slog.Value
  2338. log/slog.DurationValue :: func(v time.Duration) log/slog.Value
  2339. log/slog.GroupValue :: func(as ...log/slog.Attr) log/slog.Value
  2340. log/slog.AnyValue :: func(v any) log/slog.Value
  2341. log/slog/internal/slogtest.RemoveTime :: func(groups []string, a log/slog.Attr) log/slog.Attr
  2342. log/syslog.New :: func(priority log/syslog.Priority, tag string) (*log/syslog.Writer, error)
  2343. log/syslog.Dial :: func(network string, raddr string, priority log/syslog.Priority, tag string) (*log/syslog.Writer, error)
  2344. log/syslog.NewLogger :: func(p log/syslog.Priority, logFlag int) (*log.Logger, error)
  2345. maps.Equal :: func[M1, M2 ~map[K]V, K, V comparable](m1 M1, m2 M2) bool
  2346. maps.EqualFunc :: func[M1 ~map[K]V1, M2 ~map[K]V2, K comparable, V1, V2 any](m1 M1, m2 M2, eq func(V1, V2) bool) bool
  2347. maps.Clone :: func[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](m M) M
  2348. maps.Copy :: func[M1 ~map[K]V, M2 ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](dst M1, src M2)
  2349. maps.DeleteFunc :: func[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](m M, del func(K, V) bool)
  2350. math/cmplx.Abs :: func(x complex128) float64
  2351. math/cmplx.Asin :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2352. math/cmplx.Asinh :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2353. math/cmplx.Acos :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2354. math/cmplx.Acosh :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2355. math/cmplx.Atan :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2356. math/cmplx.Atanh :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2357. math/cmplx.Conj :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2358. math/cmplx.Exp :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2359. math/cmplx.IsInf :: func(x complex128) bool
  2360. math/cmplx.Inf :: func() complex128
  2361. math/cmplx.IsNaN :: func(x complex128) bool
  2362. math/cmplx.NaN :: func() complex128
  2363. math/cmplx.Log :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2364. math/cmplx.Log10 :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2365. math/cmplx.Phase :: func(x complex128) float64
  2366. math/cmplx.Polar :: func(x complex128) (r float64, θ float64)
  2367. math/cmplx.Pow :: func(x complex128, y complex128) complex128
  2368. math/cmplx.Rect :: func(r float64, θ float64) complex128
  2369. math/cmplx.Sin :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2370. math/cmplx.Sinh :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2371. math/cmplx.Cos :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2372. math/cmplx.Cosh :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2373. math/cmplx.Sqrt :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2374. math/cmplx.Tan :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2375. math/cmplx.Tanh :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2376. math/cmplx.Cot :: func(x complex128) complex128
  2377. math/rand/v2.NewChaCha8 :: func(seed [32]byte) *math/rand/v2.ChaCha8
  2378. math/rand/v2.NewPCG :: func(seed1 uint64, seed2 uint64) *math/rand/v2.PCG
  2379. math/rand/v2.New :: func(src math/rand/v2.Source) *math/rand/v2.Rand
  2380. math/rand/v2.Int64 :: func() int64
  2381. math/rand/v2.Uint32 :: func() uint32
  2382. math/rand/v2.Uint64N :: func(n uint64) uint64
  2383. math/rand/v2.Uint32N :: func(n uint32) uint32
  2384. math/rand/v2.Uint64 :: func() uint64
  2385. math/rand/v2.Int32 :: func() int32
  2386. math/rand/v2.Int :: func() int
  2387. math/rand/v2.Int64N :: func(n int64) int64
  2388. math/rand/v2.Int32N :: func(n int32) int32
  2389. math/rand/v2.IntN :: func(n int) int
  2390. math/rand/v2.UintN :: func(n uint) uint
  2391. math/rand/v2.N :: func[Int math/rand/v2.intType](n Int) Int
  2392. math/rand/v2.Float64 :: func() float64
  2393. math/rand/v2.Float32 :: func() float32
  2394. math/rand/v2.Perm :: func(n int) []int
  2395. math/rand/v2.Shuffle :: func(n int, swap func(i int, j int))
  2396. math/rand/v2.NormFloat64 :: func() float64
  2397. math/rand/v2.ExpFloat64 :: func() float64
  2398. math/rand/v2.NewZipf :: func(r *math/rand/v2.Rand, s float64, v float64, imax uint64) *math/rand/v2.Zipf
  2399. net/http/cgi.Request :: func() (*net/http.Request, error)
  2400. net/http/cgi.RequestFromMap :: func(params map[string]string) (*net/http.Request, error)
  2401. net/http/cgi.Serve :: func(handler net/http.Handler) error
  2402. net/http/cookiejar.New :: func(o *net/http/cookiejar.Options) (*net/http/cookiejar.Jar, error)
  2403. net/http/fcgi.Serve :: func(l net.Listener, handler net/http.Handler) error
  2404. net/http/fcgi.ProcessEnv :: func(r *net/http.Request) map[string]string
  2405. net/http/httptest.NewRequest :: func(method string, target string, body io.Reader) *net/http.Request
  2406. net/http/httptest.NewRecorder :: func() *net/http/httptest.ResponseRecorder
  2407. net/http/httptest.NewServer :: func(handler net/http.Handler) *net/http/httptest.Server
  2408. net/http/httptest.NewUnstartedServer :: func(handler net/http.Handler) *net/http/httptest.Server
  2409. net/http/httptest.NewTLSServer :: func(handler net/http.Handler) *net/http/httptest.Server
  2410. net/http/httputil.DumpRequestOut :: func(req *net/http.Request, body bool) ([]byte, error)
  2411. net/http/httputil.DumpRequest :: func(req *net/http.Request, body bool) ([]byte, error)
  2412. net/http/httputil.DumpResponse :: func(resp *net/http.Response, body bool) ([]byte, error)
  2413. net/http/httputil.NewChunkedReader :: func(r io.Reader) io.Reader
  2414. net/http/httputil.NewChunkedWriter :: func(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser
  2415. net/http/httputil.NewServerConn :: func(c net.Conn, r *bufio.Reader) *net/http/httputil.ServerConn
  2416. net/http/httputil.NewClientConn :: func(c net.Conn, r *bufio.Reader) *net/http/httputil.ClientConn
  2417. net/http/httputil.NewProxyClientConn :: func(c net.Conn, r *bufio.Reader) *net/http/httputil.ClientConn
  2418. net/http/httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy :: func(target *net/url.URL) *net/http/httputil.ReverseProxy
  2419. runtime/pprof.WithLabels :: func(ctx context.Context, labels runtime/pprof.LabelSet) context.Context
  2420. runtime/pprof.Labels :: func(args ...string) runtime/pprof.LabelSet
  2421. runtime/pprof.Label :: func(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, bool)
  2422. runtime/pprof.ForLabels :: func(ctx context.Context, f func(key string, value string) bool)
  2423. runtime/pprof.NewProfile :: func(name string) *runtime/pprof.Profile
  2424. runtime/pprof.Lookup :: func(name string) *runtime/pprof.Profile
  2425. runtime/pprof.Profiles :: func() []*runtime/pprof.Profile
  2426. runtime/pprof.WriteHeapProfile :: func(w io.Writer) error
  2427. runtime/pprof.StartCPUProfile :: func(w io.Writer) error
  2428. runtime/pprof.StopCPUProfile :: func()
  2429. runtime/pprof.SetGoroutineLabels :: func(ctx context.Context)
  2430. runtime/pprof.Do :: func(ctx context.Context, labels runtime/pprof.LabelSet, f func(context.Context))
  2431. net/http/pprof.Cmdline :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r *net/http.Request)
  2432. net/http/pprof.Profile :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r *net/http.Request)
  2433. net/http/pprof.Trace :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r *net/http.Request)
  2434. net/http/pprof.Symbol :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r *net/http.Request)
  2435. net/http/pprof.Handler :: func(name string) net/http.Handler
  2436. net/http/pprof.Index :: func(w net/http.ResponseWriter, r *net/http.Request)
  2437. net/mail.ReadMessage :: func(r io.Reader) (msg *net/mail.Message, err error)
  2438. net/mail.ParseDate :: func(date string) (time.Time, error)
  2439. net/mail.ParseAddress :: func(address string) (*net/mail.Address, error)
  2440. net/mail.ParseAddressList :: func(list string) ([]*net/mail.Address, error)
  2441. net/rpc.NewClient :: func(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) *net/rpc.Client
  2442. net/rpc.NewClientWithCodec :: func(codec net/rpc.ClientCodec) *net/rpc.Client
  2443. net/rpc.DialHTTP :: func(network string, address string) (*net/rpc.Client, error)
  2444. net/rpc.DialHTTPPath :: func(network string, address string, path string) (*net/rpc.Client, error)
  2445. net/rpc.Dial :: func(network string, address string) (*net/rpc.Client, error)
  2446. net/rpc.NewServer :: func() *net/rpc.Server
  2447. net/rpc.Register :: func(rcvr any) error
  2448. net/rpc.RegisterName :: func(name string, rcvr any) error
  2449. net/rpc.ServeConn :: func(conn io.ReadWriteCloser)
  2450. net/rpc.ServeCodec :: func(codec net/rpc.ServerCodec)
  2451. net/rpc.ServeRequest :: func(codec net/rpc.ServerCodec) error
  2452. net/rpc.Accept :: func(lis net.Listener)
  2453. net/rpc.HandleHTTP :: func()
  2454. net/rpc/jsonrpc.NewClientCodec :: func(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) net/rpc.ClientCodec
  2455. net/rpc/jsonrpc.NewClient :: func(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) *net/rpc.Client
  2456. net/rpc/jsonrpc.Dial :: func(network string, address string) (*net/rpc.Client, error)
  2457. net/rpc/jsonrpc.NewServerCodec :: func(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) net/rpc.ServerCodec
  2458. net/rpc/jsonrpc.ServeConn :: func(conn io.ReadWriteCloser)
  2459. net/smtp.PlainAuth :: func(identity string, username string, password string, host string) net/smtp.Auth
  2460. net/smtp.CRAMMD5Auth :: func(username string, secret string) net/smtp.Auth
  2461. net/smtp.Dial :: func(addr string) (*net/smtp.Client, error)
  2462. net/smtp.NewClient :: func(conn net.Conn, host string) (*net/smtp.Client, error)
  2463. net/smtp.SendMail :: func(addr string, a net/smtp.Auth, from string, to []string, msg []byte) error
  2464. os/exec/internal/fdtest.Exists :: func(fd uintptr) bool
  2465. os/signal.Ignore :: func(sig ...os.Signal)
  2466. os/signal.Ignored :: func(sig os.Signal) bool
  2467. os/signal.Notify :: func(c chan<- os.Signal, sig ...os.Signal)
  2468. os/signal.Reset :: func(sig ...os.Signal)
  2469. os/signal.Stop :: func(c chan<- os.Signal)
  2470. os/signal.NotifyContext :: func(parent context.Context, signals ...os.Signal) (ctx context.Context, stop context.CancelFunc)
  2471. plugin.Open :: func(path string) (*plugin.Plugin, error)
  2472. runtime/coverage.WriteMetaDir :: func(dir string) error
  2473. runtime/coverage.WriteMeta :: func(w io.Writer) error
  2474. runtime/coverage.WriteCountersDir :: func(dir string) error
  2475. runtime/coverage.WriteCounters :: func(w io.Writer) error
  2476. runtime/coverage.ClearCounters :: func() error
  2477. runtime/internal/startlinetest.AsmFunc :: func() int
  2478. runtime/metrics.All :: func() []runtime/metrics.Description
  2479. runtime/metrics.Read :: func(m []runtime/metrics.Sample)
  2480. testing/iotest.NewWriteLogger :: func(prefix string, w io.Writer) io.Writer
  2481. testing/iotest.NewReadLogger :: func(prefix string, r io.Reader) io.Reader
  2482. testing/iotest.OneByteReader :: func(r io.Reader) io.Reader
  2483. testing/iotest.HalfReader :: func(r io.Reader) io.Reader
  2484. testing/iotest.DataErrReader :: func(r io.Reader) io.Reader
  2485. testing/iotest.TimeoutReader :: func(r io.Reader) io.Reader
  2486. testing/iotest.ErrReader :: func(err error) io.Reader
  2487. testing/iotest.TestReader :: func(r io.Reader, content []byte) error
  2488. testing/iotest.TruncateWriter :: func(w io.Writer, n int64) io.Writer
  2489. testing/fstest.TestFS :: func(fsys io/fs.FS, expected ...string) error
  2490. testing/quick.Value :: func(t reflect.Type, rand *math/rand.Rand) (value reflect.Value, ok bool)
  2491. testing/quick.Check :: func(f any, config *testing/quick.Config) error
  2492. testing/quick.CheckEqual :: func(f any, g any, config *testing/quick.Config) error
  2493. testing/slogtest.TestHandler :: func(h log/slog.Handler, results func() []map[string]any) error
  2494. testing/slogtest.Run :: func(t *testing.T, newHandler func(*testing.T) log/slog.Handler, result func(*testing.T) map[string]any)
  2495. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.TestConn :: func(t *testing.T, mp vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.MakePipe)
  2496. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.SupportsIPv4 :: func() bool
  2497. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.SupportsIPv6 :: func() bool
  2498. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.SupportsRawSocket :: func() bool
  2499. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.TestableNetwork :: func(network string) bool
  2500. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.TestableAddress :: func(network string, address string) bool
  2501. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.NewLocalListener :: func(network string) (net.Listener, error)
  2502. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.NewLocalPacketListener :: func(network string) (net.PacketConn, error)
  2503. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.LocalPath :: func() (string, error)
  2504. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.MulticastSource :: func(network string, ifi *net.Interface) (net.IP, error)
  2505. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.LoopbackInterface :: func() (*net.Interface, error)
  2506. vendor/golang.org/x/net/nettest.RoutedInterface :: func(network string, flags net.Flags) (*net.Interface, error)